Arkham Horror LCG Discussion


Let’s see, I can get down to Standish by probably five, maybe later since I’d arrive at rush hour. But evening rush hour is worse northbound, so should be okay, and I’ll be home by what, midnight? Sounds like a plan! I can do that, right? (Hates life)

Four player game yesterday, first scenario, already used up the guns. Small spoiler GP arrived with 20 (lol) health as the third stage of the agenda arrives.

OKAY F THIS HOUSE WE’RE OUT. (evade / resign)

I do like the many different campaign results. Very cool.


This is definitely the pull. If the endings of each scenario in the campaign weren’t so varied each time, I imagine this would feel a lot cheaper and I don’t think I’d be as into it. But right now it seems like all I want is more campaigns!

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“Oh nice, so we didn’t have to kill him after all.” Next scenario setup - put GP back into the encounter deck. “Shit.”


Yeah, he is around until the very end if you don’t off him.

Pretty difficult in 3-4 players without a freaking shotgun.

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You complained that the game sold out in one day. I told you where you could buy it. I am not an oracle for all of Maine.

If you only want to respond with hostility and sarcasm, I will keep that in mind when you ask for help or advice in the future.


Anyone try hard or nightmare yet? I am soloing hard and those pulls are disgusting.

This can’t be understated: the chaos bag is a fucking fantastic mechanic. It’s satisfying as hell and thematic to be plunging yourself into the unknown every time you attempt to face off against the non-euclidean horrors you face. Plus it’s an awesome way to tune the difficulty.

I’m so glad we’re not just rolling dice.



I wasn’t trying to be mean or respond with hostility. I was just lamenting how far I am from Standish. I was not poking fun at you at all, I realize you were just trying to help. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt here, as I can see where you are coming from, but please try not to jump down people’s throats so fast. It makes the community worse for everyone.

How about we all take a breath and go back to a discussion about the game rather than distribution? I think both sides have apologized for reading a bit too much into it.

So…? Yeah Hard/Nightmare? Anyone try it yet?

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Our group has not gotten around to it yet, we haven’t yet beaten the campaign to our satisfaction on Standard yet. Hard/Nightmare seems terrifying!

Never. At least not until three cycles in, this is never happening. I’m not good enough of a deckbuilder.

Man, I cannot wait to get my hands on this :slight_smile: . As far as I can tell, no retailer in my area even got enough product to cover pre-orders.

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Yeah, on our fifth try we finally managed to not-lose the scenario. (I wouldn’t call it a ‘win.’) So… I think Hard/Nightmare will wait until the card pool has expanded a bit!

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My first run through with a friend was in one sitting and we pulled it off… but at a price… if you know what I mean.

I am almost done with my solo Hard run with Rolan. I don’t see this ending well.


What characters is everyone liking so far? I am personally enjoying playing Agnes a lot, though she definitely needs at least one partner with her that can investigate. In terms of raw power level, I think Roland is the strongest. If I were to try solo I would go with him.

I’ve been enjoying trying my hardest to make Wendy work. Survivability is the tops with her, but Lucky and “Look what I found!” are the only way to reliably investigate. If you want to get combo-y you can use Scavenging, a Flashlight, and use Perception to redraw another Flashlight from your discard? But it’s pretty unreliable. In fact Scavenging is one of the few cards in her kit that I am seriously reconsidering its value. When I first read it I figured you’d be able to recycle your Baseball Bat and Knives really easily, but overall it sort of sucks. You are very rarely beating an investigate by 2 or more with 3 intellect and no permanent boosts.

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2x Flashlight and 2x Look What I Found are pretty much mandatory. Also if playing solo I would really consider 2x Perception and 2x Unexpected Courage next to 2x Lucky.

Typically Wendy has the job of dodge tanking bad guys and picking up easy to find clues. In multiplayer you leave the shroud 4 areas to Daisy or Rolan if there are monsters there.

I wouldn’t bother with Scavenging. Its pretty awful with her for the reasons you have said.

That said, I feel like Wendy is actually one of the best investigators in the core for solo play. No other investigator gives you the degree of control over the chaos bag. With her ability and Lucky in faction you can turn a lot of scenarios around that were not going your way.


Her biggest problem is that she has a hard time with the Elite enemies. 1-3 HP enemies she can deal with on a case-by-case basis, especially if you get Hard Knocks.

But dealing with an enemy at like 4+ HP solo? You pretty much need to save up all of your Backstabs and Sneak Attacks for them, or you’ll start to get capped at how many useful actions you can do in a turn. And if you don’t deal with them they just keep coming and wasting actions on Evade. I suppose for solo play you’re going to want Cat Burglar to keep running.

I’m also not too confident that Switchblade is any good with her… Succeeding by at least 2 on Combat is so rare with her. You can make it a ‘sure thing’ by dumping tons into Hard Knocks and doubling up on the chaos token. Even then, it’s sort of garbage.

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Daisy is da best. End of story.