Going Against the Grain: Reg-Ass Maxx

I’ve come around on it after realizing that 2 is usually enough, it takes away the apprehension about installing Yog, you can still Deja it, Legwork is less necessary post clot, and that it’s just a reasonably efficient card to play enough of the time, even if your opponent isn’t playing Lotus. I don’t think it’s a good option unless Lotus is ALL OVER THE PLACE, though.

It really depends on the meta. If the Lotus decks are rushing behind the Lotus, it’s still probably not good enough and it might demand that you play the 3rd Deja Vu. Still, if you’re cutting the Legwork, cutting 1 SOT for 1 Deja is reasonable anyway.

None of these solutions are great. That’s why I’m playing Zu. I remain skeptical of all the other plans.

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I feel ya. It think it’s a great option in a fixed breaker deck. Has plenty of drawbacks in MaxX, though. However, I still see Parasite as a problem/solution, so I still see Lotus sticking hard.

Zu is always there. NRE helps it, as well.

I should also say that if Lotus is everywhere, you could just be playing Calimsha Kate or a deck with Refractor in it instead. Lotus has a lot of upside but it also has some matchups where it can quickly become useless or really inefficient. I think it’s at its best in Blue Sun because it can move Lotus around against Cyber Cypher and is influence tight, but obviously its fine out of basically any deck. I think the actual best solution is to adjust your deck choice based on the ICE meta, not to try to fit a square peg into a round hole, which is what NRE feels like to me.


How about playing Cyber-Cypher in MaxX? Too bad it’s so tough to fit in Scavenge along with it, but it still seems strong.

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Missing from the conversation, if you only need a better breaker for pressuring R&D, cyber-cypher seems worth a moment’s consideration; that moment had better include code gate breaker for other servers and whether the 3 inf is worth it, but its a far cheaper option in game to get into play than torch, and if you want multiple runs on R&D you probably don’t want to spend 9 on a breaker.

I just got ninja’d. lol


Yeah. 3 INF is too tough. Only good out of Shaper.

Passport to only pay 3 to get through? Same influence cost, still need a remote solution. :confused:

I agree with this, but, it’s difficult to account for ‘ICE meta’, esp. as the tourney gets larger in size. NRE has great versatility in that you can adjust it to any breaker you want, every run. Seems pretty useful with Femme/Mimic, Yog, Morning Star, anything.


Lotus Fields everywhere where I play, and the 1 spooned over 1 knifed is working a treat. As discussed, it’s only for RnD. Zu is the right choice currently for 2nd decoder.

Take this with a pinch of salt however, because I’m still trying to make showing off work in MaxX, and have one of those in place of Stimhack. Consequently my play group’s RnD ice of choice against her is Lotus Field. So I needed a solution.

Thanks a lot :slight_smile: ill definitely give this a try.

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With Cortex Lock and NEXT Gold in the next Datapack, what are everyone’s thoughts on some flexibility with Killers? Worth going to a pairing of Mimic/Cerberus “Cuj.0” H3? Or is this simply a case of just being a better player i.e. knowing when those cards are a potential threat and saving a sucker token for such an event.

Edit: This is also coming off the back of a casual play night in which Lag Time really messed with me.

I’d avoid cujo like the plague personally, others may disagree but the cost for breaking the common sentries is a bit daft with cujo.


I just use 2 Showing Off as the 46th and 47th cards respectively in Doppel-RAM for shits and giggles. Seeing 13 unique cards from R&D on one turn was certainly fun.

I don’t know that Cujo is the answer, but I think the early, terrible, 4 STR, cheap-to-rez Cortex Lock is something that’ll need to be addressed. Maybe go back to Criminal with Faeries for a bit. I definitely plan on brewing some decks with Cortex Lock splashed.

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Cujo sucks. but more str 4 stuff could make Atman more appealing if it and Ichi both get popular.

I guess Knight is the other realistic option? Unless the deck changes its breaker suite to be Mimic, Corroder and Eater+Spooned/Parasite. Which isn’t terrible, and might make some sense in a slower meta.

I dont think you need a solution for 4 str sentries. Everything is worse than just playing a Datasucker.


I haven’t had much play against FA decks with RegAss MaxX but I wondered if the matchup was such that it would warrant a 1-of Clot. What would you drop? Is it even necessary?

I didn’t find clot necessary before, and now the knowledge of clot might be more impactful than running it, that said, 46th card :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’ve played a few games with Clot and it’s quite awkward for MaxX.

If you get unlucky, you’ll either have no extra memory or no Clone Chips to spare on it. It’s not like Noise where you can just pawn it if it’s not going to be useful.

I’d much rather have a Spooned or just more economy at this point and let PPVP Kate play Clot.


Although not a Maxx player, I’ve been trying out CyCy in Valencia to beat Lotus Field and found the results pleasing. With Medium you really need cheap runs on R&D and CyCy is ridiculously efficient. Nothing is more satisfying than installing it and beating Lotus Field on R&D for 1 credit, just after your opponent thinks they’ve found themselves some breathing room. Between 1x Spooned/Knight/Yog you can cover other servers fine.