Clot (now 2 inf)

Well, duh. If they were, Clot would be worthless.

Are you proposing that NBN in its mid-Lunar incarnation (after Architect) is totally fine and needs no reining in?

Except not really. If you read up on @Lluluien’s original write-up, you’ll see that the threat of letting an Astro slip by comes from being able to never-advance a PSF (which turns on both Raven and Snares). The EoW is there mostly just to upgrade PSF lock from “annoyance” to “lethal”.

I’ve been playing NBN since the ancient times, and the full-on Astrotrain bullshit is a relatively new thing, mostly originating here (or thereabouts, chronologically). Remember what Lukas said in an interview at Worlds 2013? He was surprised not to see NBN players playing Biotic Labor… so it quite obviously wasn’t a thing yet.