2015 European Nationals Info

By the way, shoutouts to everyone at Eidhoven! You are awesome!
These were my decks:


You can get away with a much looser R&D when you’re playing RP versus EtF, though. A lower agenda density where several agendas are very hard to steal means you’re less likely to have the runner Maker’s Eye into a bunch of points.

But the principle still stands - you want to invest just enough into R&D defense that the runner is unlikely to win the game there before you score out - but no more.


Corps should draw more cards in general, especially against Kate


maybe not the right thread for it, but I’d love it if you could expand on that idea in a post, if you have the time.

Was great meeting everyone over the weekend :slight_smile:
Will definitely visit against next year, you were all awesome friendly!

Apart from that @zwobot guy :wink:
Bully :wink:


He drank more then you? :wink:

Btw, the Swis leader, with Haarp, what was that deck? Kill? FA?

I died 2nd turn against him :sob:


Butchershop. Quinten got Old Hollywood on the day, decided on a whim that Harpsichord was more interesting than NEH and then proceeded to dominate the field with it. :smiley: Gotta love it.

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Dutch nationals were awesome, on the first day with just side events we already had 10 nationalities present. Irish, Scottish, English, Finnish, Belgian, Greek, Croatian, German, Austrian, and of course Dutch. That is what I call European spirit, I had a blast meeting old friends (and adversaries :stuck_out_tongue: ) and meet a ton of new people and all were simply great to have around.


Just quoting this to once again bring it to the attention to everybody. Mats don’t grow wings and go grab a burger.


The Dutch community is aware, its posted in the local forum. Lets hope

Thanks, I really hope I’m able to get it back. It would be so sad to ruin my memories of such a great tournament.

[quote=“ff0x, post:451, topic:3635, full:true”]
Dutch nationals were awesome, on the first day with just side events we already had 10 nationalities present. Irish, Scottish, English, Finnish, Belgian, Greek, Croatian, German, Austrian, and of course Dutch.[/quote]
What austrian(s) were present?

The one that actually owns a Dutch passport!

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