Going Against the Grain: Reg-Ass Maxx

Corroder is the often the breaker you install last. Bako is the only common barrier that requires Corroder. Meru on HQ too maybe.

Running HQ is so 2 cycles ago


Two Elis also require a Corroder I think?

Amped up is more versatile


I’d go with second QG.

Knife Elis all day

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Blasphemy! That cannot be right.


What reasonable Val player doesn’t play 3x IHW 3x Inject 3x Hotel/Pancake Party and fire them all off asap.

I think the corroder cut is probably the most logical. Not sure if that stresses your clone chips too much though by needing to chip the corroder. Think its the queens gambit, corroder, or possibly a datasucker for the david. I’ve been testing a ton without the queens gambit, haven’t missed it too much (mainly in certain rp/neh scenarios which this deck is strong against already) but will test without 2nd corroder and 2nd datasucker.

My RAMaxX 46 cards went undefeated today (I played like ten games with her before this tournament) and another RAM player won the Regionals (45 cards). It feels so much better than Kate.
We had one USA player, he took fourth place (Tracy from Louisiana).


Who won? :open_mouth:


@aandries played noise instead and lost a bunch. Super happy someone finally did it. Pressures off me next week now :smile:

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Next stop - Nationals.

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It’s interesting that MaxX seemed to be winning a lot of events just after OaC, then died down for a bit, and now seems to be having a bit of a resurgence. Is that all down to NRE or was she always good enough?

I’m curious what “personality” changes people have been making to Reg Ass from the typical Net Ready Eyes build? The package all works together so well that I’m having trouble finding cards I might want to play around with outside of just ratios (I.e. 2 or 3 Kati, 1 or 2 knifed, etc).

It seems like the potential flex spots are things like Queen’s Gambit, Stimhack, and maybe Legwork. Has anyone made some interesting changes on the general build that they’ve really liked?

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Is Legwork even good anymore? Six months ago I was winning all my games with it, and nowadays all I do with it is fire it off when I don’t have anything else to do.


I think MaxX always stayed pretty good in the tier liest, but people where just worried about lotus field being everywere. The reg-ass builds always has been more consistent vs the eater-keyhole-denial deck variant, but those had a more snowball/win-more effect.

Now with NRE out, people are willing to give it a go again. Just my 2 cents…

Legwork is still good, but finding a right moment to fire is getting harder with all those glacier RP decks out there, and don’t even speak about legworking butchershop

Isn’t it as simple as (1) economically superior anarch ID + new anarch toys = really good flavour of the month. (2) don’t we just lose because Blacklist? (3) oh, you mean it’s a pain in the ass but you don’t actually need all your cards to win netrunner games AND Net Ready Eyes is disgusting.

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With Blacklist there are two options:

  1. TaxX: Create a server for it that runner will get in and trash it for some cost. It can create a scoring window, but it won’t singlehandedly win you the game with MaxX.
  2. End the Game: Create a server that runner can’t get in. Unless the MaxX player is unlucky, he can still win. Locking MaxX is very hard and using the corp’s resources for it can lose the game. I know the Blacklist play lost me the game in Top 8 yesterday - MaxX had all the breakers and NRE, but no econ. The player just took creds and ran with Medium when he could. If I stopped the R&D runs he would have won from a simple HQ. I was flooded because of Blacklist.