Top 8 Were:
1st @anon50033301 playing Proco/Gordian PPVP Kate and RP.
2nd Lucas playing PPVP Kate / NEH Fastro
3rd @eric_c who won Detroit bringing a revision of his Whizzard / RP List
4th @Zolend playing Valencia and @bblum / @Calimsha NEH Fastro
5th Blaine playing Calimsha Kate and NEH Fastro
6, 7, 8 I can’t recall placing but it was:
@AaronSolon playing Breakers Noise and x2 Architect RP
??? playing Lotso Virus Noise w/ Knight and HB: ETF Redcoats
??? playing Siphon MaxX and Butchershop.
Really glad I went! Tons of pleasant games against great players and lots of familiar faces. The tournament was run well and had fantastic prize support.
I was at the top table for most of the day and was swept by Josh in the 7th round – I believe 6 of my games ended up being recorded and will be uploaded to YouTube later – I offered to do a post mortem on a couple of them so we’ll see! Thanks again @tvaduva !
In swiss my record was 11/3. I was hoping to dodge Josh all day and even said to Aaron on the way over: “If I make Top 8, there is no way I’m beating Josh as corp so I better get a runner game.” My prediction came true when Josh eliminated me for 4th – partly due to me being so tired and loopy from 12+ hours of Netrunner that I rezzed a SanSan before using shipment from Sansan on a no clot Astro install, messing up timing so he could bring out clot in response.
I wasn’t super confident in my decks and had drastically changed my runner deck the night before. NEH Fastro beat everything but great Kate players, which is pretty much what I was expecting. My only NEH loss other than to Josh was a grueling 45+ minute match versus Kate where if I had been a little ballsier with agenda installs, I would have won.
Valencia won every game in Swiss other than versus Josh where I failed 5 Future Perfect Psi’s in a row – the head down move works.
In Elims, Val lost pretty hard to @eric_c’s RP in top bracket. I would have lucked out and won if I had played a little slower and realized he didn’t have money to rez Caprice and score the TFP out if I had ran it and bet 0. I was happy to do so well against such great players!
My tradition of playing fast and sloppy in elimination rounds continues but top 8 was my goal for these decks and I’m really glad Josh won, he was hungry for it and played masterfully. I told him if he eliminated me he had to go on to win it all so I’m glad he fulfilled his promise 
Thanks to @AaronSolon for being my wingman and driving 4+ hours back to Michigan at midnight after wracking our brains in Netrunner all day. Shoutout to @wiley and all those that helped me test on OCTGN before this tournament. It helped me eliminate some jank