As many of you already know, concessions have been made legal in Netrunner (as of April 2nd, 2016).
This raises an interesting question. Suppose you are playing the second game of your current Swiss round, and you’re going to time. You’re down 0-6, and you don’t see any way of coming back, but your opponent can’t find an agenda to close it out. When time is called, it is in your best intereste to concede the game, since you know you won’t be getting any points from that game anyway, and giving your opponent more Prestige helps your Strength of Schedule. This is simply a strategic move to better your position in the tournament, and is completely legal. One could argue that, even if you weren’t going to time, conceding that position is reasonable anyway.
Since conceding losing games that are going to time is (more often than not) the most strategically advantageous thing for you to do, one would expect that nearly every match going to time would either be a 2-point win for someone (via points of concession) or a legitimate draw with both players with the same score at the end of the round. The only reason I could see someone getting an actual timed win is because either the losing player doesn’t realize the advantage of conceding, or he is trying to “screw over” his opponent. Neither of those situations feels good for the winning player, who likely would feel like he is “missing out” on that extra point. EDIT: Perhaps the most legitimate reason for not conceding, as mentioned in the below comments, is if you are playing someone in the last round of Swiss close to your placement, and giving them an extra point could push you out of the running for the cut.
As an aside, if you are ever in that winning player’s position, under no circumstances should you ever pressure your opponent to concede. That is poor sportsmanship and possibly collusion.
My initial thought regarding this situation would be simply to change Timed Wins to give 2 Prestige instead of 1, like a normal win. However, this essentially removes the “punishment” for going to time; players should be incentivized to finish within the allotted time.
I, personally, and a big proponent of the idea that the right way to fix player behavior in a tournament is to incentivize them to behave in that way, so I wonder if there is something that can (or even should?) be done.
What do you all think? Is it OK that the legalization of concession incentivizes round-end concession? Is it OK that some players might get “screwed out of” an extra point because their opponent didn’t concede (when it was strategically advantageous for them to do so)? Or is that enough punishment for going to time?