Exploring a Stalling Metagame: Nasir Meidan StimShop by El-Ad David Amir

Any chance you’d put out commentated gameplay videos? I enjoyed your HB Hybrid deckbuild breakdown. I think there are probably a lot of us that would gain a lot by hearing how you make your decisions.

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Comments are more than welcome! I’d love to hear more.

@Zeromus convinced me to keep trying … so we’ll see what happens sigh

Sure, I will try to upload one or three later this week. Thanks!


Does Multithreader also make it easier to support Clot? Have you tried any lists with both in there? I think Clot came out before Multithreader went in…

Also, to clarify, I have no Clot follow-up. Unlike Kate, getting Clot is a painful investment for Nasir. Clot hits, delays them for two turns, but I can’t really do much with these two turns. That’s why I removed Clot in the first place, even when I pulled it it wasn’t effective enough.

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What is the timing interaction between Order of Sol and Drug Dealer triggers? I kinda want the DDs to fire first when I start my turn with zero money, then pop OoS for a credit but I’m not sure if it works like that.

See Official Rules Question Thread - #987 by Crunchums

For the meager chance anyone still cares, I’m sticking to the Nasir plan (insane, I know). Here are notes from the recent testing:

  • Multithreader has been MVP multiple times. Having it on the board opens up a lot of flexibility. Two really help with R&D locking the Corp. I’m moving to three copies.

  • Scrubber does a great job slowing down NEH. Being able to run unrezzed remotes and actually do something about them is great, as it controlling their economy and trashing DBS. This replaced my Armitage Codebusting.

  • I did some testing with Nerve Agent – it leads to great mid-game situations, since the Corp rarely ices up HQ. Building it up to two or three counters is enough to pressure HQ well, and you can tutor for it.

  • Femme. Undecided on Femme. Without Test Run it’s far from amazing, you have to draw it and put it on Workshop. I’m keeping it for Tollbooth for now but it might go.

  • Symmetrical Visage. Baby served me well in a few games, taking some of the bite out of clicking for a card.

  • Street Peddler. I had several situations where I quasi-whiffed a Street Peddler, so I decided to remove them. Hopefully SV will help with digging.

  • Imp. Imp was great … except that the Corp is completely fine with wasting three clicks to purge since I’m so slow. And Cyberdex exists, having it wipe my counters sucked.

Plus I’m going to test Clot now.

Here is a series of games where I tested versus NEH:

And the latest list, to be tested tonight:

Solidarity v1.7

Nasir Meidan: Cyber Explorer (Upstalk)

Event (4)

Hardware (10)

Resource (14)

Icebreaker (7)

Program (11)

15 influence spent (max 15)
46 cards (min 45)
Cards up to Data and Destiny

Decklist published on NetrunnerDB.


It’s not insane. His ability has a profound effect on the shape of the game (the decision points as well as the economy, he regularly makes cash bursts significantly higher than Kate) and although hard to crack, and with maybe a few key bits missing, I still think he is around 1.5 currently when played by an experienced Nasir runner.

It literally took years to get Noise to where he is now. I remember a brief post Jackson release phase where people would pretty much laugh at me for playing him at tournaments.

My gut feel is that all Nasir’s builds are too PW reliant. If we can solve that effectively I think he’ll be in great shape.

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That list looks really, really good, I can tell it has a lot of work put into it. Thanks for working so hard on it, I appreciate it! :smiley:

Agreed that that is the biggest flaw in the deck. Hopefully playstyle can cover it until PW is installed.


Totally! Not to mention it’ll cycle out way before Nasir does, and at that point is he just going to die completely?

I’m trying to brainstorm ideas now that just cut PW from the deck entirely. I’m nowhere with it just now (I don’t think it’s even a workable idea), but hopefully, if anything, I can teach myself to rely much less on it.

My universe begins and ends at November 2015. Beyond that … I don’t care right now :wink:


I believe it’s Spring 2017 (earliest date for rotation) so still a few more years to bang our heads against him heh.

You are for real my hero! Kinda wish I was going to worlds now, if only to see it in action! (I don’t think it’s insane at all; Well played Nasir can be very strong and I have a feeling a weird, hard-to-answer deck might be strong in a weird, hard-to-answer meta…)

[quote=“IirionClaus, post:389, topic:2609”]
Multithreader has been MVP multiple times
[/quote]Agreed. the more I play with it the more I feel like it’s a missing puzzle piece to Nasir. very slot efficient, and late game it can practically be stand-alone econ.

Interested to hear how the rest of your changes shake out. Nerve agent in particular is interesting - always felt like it’s an underplayed card but it’s definitely also very clunky to play. Scrubber and Baby seem like solid choices, though going completely without any click-for-credits definitely seems like a gamble (albeit one that only Nasir would dare to make :smiley: )


Watch my hopes and dreams go up in smoke? :wink:


I have never seen a grown man cry, so I would love to see it. Maybe we can see you on the stream and youtube it?


For what it’s worth El Ad, I think you’re doing anyone interested in Nasir an enormous service. I sleeved up one of your earlier versions of Solidarity and it played like an absolute dream. Once in a while I would get screwed on a late Personal Workshop, but when I got the pieces out it was as smooth as butter. The way that he pressures R&D is very similar to Kit, except your rig just keeps getting bigger and bigger until they can’t do a goddamn thing about it.

Best of luck at worlds, I’m rooting for you!


My sentiment exactly. It’s easy to dismiss this deck at the very top levels of play, where excellent players are likely to be able to leverage their “all the best cards” decks well against his weirdness. But down here amongst the mortals,Solidarity is a juggernaut; I don’t even bring it to GNKs anymore because it was warping the meta to the point where the locals at my store were teching against it.


EBC? :smile:

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Had a rough PAX tournament with Nasir/RP, where I ended up winning against Iain/Argus, but losing to Noise/NEH Butchershop and Noise/HBFA :frowning:

I think you just have to mulligan for SMC in those matchups (I saw a total of 1 the whole tournament…)

I didn’t get scorched, like you’d think against NEH Butcher, I just lost due to early double astroscript and no SMC to threaten clot.

The HBFA player was recurring CVS and ruining my day trying to imp and parasite everything. It was pretty gross.