Agenda Composition: Are 3/1s Any Good?

Yeah I acknowledged above that I misread it.

Still only useful if the runner actually needs money for the rest of the run though, so it won’t touch stealth decks. Also, you have at most three copies of Iress in the deck and would be lucky to see them all in a game; you will have at least four servers in play, so rocking 5 BP without Iress on a server is still giving the runner a lot of value. The BP is still a massive liability.

In my old Personal Worskhop deck I was using running into Ice Walls as an economy play against Weyland decks that took too much BP. That’s still quite viable now with SMC, Clone Chip and Savoir Faire.

I disagree that Iress is the best BP mitigation card. It’s a dead card until you have BP and against Yog (arguably the most popular codegate breaker) and there are a few runner builds that don’t care about the credit loss anyway. I would say Veterans Program is better, simply because it’s still doing the job of getting you towards a win even when you have no BP, so it’s never a dead draw.

Veteran’s Program is a dead draw (and worse, a liability) when you don’t have the capability to score an agenda. You don’t need all three copies of Ireress in play, just one over R&D and maybe one over HQ depending on the runner. If you do draw all three, that’s great, stack a couple on R&D and BP ends up helping you!

I’d say that the mere existence of Lotus Field makes Ireress playable, where it wasn’t before.

Well, I guess I’ll wait and see.

That argument doesn’t really apply because it’s true of any agenda. You didn’t put Veteran’s Program in your deck solely for its ability, you put it in because the rules state that you have to include 20 points of agendas. If it wasn’t Veteran’s Program then it would be a different agenda - which would be every bit as “dead” and a “liability” as VP in the scenario you describe.

If you’ve got to the point where you’re considering agendas as dead cards then you’ve lost :smile:

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Except for Hostile Takeover :stuck_out_tongue:

Haha, I guess… but even with that you can’t score it from $0.

It is true of almost any agenda, but I would rather use 2 or 3 point agendas so that that situation occurs less. As mentioned, 2/1 agendas aren’t dead in this case.

Yeah I’d rather use 2 and 3 point agendas as well (the whole purpose of this thread), but if my deck was heavy on BP and I had to have a solution to mitigate some of it I’d favour Vet Program over Iress. Actually, with the new Weyland ID I’d probably be looking to recur Elizabeth Mills every turn…

Blue Sun does make Elizabeth Mills better for Bad Pub removal, true. However, I still think the best approach is to build a deck that doesn’t care about bad pub (some sort of program trash most likely) and then consider Ireress as a taxing option sans-yog.

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I still want to see @Heartthrob’s 59-card Personal Evolution deck - it has me intrigued.


Quick update: the list I played yesterday performed very well (4-1, mostly blowout victories, with the only loss being to an insane shuffle of all 11 agendas in the top 15 cards). I’m considering whether to play it at one of the other regionals as well, so I’ll hold off on publishing it for now.

Remind me, was this a Jinteki PE?

Nah, that would make it less applicable as a general argument, since 3/1s have added value in PE decks specifically - this is Tennin.

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Is this the Wrocław Regionals so I have a chance to see the deck in action?

Considering it for Vienna. I might play it in Wroclaw as well, depending on how I like its performance this week :slight_smile:

Worst case scenario, I’ll take it with me and we can play a casual.

Well really worst case scenario (from me playing vs you point of view) is that the tournament has huge number of players and I have zero time to do anything other than TO duties :smile: We’ll see. Good to hear you’re planning to come. BTW Tennin is very popular currently in Poland, yesterday there was a Regionals in Poznan and there were 3 of those in top 8 including the winner.

Wow, I want to see those lists! I’ve been playing around with Tennin, and I’d love to see what people are winning with

Guys! Guys! What about Cell Portal and Ireress :smiley:

Posted over in the Tennin thread, published on NRDB.