2015 European Nationals Info

Not everyone knows english to be comfortable while playing, especially if it involves a lot of text. I’m fluent in english, but I have many polish cards (they were discontinued before Honor & Profit) for easier explaining to new players.


Germans translate everything,

Seriously, don’t try watching any tv shows on german television(or worse, those anime things)


My girl is translator. Is good for our family “economy” that Germans translate everything :stuck_out_tongue:


Yeah, I’ve noticed that. Also, is Dragonball Z a communist show?

The French translations of anime are horrible aswell. :wink:

My fiance translated the Power Rangers in French :S

oh my god I found a goldmine


Well… :blush:

Let’s say it was not hokuto no ken level of translation. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, are you willing to play a polish, french or german boardgame without an english translation ?


A good point.

To most: Yes, french depends on the amount of text involved in the game itself

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If you got a really dry eurogame without much fluff and without a translation of the ruleset, I’m gonna bet it’s gonna be painful for an american to play this game.
Rules translations found on BGG are still translations.

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Dudes. In Africa we got 20 netrunner players total. 2 LOTRLCG players. And we have to buy our own GNK kits. You all in Europe got it good.

Yeah, me too. No shops interested in Netrunner here. And from last year the distributor doesn’t organize the Nationals, but a shop does.


Its a shame our German friends aren’t allowing other participants this year, I’d have made the trip. Maybe next year. I always enjoy my trips to the Fatherland.

I’m not that sure if fighting those rules would piss everyone off. The publisher who introduced such rules, probably yes, but the community?

A year ago I was thinking about going to play in Berlin Regionals. Due to Heidelberger (German publisher) banning cards which are not in German or English I had no legal deck (all of my cards up to Double Time are in Polish). When I complained about that rule (semi-publicly, i.e. in some German Netrunner facebook group or maybe at the event page for the tournament) clear majority of German players agreed the rule is idiotic and they’d prefer it to not exist, and soon I got a message from @ff0x saying he can bring me cards for whatever deck I’d like to play at that event :slight_smile: I ended up not going to that tournament for reasons not related to Heidelberger tournament rules, but I feel that if I tried to openly challenge them, most of the community would support this.

Publishers translate because they believe this will earn them money. There are people who don’t feel comfortable enough with English to play a complicated card game which is not translated. If there are enough of them, some publisher will go and meet their needs.

Polish translation was stopped after Double Time - it turned out that it was no longer profitable. But there are people who started playing because there was a Polish version and when it stopped, they already liked the game enough to put effort into switching to English cards. Some of them would not put this effort if they were to start in English before they knew they like the game.


I sended this evening a mail to Europe Direct asking if it is really illegal and what i can do for denounce it. In 3 days i will have my answer. Because is a shame that Heidelberg isnt allowing other participants when in the rest of european countries you can participate without problems. My problem is with the publisher, not with the Germans or the german community, in fact i think that with this idiotic rule it only destroys the real meaning of community. Last holidays my girlfriend and i participated in a event at brussels where we can play for 2 days in a lot of tournaments, and test new games, it was amazing. I cant believe that someone can make rules only for forbid the participation of foreigner players

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Last year I played in Dusseldorf regionals (made it to top8 woohoo), and I also played in german Nationals (I might have been the only non German there).

For nationals only germans were allowed for the top prize (paid trip to USA), but everything else was fair game.

Not sure why it has changed this year, does anyone know? @ff0x?

People were getting annoyed last year about the the fact the top prize could only be won by a german(@hsiale). Thus Heidelberger decided to limit the entire event to Germans, avoiding this issue

The bye and plane ticket could only be won by a French player in the French national. I still had a blast and won nice prizes and I don’t think anyone complained… Seems drastic from Heidelberger.

Are France, Germany and the UK the only countries with a plane ticket btw? I hope Belgium changes this :stuck_out_tongue: but I guess the tournament is not be big enough (last year around 50 people, in France over a 100).