Congrats on the strong finish!
As a general thing to remember: hayley has no answer for tour guide
That said the ones based off of Technically Correct do pack a shrike. Its a big-rig shaper deck running the Hayley shop econ. Also I’ve been seeing more Paricia popping up in Hayley lists, and having played with it my self, it is very good against Gagarin decks (and other museum decks), and help keeps Tour Guide manageable.
Why Whizzard no trash Museums? … There isn’t a single piece of ICE you can protect them with…
He tried. I know I had it behind some ice, because that game was one where I had a Museum server that became a scoring server once I had three ice on it. I also know I installed 5 Tour Guides that game, and that I Interns’d a Museum back too.
Whizzard’s only answer to Tour Guide is Parasite, and those are limited.
Sounded like a pitchfork list, but good to know.
Technically, even if tourguide has 8-10 subs, he can break it with mimic to fork it as well.
Technically correct, but that assumes that Whizzard has 8-10 credits on hand, which usually requires going with the plan of not trashing most of the assets (and of course, finding the one-off Mimic). I’m not sure if that is the correct line of play. Currently I am thinking that Whizzard should be working hard to trash all Museums, DBS’s, Jacksons, and Public Supports (in that order of importance). If keep all those down and still have 8-10 credits (plus Forked) then I think you are having a pretty good draw.
edit: parasite is much easier
It depends on the situation. TBH I usually best these decks just by trashing PADs and watching them go broke.
I’ve been finding diversified portfolio is looking better and better for these types of decks, I’m experimenting with replacing hedge fund with it in many asset spam decks. Missy find a way to defeat this awful plan of yours
Diversified and Turtlebacks are extremely solid together. If you aren’t running the two in Gagarin, you should try it. It’s good.
I don’t like the use of influence with turtlenacks, rather have something else. Portfolio is amazing though. I’d just rather rely on operation econ against Whizzard, and diversified oddly enough can stand even that dorky runner
The problem with trying to run me out of money is that nothing I want to do costs more than 2, with the exception of Assassin and Hadrian’s. I also usually have an abundance of time, since I dump my hand into remotes, so my HQ is usually completely empty or else something that’s useless in this matchup. My normal turn is to install whatever I drew, take 2.
Couple that with Mumba Temple, and that’s all the econ you need. Diversified may as well be an OAI that won’t make the ICE vulnerable.
If Whizzard is spending 8-10 credits to Mimic my Tour Guide, I may have already won if that run doesn’t get him the winning agenda.
Having played with Turtlebacks, I will usually only trash them the turn after they’re rezzed, and never if they aren’t rezzed. Same as PAD Campaign. It’s a reason that Mumba Temple is so strong; it actually doesn’t set you back economically as long as you have something to rez with it, while every other econ asset sets you back at least the first turn. (Similarly: Why Breaker Bay Grid is so ridiculous in HB.)
Snare! never did anything during the tournament, as I only drew it twice, and one of those was while I was scoring out my game-winning point… The other I drew and threw into a new remote to check if he was still keeping me honest. He never ran it. So later I was able to fake out an Atlas in my scoring remote (Was actually Jackson) while putting the actual Atlas in a new remote. Sure enough, he runs the scoring remote, not the Atlas.
Contract Killer did work. I was surprised at how well it did, really. Blacklist did work against the MaxX and would’ve saved me against Hayley if I pre-rezzed it… It’s crazy, because Gagarin reminds me of Faust. If the asset you have isn’t good for this matchup, you can at least make the runner spend a click and a credit to check it. (This is why I’m convinced Valencia is really good against Gagarin.)
Good job on that SC! I agree that the deck has too much money. I’m currently testing a version with no Turtlebacks and no PAD Campaigns (post-Democracy and Dogma, so Mumbad City Hall is crazy good).
I’m not convinced on dropping the PAD Campaigns. Sure I don’t need much money, but I do need actual money for advancing/scoring agendas, and the times I’ve gotten PAD drip money to get just enough to AAA my agenda… They’re basically an influence-free, clickless version of Turtlebacks.
Of course, I’ve always liked PAD Campaign and typically have to be talked out of using them in most corp decks anyway. (Except HB. Their own Campaigns are so much better…)
I agree. PADs provide credits which you need to advance to score.
Without them, I don’t feel like you could really get much traction, especially if you are also cutting the Turtlebacks. Diversified gives you a huge boost, but its a mid to late game boost and means you will clicking for creds a lot early game.
Pretty sure Mumbad City Hall replaces almost all economy needs. The ability to look at your deck and decide either to take top 3 cards + play rework after, or instead just install a good asset, mumbad virtual tour + product recall for cash (or just to protect R&D, Archives, or HQ), or just salem’s hospitality them dominates almost every other card. If MCH installed at start of turn you get Jeeves+3 more city hall hits. I’m not sure we need any money card, but obv turtles synergizes by far the best with MCH since the installs gain us creds (or just diversified since we can find it using MCH + heritage and it’s easy to make big when spamming assests with MCH).
The big question from my end is: you’re running 3x Turtles, but what other Jinteki cards are you playing to enable Alliance?
Yeah that’s a good question. First–I’m not sure we need to get alliance. We can just play 1 heritage 3x turtle and 1x hostile for instance. Otherwise likely running 1x hostile + 2 meh ice (pup and wall of thorns seem OK), or 2x hostile + 1 meh ice. There’s a few diff influence suites that make sense, depending on which MCH pieces you want. I think something like this makes sense:
6 NBN to get Salem (probably some combination of DBS, JH, and wraparound)
5 HB to get 1x PR 1x Jeeves
7 Jin to get either 1x hostile 3x turtle 2x meh ice 2-3x heritage or 3 turtle 1 hostile 1 heritage. Some room to drop either PR or turtles (Jin influence could be 1 or 2x hostile and 1 or 2x heritage for instance), some room to leave 1 influence for an agenda.
Another option is to drop NBN influence. We could then consider running something silly like:
5 HB to get PR Jeeves
10 Jinteki to get 3 turtle + 1 batty + 2 hostile + 3 heritage
and run Executive Search Firm to let us search/spam batty. Probably not worth it though.
Could also try to alliance HB, but I doubt a second Jeeves or PR are worth it…
Here’s my sketch for a “hidden temple” style Gagarin MCH build post SI. Good chance MCH shell is better out of some other ID–for me top candidates are EtF, Palana and IG, so I’ve mostly looked at those IDs when MCH building–so fair warning this is quite rough:
HiddenComboTemple(up to SI)
Gagarin Deep Space: Expanding the Horizon (Order and Chaos)
Agenda (8)
- 1x Global Food Initiative (Data and Destiny) •
- 1x Government Takeover (Order and Chaos)
- 1x Hades Fragment (Up and Over)
- 3x Oaktown Renovation (Chrome City)
- 2x Project Atlas (What Lies Ahead)
Asset (27)
- 1x Elizabeth Mills (Second Thoughts)
- 3x Executive Boot Camp (All That Remains)
- 1x Executive Search Firm (Salsette Island)
- 1x Hostile Infrastructure (All That Remains) ••
- 2x Jackson Howard (Opening Moves) ••
- 1x Jeeves Model Bioroids (Salsette Island) •••
- 3x Mumba Temple (Kala Ghoda) ••••• •
- 3x Mumbad City Hall (Democracy and Dogma)
- 3x Museum of History (Kala Ghoda) ••••• •
- 3x Public Support (The Universe of Tomorrow)
- 3x Tech Startup (The Valley)
- 3x Turtlebacks (The Source) •••
Upgrade (3)
- 1x Crisium Grid (First Contact)
- 2x Mumbad Virtual Tour (Salsette Island) ••••
Operation (3)
- 1x Diversified Portfolio (Honor and Profit)
- 1x Heritage Committee (Kala Ghoda) ••
- 1x Product Recall (Business First) ••
Barrier (4)
- 1x Hadrian’s Wall (Core Set)
- 3x Spiderweb (The Underway)
Code Gate (2)
- 2x Datapike (Creation and Control)
Sentry (7)
- 2x Assassin (Data and Destiny)
- 2x Caduceus (What Lies Ahead)
- 3x Tour Guide (The Universe of Tomorrow)
15 influence spent (max 15)
22 agenda points (between 22 and 23)
54 cards (min 45)
Cards up to Salsette Island
Deck built on NetrunnerDB.