Going Against the Grain: Reg-Ass Maxx

Seeing play when O & C was released or seeing play from O &C now? Either way, you’re missing some notable cards.

I guess the cutlery are pretty big omissions. They didn’t see a ton of play until Dumblefork. Wanton and Day Job see play but aren’t the most common. AI only recently became a good tech card.

Right, if you’re talking about the O & C meta. It was Day Job and maybe a few pieces of cutlery (mostly Knifed). And, Wanton saw a bit of play (more than now). The most popular deck was non-DLR Siphon MaxX. There were even a few fringe Noise decks with Hiveminds. And Vigil had a good run too. Overall, Anarch got some nice diverse options in O & C.

Is Maxx a Dead ID after the release of Skorpios? Skorpios will destroy maxx since the trashing is part of building her board state. Maxx is one of my favorite ids but I just don’t know if she has a place in the future.

I would say she is a risky bet until Skorpios is either pushed out of the meta or becomes old news.

I am not sure either will be happening any time soon.

MaxX is fine vs Scorpios. I am >50% vs it with Magnum MaxX(my own version) just play smart and play duplicates and you are fine. In my opinion.

It’s a natural coinflip matchup because if you, say, mill both your keyholes turn 1 and turn 2 before you get a strike you’re gonna have problems but yea, assuming you modify your play a bit (particularly regarding reckless injects) I think the anarch eater/keyhole and reg with redundancy plans are still so fundamentally strong that she can overpower most Skorp builds pretty consistently.

I have slotted Chronos as the main stopgap in Skorpios. It really shuts MaxX down if they are on Eater Keyhole.