Going Against the Grain: Reg-Ass Maxx

I suck at psi games, so Vamp looks like an appealing include. But maybe it’s overkill if you get enough practice with the RP matchup? Thoughts?

Looks like there is a new AI boy in town coming next pack. I have a hunch it’ll be going in RegAss. See the San San spoiler thread.

I’m still not sold on NRE in maxx because of the lockout potential. I played against eight copies of blacklist in my last tournament (5 rounds) with Kate. NRE really increases the chances of something being able to shut you out from a bogus mill early, and I think I’d just rather have the Zu and more money if people are going to be playing shit like 3x blacklist across the table. Bleh.

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You can totally ruin RP with vamp if you want, but you can also totally ruin RP with the rest of the deck. Overkill imo.

Faust is interesting, Maxx could be happy with one as a backupbackup, but it’s mechanics will really limit its use to very small Windows. Breaking lotus for two cards is nice though.

The Vamp was mostly to slow down HB / NEH, as yes the rest of the deck is already very good against RP. There is enough in here to deny resources pretty well, but I find the Vamp helps keep them down after operations too. My thought with the include was wanting to have time to find Medium more consistently. That was either a second Medium (find it faster), or a Vamp (give more time to find it). I went with Vamp.

I agree on really not liking Crypsis, but I wanted something. I generally shy away from Knight now with Blue Sun (I am playing the deck that can Blacklist behind a problem ICE, then clear Knight and Interns back the Blacklist next turn), but two problem ICE is a little unlikely so its probably okay to install Knight in a previous turn and follow up with host -> run to trash Blacklist -> SoT Levy. Knight would have been a better call.

Agreed on the new AI breaker. Even if its worse than the spoiler suggests, I think that fills the ‘worried about Blacklist’ slot better than Knight or Crypsis.

This. I’ve been playing this deck a lot for about the past 3 weeks and it has beaten me like a catholic nun in grade school. However, the few games were I could tame the beast I felt like rambo riding a t-rex into a field of ewoks. If you are having trouble with the deck performing, I would just take your lashings and keep playing it before you try to tweak cards.

Great deck @mediohxcore


As a Bootcamp player I have to say I hate hate hate that Yog is back with NRE. I used to be so happy and carefree playing 3 Datapikes and 2 Lotus for a code gate suite.

It was a beautiful thing to drink Anarch tears when they would install their Yog, and then have to install the Zu as well.

Now it’s like… why did I bother putting Code Gates in my deck that aren’t Tollbooth? Maybe I should just play 18 Barriers and tax Lady? Superior Cyberwalls is the new meta?


Two words: Power. Shutdown.


kate beats maxx again. Lame!

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I think as long as RP is the best deck that’s a good enough reason to consider Regass over kate. I feel like kate is close to 50-50 and maxx might have as much as 80-20.


That high really? I have played a grand total of one regass game against RP and flatlined legworking two fetals at once. What’s your latest list look like? Does it have a vamp?

I am 6-0 against RP with this exact list and I think 3-0 with a previous NRE list. Pre-NRE it was still a very good matchup, I think I probably was winning at least 75%. I guess you can always die to surprise damage builds but the standard RP lists generally get crushed. If you can keep them off a remote by destroying ICE and trashing Sundews, MHCs, and Caprice, they’re usually somewhat money-strapped and have a lot of trouble doing anything at all deep into the game. If they have a good bursty start and manage to score a Nisei, you can still win a good amount of the time by destroying R&D ICE and running Mediums on them. Imp for TFP is nice, as is being able to access it a lot of times by Medium running it over and over.

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I guess I’ll test it out some. Maxx is just way cooler than Kate and RP needs to die.

Tell you what, though: It makes Wormhole a lot more attractive.

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I never expected to discover Wesley Willis references in stimhack forums… Spags is now officially the king of stimhack and life.

Anyone looking to discover some truly excellent music should also check out “I whupped Batman’s Ass”


Real story.

Went to a Reel Big Fish show at the House of Blues in Chicago in the mid-to-late '90s. Wesley Willis was in the lobby, selling his own CDs, even though he wasn’t performing.

WW: “Hey, there, kids!” *proceeds to hand out headbutts to us all
Us: "Hey, man, what’s up? Big fans!"
WW: "EXcellent! Want to buy a CD? Seven bucks!"
Us: "Uh… we don’t have much cash on us."
WW: “O-kay! Half price, SIX bucks!”

We bought two.


Also - can i we hide this thread for a day? Cambridge is tomorrow, and it would be super nice if everyone keeps bringing RP.


I regret not headbutting Willis when I saw him in 2000 or 2001. It was a concert experience that I really can’t describe unless you’ve seen him.

For on topic, I’ve been playing this deck for months and it’s really fun to play and definitely tough to pilot at times; however, if you think outside the box you’ll find a way. However, the hardest part is making sure you don’t use your davids loosely and learn to parasite more or big ice can be a pain since lately i’ve been seeing bigger HB ice in cybernetics division.

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Has anyone tried a 1 of clot in the deck? Seems like it would be decent with all the self mill and the clone chips…

If you click the little magnifying glass in the top right corner of the page you can search the thread. It’s been discussed :smile: