I thought it was about time we had a thread to discuss the new style of “fast” HB decks. This is the style of deck exemplified by Bwent’s SSCI deck that carried him to second place, and I think it’s what Ben Ni piloted into the top 8 at the Reading regionals, although I haven’t seen the decklist, so its already proving to have some punch.
The idea of these decks is use HB’s burst econ and taxing ice to set up fast and then score out using some combination of never advance, rush and FA. It’s a bit hard to characterize the deck because it has so many scoring strategies. Sometimes you rush behind a turing and eli, sometimes you never advance and dare the runner to run your remote over and over, only to find advanced assembly line or Jackson, and sometimes you FA out a fair number of points with biotic labor. That’s why I’m just calling, boringly, fast HB. Here’s my current decklist just to give us a starting point:
Haas rush V.10
Haas-Bioroid: Engineering the Future
Agenda (11)
3x Accelerated Beta Test
2x Chronos Project
3x NAPD Contract ☆☆☆
3x Project Vitruvius
Asset (6)
3x Advanced Assembly Lines
3x Jackson Howard ●●●
Upgrade (5)
2x Ash 2X3ZB9CY
2x Crisium Grid ●●
1x Cyberdex Virus Suite
Operation (11)
3x Biotic Labor
2x Blue Level Clearance
1x Fast Track
3x Hedge Fund
2x Lateral Growth
Barrier (3)
3x Eli 1.0 ☆☆☆
Code Gate (6)
3x Turing
3x Viktor 1.0
Sentry (7)
3x Architect ☆☆☆
2x Ichi 1.0
2x Vikram 1.0
5 influence spent (max 15-9☆=6, available 1)
20 agenda points (between 20 and 21)
49 cards (min 45)
Cards up to Fear the Masses
Deck built on https://netrunnerdb.com.
One thing about this deck is that it is great at both setting up quickly and at rebounding from low money. I often start the game with lateral growth into advanced assembly line, ending turn 1 at 11 credits with 2 ice installed even without a hedge fund. Later in the game, blue level into lateral growth can burst you up from 2 credits to 8 while still letting you install an agenda or new piece of ice.
Your ice is all really taxing, although it tends not to actually end the run. I plan to find room for some fairchild 2.0’s as soon as it comes out, perhaps swapping out viktor. This helps with the never advance plan. If they spend their turn to check the remote, it will cost them, so they have to pick and chose, which gives you windows to jam in agendas. And if they insist on checking everything, you can sit back and biotic out the win.
The Crisium grid is a new include, but feels pretty important. Siphon recursion decks are increasingly prevalent, and can really ruin your day, plus pre-paid kate often tries to race you with high impact R&D runs like maker’s eye and indexing, so shutting those off makes this matchup much better.
Another nice thing about this deck is the opportunity to biotic out a chronos project, which can be game-winning at the right moment. The agenda suite is designed for NA/FA, with the NAPD’s just there to tax the runner, although sometimes an ash+NAPD install can open a safe scoring window to score the NAPD.
I honestly can’t figure out what the spend the last point of influence on. There must be something, but I’m drawing a blank.
That’s what I’m on, but there are lots of different ways to build the deck. Both Bwent and Ben Ni were running global food initiative, and I’ve seen others running a few jeeves and shipments to threaten the FA that way, although I haven’t been a fan of that plan.
The reason I like this archetype is that it gives you a lot of options in different matchups. You can rush against the late game combo runners, like panopticon Haley or au-revoir Andy. You can also turtle against siphon spam decks or criminal’s relying on security testing, shutting off their run economy and going for more of a FA plan. And best of all, not that affected by rumour mill. Losing Ash and Jackson is a pain, but you’re likely to score and force them to recur it, and you can still use ash and jackson to bait runs, and neither is central to the strategy.
What do you all think? What the best way forward for this archetype?
Edit: definitely check out Bwent’s description of his version of the deck at Android Netrunner: [SSCI] Jammy HB - YouTube, he does an amazing job of laying out the strategy and explaining his deck choices.