Going Against the Grain: Reg-Ass Maxx

Yeah, the critical error statement was more of a tongue in cheek way of saying she’s bad right now.

It’s not quite that simple, as she can definitely win against good players with good decks, but she has justify every credit spent in a way that other runners don’t have to.

I think that a good Andromeda player can have a good win rate as long as they pick their battles wisely, but sometimes you miss on a hay maker of a legwork and you lose because of it. Why risk that when you don’t have to in Kate or the Anarch decks.

And yet, it moves :confused:

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I think one of the things that is hurting Criminals a bit right now is NEXT Ice. It’s just so terrible to face without parasite, which Crims rarely have.

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Make it a StimHack article?


Yeah, taking one of its good match ups and turning it entirely around certainly doesn’t help the case for playing criminal.

For me my issue with Maxx was the anxiety of milling cards and being in an environment with Chronos and blacklist would make me pretty nervous, and thus I’d make several errors. I’ve stuck with Maxx and now noticed that my win rate has been going up as my nervousness has gone down. I been trying out @spags new Whizzard build and finding that a lot less anxiety provoking to play. It would be a flaw to equate not feeling nervous with Whizzard as him being the “better” ID/deck rather than an unbiased evaluation of his ID and build vs. RegMaxx. I think some people are making this mistake, they “feel” more comfortable with other IDs and thus are emotionally reasoning that Maxx isn’t as good.


I think there is good reason to believe that Regassy Whizzard has better game against Butchershop and HB, decks that throw out a lot of expensive-to-trash Assets, and is worse against RP and Blue Sun, which don’t lean as hard on high trash costs and force gearchecks, with Lotus Field in particular. Whizzard’s main issue for me is that, while his ability can be powerful, he doesn’t have a natural way of combatting the old Anarch inconsistency problems outside of Knight, (which is a fine stopgap, but is expensive to use and shitty for face checking).

I feel like I’d rather be in Val than Whizzard; Her ability does a good job of being sort of a halfway-Whizzard that gets used more often but isn’t as big of an econ boost when you do use it, because you gain Blackmail, which is just absurdly good in the early and midgame at keeping Corps from punishing your setup sluggishness. This is probably a discussion for that Whizzard thread I haven’t read yet though.

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Yep, been saying this since before the Whizzard madness. The Whizzard decks are fine, Tier 1.8 even. Just add 3 Blackmails and a pair of SOTs, swap Whiz for Val, and you’ve got a tier 1.4 deck.

Val is notably weaker to Butcher Shop/Fastro than Whizzard though. She’s even slower, and her Blackmails don’t help much.

Street Peddler may put Whizzard over the top. 3x Injext, 3x IHW, 3x Peddler. No need to throw down Earthrise or splash for Career Fair. Just good, cheap in faction draw. It’ll be fine in Val, but she runs more important events than Whizzard does.

Edit: just realized this is in the MaxX thread. To keep it on topic, how much does MaxX want to play Peddlers? Doesn’t tax her recursion as hard as Inject, but when you need that Levy… It may not help her enough to take on the added risk. I’d still want to try them though.

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After playing against @nobody in the PDX regionals, I have to disagree. His list was much, much better against me than the Whizzards I was facing the rest of the day. Sure, Whizz gets 3 credits a turn to trash assets, but Val with Desperado gets 2 credits every time she runs at all. And Blackmail is actually quite good at denying rushing an Astro (or a Breaking News for the kill) behind an ETR in the early game.

Maybe different Val lists would end up being worse. But @nobody’s list makes Butcher just fall over, whereas the Whizzards I was facing I could still win.

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MaxX thread though. I’ll put a response in the Whizzard thread.

But the Val Desperado decks need to find the Desperado early to have that level of efficiency. Two or three out of fifty with a five card opener is not a consistent way to find Desperado. If you get it early all the time, your just a complete luck sack and could win with any deck. I think Val is great now, but she is not fast enough vs NET on average, for sure.


True enough. Although a Val that runs a lot even just gaining 1 credit a run through the bad pub I feel has a good chance at out pacing Whizzard economically, simply because Whizzard can only use his credits to trash things. Further, when he can use them, it’s not guarenteed that he will be able to use them all (for example, only being able to trash a single Sundew or a Caprice).

As for speed vs NEH, I can’t really speak to that without playing her a bunch. I’ll defer to your wisdom =)

with bad pub, career fairs, datasucker, ice carver, tons of draw, you’re fine if you don’t find your desperado asap
it’s not really an issue for val
a bad mulligan and inability to get an earthrise or wyldcakes going might be a problem, but that puts it on par with every deck ever

You’re in the Maxx thread. #consistencyboys #drawallthecards


More like #seeallthecards

I think that’s mostly what makes MaxX tricky but powerful to play, seeing all the cards. You don’t actually draw them all so using your recursion wisely is super key. bblum’s Blue Sun presents the same kind of situation with the Atlas tokens, because you can “see” your whole deck (but only once or twice) and again, it’s powerful but unforgiving.


What card would you cut for another david? I cut the queens gambit but I’m not sure thats the right call given the state of the meta. I’ve been finding against blue sun and turing asset spam out of hb lack of david has been a problem.

I was actually thinking about trying cutting the 2nd Corroder for David. Gutenberg means David is actually the better one a lot of the time against NBN now.

Seems risky against Blacklist. Also Gutenberg is not a whole lot better than Data Raven.

Or you can go for, you know, 47 cards :smiley:

I’ve removed Stimhack from my latest list btw. Put an immolation script instead. It’s not like i’ve a lot of situation where I really need stimhack anyway :slight_smile:


at that point just write VALENCIA in sharpie over the ID name and go to 50

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