An archetype name question

My apologies for the misinterpretation. My post looks way awful looking back now. I still don’t like the deck name, but i made an ass out of myself


regass-gumonshoe post


Unfortunately. :frowning:


I miss hoobajoo’s posts

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If I make a deck and start insisting that it be called a specific thing, would that take hold on the community? Like if I made a denial deck, and told everyone what the list was and to call it hate pants, would that work?

Eh, the community does as the community does. Sometimes they take deck names, sometimes they name it themselves. Occasionally a deck gets discovered, and someone else changes a card and post is, and that’s the deck (and name) that takes off because that’s the one that got seen more.

If the deck name didn’t take off, and you sat around and insisted people call it what you want, I don’t think anyone would care.

Fixed that for you.

That’s the difference between a dreamer and a leader sir

Even in that case, the name that stuck wasn’t the name that the author used for the deck.

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