7-point CI shutdown puzzle thread

I think path finding is pretty much the way to go about it, though there are two quick optimisation steps:

  1. Embed some reasonable heuristics about card play order.
  2. Store a library of solutions (no need to refind the path if it matches an existing solution)

Additionally assuming sufficient credits simplifies the problem significantly (as you now only care about combo cards).

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Dan’s exactsies yesterday on Top Deck.



  • Biotic 4 ****
  • Archived EC 4 ***
  • SFMM (EC, Jackson, PV) 5 **
  • PS 6 *
  • AD (Biotic, RO AD, Interns Jackson) 12 **
  • AD (SFSS, SFSS, Interns Jackson) 13 *
  • score EC, take 3 13 ****
  • click for credit 13 ***
  • AD (Interns GFI, SFSS, Kaguya) 14 **
  • Kaguya, Kaguya 14[/spoiler]

Is that correct?

Yea that’s the line, although he AM’d for Jackson then Interns’d EC. I thought you’d missed it because he only had 13 creds but you’ve got the click for credit in there. Double Kaguya saving 2 creds all else being even is a nice heuristic, I’d only ever thought about saving the Rec Order 1 before but not the fact you can click before you AD off that and would have “needed” one more, then ended with a spare click.

Come on, the 2 credit save from having 2 SFK in hand is old hat :stuck_out_tongue: it was first shown all the way back in puzzle #4!

BTW, if you have sublim in your deck, it can be done for 12 credits instead of 13 (by using it as an interns that gains a credit):

biotic ($8 and **** clicks left)
sfmm JVF 7 ***
ps 6 **
AD -> intern jackson, RO AD, sublim 5 **
AD -> intern EC, SFSS x2 4 *
get clicks 4 ****
AM and play jackson 4 **
click for credit 5 *
AD -> SFSS, SFK, biotic 0 **
SFK x2 and win


Almost correct. Worth noting that EC was not in archives at the time, so one crucial part of the trick here is that you do PS before you do AM and SFMM. Otherwise this is exactly right, except you can swap EC for JH at the combo-doer’s discretion.

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Even without subliminal, it can be done for 12 credits by playing reuse.

PS 11**
BL 7***
Sfmm JVF 6**
AD : recl (AD) , Intern (JH) , BL 0***
Reuse ABT,PV,MoGo 6*
AD: BL, Intern JH ,SFSS(GFI) 1**
AD: Intern EC , 2x SFSS (EC) 0*
Score, take clicks 0****
AM SFK , 3x SFK and win 0


Another solution for 10 credits

PS 9**
Sfmm JVF 8*
AD: reclam(AD) , Intern JH , BL 2**
AD: Intern EC , 2x SFSS 1*
Score and gain clicks 1****
AM JH + Install 1**
sfk 1*
AD : sfss , 2x sfk
score and win


Here’s a situation that came up in training for Store Champs. You got siphoned last turn, but you scored 2 agendas via Biotic earlier to get rid of estrikes. How do you combo? Note: You are playing Dan’s CI deck.

My solution (which might not be ideal at all):


  • PS 1 **
  • SFMSS (JH, PV, ABT) 2 *
  • AD (Hedge fund, biotic, biotic) 7 ****
  • Triple Kaguya from hand to score[/spoiler]
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and here’s another one courtesy of combolord @fridtjof
You have been estriked, and the runner refuses to run. You installed a naked 3/2 last turn in order to bait the runner, but suddenly you’re not sure - can you even combo?! Thankfully you scored an agenda earlier to get rid of another estrike.

our solution:

[spoiler]- PS 1 **

  • Install Jackson 1 *
  • AD (Interns Jackson, Biotic, RO AD) 7 **
  • AD (Interns Jackson, SfMM (PV, GFI), SfSS GFI) 9 *
  • AD (Triple Kaguya) to score 10[/spoiler]

I think both puzzles are reasonably easy as far as this stuff goes, hope newer combolords will enjoy!

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Worth noting that the 3rd line in your example is 7 credits, but otherwise looks good. Examples like this make me wish the SM wasn’t cut, although I understand the reason usually. Here’s my answer:

sfmm(JH, GFI, blank) 1 **
PS 2 *
AD (SFSS(GFI), BL, interns(JH)) 7 **
SFK(GFI) 7 *
AD (SFSS(GFI), blank, blank) 8
score GFI

Unfortunately your solution for this last puzzle is also missing a credit for the 4th line, which I think makes it unfinishable. Can’t think of a solution to it, even if SM is in the deck.

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I just made up the credits, will fix it in a bit. I was kinda glad that they worked out because I did not do the math at all.
Edit: Fixed it.

Puzzle #4: $17 solution through Clot

Shutdown ($1, **)
SFMM JH, PV, EC ($2, *)
AD -> BL, RO(JH), SFMM (JHx2) ($9, **)
AD -> BL, SFSS(EC), SFSS(EC) ($14, ***)
Interns CVS ($14, *)
Score EC w/ CVS ($17, ****)
AD -> Interns (GFI), SFSS(GFI), Subliminal ($17, ****)
SFK x3, score win ($17, *)

Interns is in hand

Okay I don’t actually know if this particular puzzle has already been uploaded, but I just came about this situation in game, and found it too good not to share.


The last mandatory draw was the final card of your deck.
Sublim Message is in the bin - optionally decline bringing it into hand.
There is only 1 EC available to score.
All combo cards are in hand and the only card stuck here is Reuse.

Now combo through Clot [already on the table] and 3 Sac Con.

One solution:

[spoiler]- Biotic 24****

  • Biotic 20*****
  • Sfmm JH,JH,CVS - Purge 16****
  • AD -> Biotic, Biotic, intern CVS 7*******
  • Sfmm JH, EC, GFI 6******
  • Purge + Purge 3***
  • AD -> Sfss, Sfss, intern CVS 2**
  • Click for credit - Purge 0*
  • get clicks 0****
  • Click for credit 1***
  • AD -> Sfss, intern Vitru, Sublim 1***
  • SFK x3 to win with a surplus of 1 credit.

Is there something to be improved or easier ways to purge without including cyberdex trial?

Assuming no CC here based on what you’ve said, here’s my solution:

BL BL 8 *****
sfmm (JH, JH, JH) 9 ****
sfmm (EC, GFI, CVS) 10 ***
rez CVS and purge 13 ***
AD (SFSS(EC), SFSS(EC), interns(CVS)) 14 **
rez CVS and purge 17 **
AD (interns(CVS), Hedge Fund, BL) 18 ***
rez CVS and purge 21 ***
install PV 21 **
AD (interns(CVS), SM, SFSS(GFI)) 21 **
rez CVS and purge 24 **, score EC and take clicks 24 *****
take 2 credits (no real reason to either do or not do this): 22 ***
SFK x3, score and win. 22 credits

If they have multiple CC then you want to score in as few windows as possible (and never purge unless you can score). I’m not sure this is possible wiht 28 credits but lets see how close we can get.

BL BL 8 *****
sfmm+sfmm (JH, JH, JH, EC, GFI, CVS) 10 ***
install PV 10 **
AD (SFSS(EC), SFSS(EC), BL) 15 ***
rez CVS, purge 18 ***
AD (interns(CVS), SFSS(GFI), BL) 23 ****
rez CVS, purge 26 ****
AD (interns(CVS), SM, BL) 30 *****
rez CVS, purge 33 *****
AM(CVS), install CVS, rez and purge, 36 ***
score EC and take clicks 36 ******
SFK x3 on GFI+PV, purge manually to score.

Not elegant but it works:

SFMM 2x Jackson, CVS 1 **
Biotic 5 ***
Purge 8 *** (-> Clot 2 SC)
AD Interns CVS, Biotic, SfMM (EC, GFI, PV) 14 ****
Purge 17 **** (-> Clot 1 SC)
AM CVS 17 ***
AD (SfMM Jhow, CVS, Biotic, SfSS) EC 23 ****
Purge 26 **** (-> Clot)
AD (interns CVS, Sfss EC, Sfss GFI) 27 ***
click for credits twice (or Reuse stuff) 25 *
purge 28 *
score ec, take clicks 28 ****
triple kaguya to win
with Reuse for 5 cards (3 agendas, SfMM, Biotic) it takes “only” 20c

As long as you have spare combo slots and no EC barrier to worry about, the triple-click purge is always more inefficient than internsing the CVS over and over. No clone chip also lets you resequence your heart out. I’ve got it in 16 credits:

BL 4 ****
CVS 9 **
AD -> interns CVS, hedge, hedge 2 *
CVS 5 *
AD -> interns CVS, SFSS, sublim 5 *
CVS 8 *
BL 12 **
AD -> interns CVS, SFSS, SFSS 13 *
CVS 16 *
get EC clicks 16 ****
Install PV 16 ***
SFKs and win 16

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Puzzle 27. Score 7 points. Believed to be impossible.

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