Going Against the Grain: Reg-Ass Maxx

Really awaiting this.


Better in every way. And sometimes youā€™ll wake up from the surgery and think ā€œIā€™ve had worse.ā€


If nothing else itā€™s a damn good reason to start running Power Shutdown again.

(also, that art shudders)


I was about go on a rant about how this is power creep on Personal Touch, and it still kinda is, but man I canā€™t wait for this card either.

Now we just need a card that says gain 1c whenever you use an icebreaker with 2 or more strength than the broken ice. Enable some big breaker builds, yog love, and Sage love. Even LLDS love.

so, so much. YOG.0 RETURNS BABY :slight_smile:

Iā€™m kind of skeptical of any solution that canā€™t be reasonably clone chipped.

This card is not THAT much better than Personal Touch. Itā€™s better, but you still need to get a yog into play AND find it to make it work.


It can be demonic tutored deja vued though. Iā€™ll gladly play a 3rd SOT to reliably get both my levy and my eyes.

The problem I have with current reg-ass is that lotus field is both a 4th gear-check and a huge tax to pay through. People are starting to pick up on reg-ass in my area and Iā€™m seriously considering NEH with 2 lotuses instead of a 3rd architect.


Iā€™d disagree on needing the Yog. Thatā€™s the big difference imo. I can play this with any breakers and still get value out of it.

Whereas Personal Touch, you have to wait for the Yog or it gets stuck on something else.

Though, for Maxx, Iā€™d really need to try it out for sure.

I do think that the eye will be an amazing support card for fixed anarch breaker (and in-faction) but Iā€™m pretty much certain itā€™s gonna be garbage in Maxx because as Dan said, it canā€™t be clone-chipped.

Yeah, no doubt. Iā€™m not a huge fan of it in MaxX. Just psyched in general. In MaxX, would require Deja Vu usage.

Just saying, itā€™s a more useful Personal Touch that helps with all of your breakers.

It could definitely be good in other Anarch decks.

Also great in the Calimshakate for pesky 4 STR sentries and for getting through Eli for free with Lady.

Yeah, I would probably remove the Atman and one of my 2 indexing to fit 2 of those.

Is it really any good without IHW though?

Itā€™s plenty good after overdrawing from Quality Time. It can also help you cycle through more cards via Game Day in future land also.


Suggestions re alternatives to QG and/or some advice on proper use? Maybe itā€™s just because I double QGā€™d (playing @Calimshaā€™s list) a 5/3 this morningā€¦ I was in a recreational mood/mode but still.


QG on high importance agenda is how it should be played.
Balls to the wall, like a boss.


The power move is running a naked NAPD, refusing to steal it, then QGing it.


Alternative to Queens Gambit: be poor.

Advice on how to use: Donā€™t go crazy with it unless youā€™re desperate. Try to be pretty sure. If youā€™re playing against a deck with upgrades, wait for one, or check something like a SanSan or PAD you dont want to trash (yet), then QG it.

After discarding Queenā€™s Gambit in a few Weyland matches I swapped it for a Dirty Laundry. Just save it for a run youā€™d normally make. In theory you could click twice for credits after to make it +5 which is pretty close to the +6 of QG.