Going Against the Grain: Reg-Ass Maxx

I think that Kate is better that MaxX in most non RP matchups, so that’s a strike against her. MaxX does have Kati and Medium which will give her the edge sometimes.

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Saw 2 MaxX in 32 players yesterday. Blacklist devastates many, her the most.

In all the streams I’ve seen, it’s been in more than half of the decks at the top tables. Not good odds, and very far from no one.

I think he means MaxX’ers are afraid of blacklist, so nobody is playing her, not that nobody is playing blacklist. Because Blacklist is stronk like bull.


Blacklist is keeping me from playing MaxX at my regionals.

Its actually pretty commonly played locally and I can only imagine it will be played commonly until the cycle ends and other cards get some more play. Then it might be a good time to play MaxX.

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The sole reason I was playing MaxX during Leiden Regionals was because breaker bay wasn’t legal yet.
It wasn’t Reg-Ass though


Breaker Bay not released here yet, but i’m not so sure Blacklist is that big of a threat. It sure can be a tempo loss, but it’s hard to protect imo given you play parasites, d4v1d, breakers like corroder and mimic doubled. Only solid way to get locked out of the game maybe is when both decoders are in the trash and Blacklist is protected by lotus field. Still it’s only “theorycrafting” here, i may be mistaken and Blacklist totally kills Maxx …

Blacklist behind Lotus and your Zu is in the heap. Go ahead.


Blacklist behind Sus. Virus wipe. Go.


MaxX needs to be playing AI and always did. Problems.Solved();

Virus wipes get d4v1d?

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Only if your david isn’t already in your bin.

Lol I guess all the winning I have been doing is just some kind of fluke?


I partially agree. I HATE having to constantly be gear checking the entire match with MaxX. Its a nice ability if you don’t have to worry about Blacklist or Chronos. But in a world where people are actually playing blacklist (I don’t think it will last… especially if a sexier card is released this cycle) MaxX that relies heavily on “backwards tutoring” is already on the back foot.

Most of my meta plays blacklist. It has hurt my win percentages a tiny bit, simply because MaxX’s ability becomes subject to even higher levels of variance. Did my opponent find their barrier/sentry/code gate before I could find my answer? Before it goes into the heap?

To make matters worse, many of the winning decks over the weekend were running blacklist. Its going to be everywhere for a time, at least until the next pack comes out.

And honestly the only “solution” I have found that regularly works to counter the damn card is singularity or stimhack depending on the match up and the deck. But even then, Interns exists.

Not at all; you built a stable deck by maxing out recurssion which gave you access to the breaker you needed at the moment; I should have been more clear; MaxX needs ways to fill having the gap of not having the type of breaker she needs like every other runner.

In your deck, that purpose is largely filled via D4v1d; supplemented by clone chip/deja vu to get pieces you drop that you want back; and via parasite. Parasite and D4v1d might as well be AI programs without the AI; when I said AI I really meant non-typed solutions.

Now with recursion not being very reliable, the deck needs some other type of “AI-access” so that it can maintain speed and not be knocked out. Knight is probably enough… since you can just put it on the lotus and have done with it. With enough cash Crypsis/Overmind would probably do it too…

Also you were right way back when about this deck being where it needed to be. I tried for a solid week to do more of the things I thought Anarch should be from a flavor perspective and couldn’t increase the win rate.

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I suggest overmind. It pairs very well with memstrips.


If the issue we’re all worried about is Lotus-Blacklist, I honestly don’t know what to do about it. There is always something like Knight that could potentially solve the problem, but it’s a pretty suboptimal card otherwise, and you still might need to recur to get to it. It’s a 2-card combo and it doesn’t win the game on the spot. I feel like the best thing you could do about it is play 2nd Zu or don’t play NRE when it comes out to decrease the chance that you get locked out, but I feel like either of those options is potentially nerfing your play. If everyone is playing Lotus Blacklist or Grail Blacklist decks, maybe the best solution is to not play Reg Ass, but I’ll still play it. As I have said, I don’t frequently lose to recursion lockout.


What in the literal fuck does this do if the point is that you can’t get in?

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I’m a big fan of this deck, guess i’m on the rage train after regionals xD