Cybernetics Division, Brain Damage/Hand Limitation?

As obvious as the interaction with Self-Destruct chips seems, there are a couple of big problems with it:

(1) 3/1s are the Memstrips of corp cards
(2) Finishing the runner off from 3 max hand size is hard. Even 2 is hard out of HB.

So the question I pose is this:

Obviously, Mushin-Overwriter is a really good way to deal brain damage. It deals a lot of brain damage. We can easily kill someone from 1 Max hand size in most cases if they hit the Overwriter on 3 out of Cybernetics. IF we were to try to deal BD a little bit at a time, what cards should we be playing, and how should we be finishing the runner off? If we do play the SD chips, how do we score them, how do we deal 1-2 more brain damage, and how do we kill them?

The ease of Mushin Overwriter leads me to want to write literal everything else off.