All that Remains on NRDB

You did warn them.

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We weren’t warned. We were ‘warned.’


Whizzard: Master Gamer (What Lies Ahead)

Event (12)
2x Deja Vu (Core Set)
2x The Maker’s Eye (Core Set) 4inf
3x Sure Gamble (Core Set)
1x Levy AR Lab Access (Creation and Control) 3 inf
2x Dirty Laundry (Creation and Control)
2x Legwork (Honor and Profit) 4 inf

Hardware (3)
3x Ekomind (All That Remains)

Resource (16)
3x Armitage Codebusting (Core Set)
3x Public Sympathy (Cyber Exodus)
2x Kati Jones (Humanity’s Shadow)
3x Daily Casts (Creation and Control)
2x The Source (Creation and Control) 4 inf
3x Duggar’s (First Contact)

Icebreaker (3)
3x Overmind (Honor and Profit)

Program (12)
3x Datasucker (Core Set)
1x Djinn (Core Set)
1x Medium (Core Set)
3x Imp (What Lies Ahead)
1x Nerve Agent (Cyber Exodus)
3x Origami (Up and Over)

15 influence spent (maximum 15)
46 cards (min 45)
Cards up to All That Remains

Just sayin.

And then they play Sweeps Week and you’re super sad


I’m looking at a super similar deck to that whizzard but with Quetzal, 3 Deus ex instead of levy and e3 instead of supplier. I’d suggest stimhack since its downsides are basically nothing.

Needs more Stim Dealer!

Why bother actually running?

(If I had enough influence to run Power Nap, Lucky Find and Levy together I reckon this would actually work - I’m rather glad that I don’t)

"Un-interactive Noise AKA I hate this game sometimes"
Noise: Hacker Extraordinaire (Core Set)

Event (16)
3x Sure Gamble (Core Set)
2x Levy AR Lab Access (Creation and Control) ••••• •
3x Dirty Laundry (Creation and Control)
3x Queen’s Gambit (Double Time)
2x Lucky Find (Double Time) ••••
3x Mass Install (Honor and Profit)

Hardware (1)
1x Ekomind (All That Remains)

Resource (7)
3x Public Sympathy (Cyber Exodus)
3x Duggar’s (First Contact)
1x Hades Shard (First Contact) •

Icebreaker (2)
2x Crypsis (Core)

Program (19)
3x Datasucker (Core Set)
3x Parasite (Core Set)
3x Imp (What Lies Ahead)
1x Gorman Drip v1 (Opening Moves) •
3x Lamprey (Upstalk)
3x Cache (The Spaces Between) •••
3x Origami (Up and Over)

15 influence spent (maximum 15)
45 cards (min 45)
Cards up to All That Remains

Sure you do - Sensei Spags has shown us the way already.

I actually built that thing (after tweaking it to be less “rofl” and more “actual playable deck”), and it works surprisingly well. Could use a way to tutor Duggar’s, but that’s what mulligans are for, amirite?


They’re a bit different. Spags’ deck actually made runs other than Dirty Laundry :smile:.

Actually you’re right. You only need one Levy because you are never going to give the corp a way to damage you. So that opens up an influence split of 1x Levy (3), 2x Lucky Find (4), 3x Power Nap (6), 1x Hades Shard (1) and 1x Cache (1). Then you add Singularity and Frame Job. Problem is that you lose Cache and Gorman, which limits your cheap viruses.

If you want to tutor for Duggar’s then you can always run 3x Inject. Sure you lose a virus or two, but in the grand scheme of things it doesn’t matter. Once the engine is down you’ll be cycling your deck anyway.

I might give it a go. I’ll take this and Tricksy CI to a games night and no-one will ever play me again :-).


As noted, this deck will gain traction post-O&C, just in time for SCs. Tourney worthy? Perhaps not, but could be quite fun.

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Not sure if anyone has picked up on this yet, but Shell Corporation is an upgrade, not an asset. I think that makes it significantly more powerful because it can live in your well-defended scoring remote, rather than needing its own dedicated server.

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Or it can sit on your failed Overwriter in PE Shell Games.

Sooner or later, Singularity will become playable I’m sure.


Possibly even the romp.

Or your Ronin, to further bluff it as an Overwriter. Mind games!

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I wouldn’t go that far. Singularity is at least useful against ASH as well.

A four cost double is rough, but with upgrades becoming more costly it’s possible.

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Singularity costs influence and shaper decks are pretty tight these days. And as has been said, a 4 cost double is expensive. Here’s what the numbers really look like, ash aside:

Something with 3x mushin-noshin counters & shell corp.

Singularity: 4 & 2 clicks to trash both cards, no accesses. +X to break whatever is guarding it.

Romp: 4 & 2 clicks to access and trash either card. +2X to break whatever is guarding it.

So, Romp lets you steal the agenda fake-out or deal with whatever is there as you like. But, if there is any ice, romp costs more since you have to run twice. Cards like hemorrage and desperado like this more though, so running more could give you some synergy. You could have your second run be a dirty laundry, for instance. You lose these options if you’re running singularity.

Singularity hits more stuff though doesn’t care about the trash costs of partner upgrades/assets/agendas. It trashes stuff face down, but you run very little risk. Singularity also isn’t weak to a lack of advancement counters.

Romp isn’t that good, but its dead against about as many decks as singularity is. If you’re in shaper and you want singularity, I think you have to consider if Romp is a better alternative so that you don’t have to spend influence on a solution. Especially if most of these mind games are happening in Jinteki’s naked servers.

But if you’re seriously considering either card, you also have to take a good long look in the mirror and ask yourself “Should I be playing netrunner?”


Or you could ask, why ruin good card concepts by overcosting them?


It’s possible we’ll see future cards that make cards like Singularity worthwhile. I hope so. It’s cool.

It briefly became viable in our meta when I was running ash & midway station grid; I’ve moved away from the deck because its really slow. It’s a great deck, but slow.