2016 Store Championships in Michigan, U.S.A

We had the GYGO Store Championship this past Saturday with 16 players (updated at the top). @Chromatically won again, but that allowed @greyfield to get the Regional Bye.

I T.O.'d this event, so I have access to all the stats, here are the Top 4 (same in Swiss and Elimination) and some stats:

  1. Steven
    (Kate “Mac” McCaffrey (-1 Scavenge, +1 Notoriety) / Near-Earth Hub) - 14 (SoS 2.00000/2.28125) - Wins: 4 Runner 3 Corp
  2. Ryan
    (Hayley Kaplan / Blue Sun) - 10 (SoS 2.75000/2.03125 - Wins: 4 Runner 1 Corp
  3. Chris
    (Leela Patel / Engineering the Future) - 10 (SoS 2.12500/2.31250) - Wins: 3 Runner 2 Corp
  4. Tim (me)
    (Hayley Kaplan / Building a Better World) - 10 (SoS 2.12500/2.21875) - Wins: 3 Runner 2 Corp

Steven used @Calimsha’s Hyperdriver Mac deck to go undefeated in Runner games. His one change of switching in Notoriety for Scavenge was inspired, allowing him to win both of his elimination runner games. His NEH (credit to @FoilFlaws / @spags) only dropped one game to Ryan’s Hayley in Swiss.

Ryan used an unconventional Activist Support/Blackmail Hayley deck to earn himself a Regional Bye, by going undefeated with it in Swiss and dropping just one game to Steven’s NEH in elimination.

There was a fairly good representation of all factions on the day except for Criminal, but that faction’s lone representative, Leela, made it all the way to 3rd, and HB, which also made it 3rd.

There was a strong contingent of Weyland, probably to counter the heavy Anarch threat. This strategy worked out well, since Weyland was able to win 7 of 11 games against Anarch, but it was not nearly as good as NEH’s 5 out of 6.

In the end, none of the 7 Anarchs made the cut. Despite that, the Runner was slightly more successful on the day winning nearly 53%.