Cards and decks you are trying to make work, but can't

Hayley + Chameleon works great! Just not with London Library :wink:

The Novelist Ā· NetrunnerDB or Cachemeleon 2.0 Ā· NetrunnerDB

Tons of near-tier fun :slight_smile:

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great fun!

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Iā€™ll toss my NBN Sol deck in here. It kinda works, if the runner doesnā€™t apply early pressure.

The whole deck tries to combo with other cards in the deck, but in the end itā€™s more of a house of cards that depends on Surveillance Sweep, which costs 2c on every steal. 2c is a lot in the early game.

Collective Conciousness

iā€™ve tried to fit into a core of the following cards:

ICE Analyzer
Forged Activation Orders
and derez effects like Emergency Shutdown or Crescentus

also things that help when you run, like Desperado, Datasucker, and even DaVinci

i tried to put something together in Hayley, in various Criminal builds (Ken, Leela, Andromeda) and even Adam and Sunny (they definitely have the spare MU for it)

nothing ended up feeling right, and Collective Consciousness was always one of the first things to go

the Most Wanted List makes this even more difficult, like Clone Chips for extra Crescentuses, but it also helped me to open up to alternative choices, such as Doppelganger (now half the influence of Desperado)

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Edward Kim. Pretty much.

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Heā€™s great against kill decks where you can get a lock on HQ or R&D; itā€™s hard to get a kill combo if youā€™re losing an operation each turn.

Against foodcoats though, his identity might as well be blank

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I find that Noise can usually disrupt kill combos out of R&D with his ability or Imp, and Imp combo cards out of HQ. Noise also adds the mill threat to the game, that is valuable in most matchups.

Iā€™ll agree that Edward Kim is probably better than noise against kill decks (particularly low-ICE kill decks), but Noise is better in most other match-ups, and more consistently good across the field, particularly in a FoodCoats-heavy meta as we have now.

iā€™ve been mulling over Employee Strike for a month now. I pretty much only play anarch and thereā€™s just so many thing you can or need to have in one stinking deck finding room for 3 of these just kills me. Thereā€™s going to be lots ā€˜oā€™ BS, RP, ETF, and NeH this store champs too.

admittedly however I am not ā€˜seeingā€™ runner right now though :frowning:

Can I just say brain damage? Do I need a list of cards if I say this?


Iā€™ve had some success with brain damage with a couple different Cybernetics decks:
This one is focused on rushing out agendas and punishing aggression with Batty + gold/fenris.
This one operates off of xanatosā€™ gambit and wins by fast-advancing 3/2s with 4-click turns.

Iā€™m going to throw in some defective brainchips and Viktor 2.0 to make it worse

Iā€™ve tested both and come up with these decklists :wink: That should tell you plenty about the quality of Defective Brainchips.

It puts hair on your chest to kill someone with the ultimate drip brain damage

Honestly, Eddie is looking a lot better after MWL. If I were to go to a tournament and not suspect much HB (or asset spam tier2 decks) I would probably directly swap my Whizzard list into Ed Kim. Almost all of your NBN match-ups get much better, along with the BS Glacier match-up. RPā€™s stuff is cheap enough to trash when you need it.

Another card Iā€™ll add to this thread is Grifter. Adore everything about the card, and I used to play it casually. Iā€™ve yet to play Adam but I know when I finally do Iā€™ll be compulsed to play Grifter in my first iteration.


How does a HB brain damage deck work conceptually? Like NBN/Weyland kill is ā€œoutmoney and/or tag them, murder them with Scorch or Punitiveā€, Jinteki kill is packing a bunch of sources of drip net damage into as small a space as possible to drain their handsize for a Ronin or EMP, but Haas brain damage is practically all on ice, and HBā€™s thing is ice that the runner can wriggle out of. The only non-ice brain damage HB has is Ryon Knight (okay i guess) and Overwriter (good if it lands but unreliable); and all their brain damage ice can be clicked through except Fenris and I guess the forthcoming Brainstorm

L4J ideas? I was thinking the same thing, they should be close to basically a direct swap, meta dependent. Although something tells me HQ multi-access is a little more important for Kim, whereas Whizzard will probably want better remote access i.e. Stimhack Atman n stuff.

My two thoughts are:

  1. Marcus Batty is potentially scary as hell in HB and solves a lot of the ā€œitā€™s only on the iceā€ issues.

  2. I think you generally donā€™t win by brain damage directly because itā€™s already so strong, rather you win because the threat of brain damage or the cost of brain damage over time gives you the win (which is in line with HBā€™s pay now so we win later stuff like click through ice). I might just let a net damage routine fire if iā€™ve got the cards for it. Iā€™m going to think VERY long about letting brain damage routines fire (and the face checking is brutal).

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Iā€™m a grifter aficionado too, as well as an adam one. I feel like its pretty trappy there because youā€™ll be tempted to have the old 2 click turn a lot. It does make for a nice ghetto desperado though. When I run it seriously, I put it in gabe so you can at least feint to get them and the gabe money to keep them alive for a turn while you ensure you make a run.

Its nice to stack with sectesting, bank job, and dirty laundry. Iā€™m a pretty big fan. Wait till you add it to a supplier deck XD

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I tried making an advancable ICE deck that ran space camp, susano-no-mikoto, and matrix analyzer. The goal was to keep the matrix analyzers out front to put advancement tokens in space ice to make them cheaper to rez while using susano-no-mikoto to send the runner to archives to get space camp tokens.

Spoilers: Advanceable ice is still bad and matrix analyzer is terrible against nexus kate with power tap.

At least I learned how amazing it is to bait a runner in to running my scoring server with mark yale, trash an atman 5 with wormhole (thanks to nebula), and then, just as they break the last piece of ice, rez mark yale to sell six advancement tokens+himself for a gain of about 20 credits. And then put an agenda in the server next turn because the runner is too broke to run it again.