Data & Destiny Spoilers

Going by the flavor text, the lucky find in question is some abandoned data that turns out to be valuable. It’d be extremely tempting to argue that a sentient virus (which, by definition, spreads and infects more and more nodes, processing them in parallel) would have an easier time finding valuable abandoned data than, say, a hipster in a hoodie digging through a goddamn trash can.

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Not really.

Wow, bullet-proof argument there. Truly you are a master rhetoritician!

Rules wise, though, I agree that a neutral runner wouldn’t get them for free. The whole idea of neutral-for-influence cards is that they are generally too powerful for anyone to just be able to auto-include.


Alright then.

The reason the data in the flavour text/art of Lucky Find is so difficult to recover is specifically because it resides on old, unused drives, disconnected from the net.

So yes, a hipster in a hoodie digging through a goddamn trash can would be better at finding that particular kind of rare data than a sentient virus.


That thing she’s holding in the art does look like a pimped-out USB drive.

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They are not neutral, they are from “mini faction(s)” (I don’t remember the “s”).



Surveillance Sweep looks terrifying.


So yes, confirmed: 25 influence, little-to-no ongoing support, still have to pay for neutral-pips on cards :). Sunny’s got 2 Link base, though. Definitive cloud runner?

Can’t wait to see what Apex does with facedown cards and what the directives are! I also don’t know how I can avoid calling “Sync” “N’Sync” ;).

Tons of tagging interaction!

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I can’t believe they’re printing some of these. Lily Lockwell and Surveillance Sweep are a completely new direction for NBN. This is insane, and I love it!


New directions are good! But only if they are powerful enough to compete against the old directions. Wait… N’Sync… One (New) Direction… oh god, Victoria, why??? :wink:


Windfall! Let’s go Monolith deck! :smiley:


One thing we know is that it protects itself from damage once Heartbeat is installed.


OT, but there was an audible roar when ^ dude dropped a monolith and full breaker suite mid run (from workshop) :smile:


I’m not sure Windfall works… . If the corp trashes a card off R&D, the runner has no way of verifying the cost of the actual card… so how is that going to work? Relying on corps being honest?

So this NBN id you can flip back for a click to tackle either tags or resources. Pretty cool.

I am so damn excited. It looks like they’re doing exactly the kinds of things to NBN that i was hoping they’d do. Giving corps an opportunity to spend tags piecemeal for some benefit is just what i was hoping for! Now if they can have some way to get money from tags, I’d best pleased.

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It thrashes the top card of the runner stack

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The art on these is gorgeous. Very excited to see what a directive is.


The runner trashes their own card. Stack is runner, rnd is corp