Thanx to @x3r0h0ur for the inspiration.
nice list, I play a similar build but with mimic and scheherazade instead of hunting grounds and stimhack ( and 1 hyperdriver too). Why did you prefer stim over scheherazade? WIth so much program recursion it seems like the better choice to me
I don’t want to find it. Stimhack can provide a power run early. Helps v. Food rush.
When you play quality time you’re almost always going to get your Hayley trigger so in practice earthrise being comboable is irrelevant, seeing all five cards at once lets you plan your next turn’s combo as well. Seeing cards now instead of one to three turns later is a real difference too.
I played against Dr Evil on Jinteki some time ago and he asked me why i like and play Hayley (namely my list).
I told him that I love playing two cards simultaneously IRL, it feels fresh in a CCG.
However, the more I see and play @spags list, the main difference is this.
Technical Hayley plays more like an Andromeda “The Deck” list of old. You set up your rig and an economy engine, both better than the corp most of the times. You have to take decisions whether to run or hold and your main goal is to go for the RnD lock. You still play a lot of cards and do some #shaperbullshit but not as many.
@spags Hayley reminds me more of a PPVP Kate build. It is more reactive and oppressive. You will run and find the answers mid run, use stimhack for surprise pressure and stuff and do not rely so much on credits that your opponent can actually count and take into account in his turn.
I still like playing my list more since I never liked PPVP Kate (ask @groober for crushing me twice in the Greek nationals just because I did not want to play PPVP Kate, clearly the better deck at that time). However, @spags list offers more creativity and reaction, some may feel that it offers a more interactive game, and yes it is really good…
Just my $0,05.
The PPVP-Pitchfork comparison is apt. You rig is fragile, but efficient. Not quite as disposable, but you have to be equally judicious with your runs, more so than with your credits. You have to use your toolbox to get the most value out of your runs. It’s really unsurprising that one person (spags) had a hand in both.
No Sharpshooter, no early game burst econ, expensive SMCs. I like it but nervy terrain vs rush.
I took a @spags Pitchfork-Hayley to a SC with mimic+NRE instead of Chameleon+stimhack. And while I didn’t miss the stimhack at all, I feel that was a mistake on my part. Chameleon is so much more versatile, even though it is more expensive in the long run. I think a scrubber could have been good instead of stimhack, it would have pulled it’s weight against yellow and purple. I would still want to include NRE, but I am not sure what to cut for it.
Most other cards did pull their weight, especially hunting ground. For some reason, tollbooth doesn’t get rezzed if HG is out, or they get a sad face when they realized they rezzed an 8-cost code gate that can get broken for either a token or 2 creds.
And while I am talking about Hayley, she must be the freaking ultimate shaper. If not in mechanic, but at least in theme.
I’ve been running NRE and I always find myself discarding it when I’m overdrawing for resources/programs/etc for Hayley value. I get that in theory it lets you do things like Mimic/Chameleon through Ichis to save your Atman for something else (for example), but in practice I’ve never really been in a situation where it would make that much difference. Lady and CyCy are already high base strength, D4 doesn’t care, and it’s rarely going to matter with Atman. I’ve cut it and am waiting to see if I miss it. I haven’t so far.
I’m on one Paricia now. Even if you use it to trash one Jackson all game then sell it to Aesop, it’s basically Daily Casts level efficiency (sort of). I initially included it for asset spam, but have gotten more use out of it by clearing assets from R&D to lock harder.
I’d never cut Stimhack, either. SMC + Clone Chip out, gogo gadget Stimhack on R&D/the remote. Bonus points for loading up Technical Writers while you’re at it. I’m pretty reckless with Same Old Stimhack against glacier or NEH FA, too.
I actually want NRE for atman, 5-strength ICE are becoming more popular (i.e vikram, assassin), so being able to buff atman in certain situations can save D4v1d counters. I have had so much money without stimhack that it never felt necessary. But sure, in certain situations it is better. But I feel I would have gotten more out of a scrubber, especially against asset spamming NEH.
I can see that. My worry is that someone would then do something obnoxious like Vikram over Ichi 1.0 (or something) to screw with your 4-strength Atman. Maybe that’s too much of an edge case to worry about, I don’t know.
I’m actually on the spags build -1 scav +1 escher. I can condone 46 with 1 pairicia too. Deck has so much tutor bad draw sorta doesn’t matter.
Thanks @spags for making the deck way better. Just ran over these monster servers repeatedly, no big deal.
yeah, I included this card as a stand-in for one build where I was short for influence on a 3rd cache, and it has stuck as a one-of through so many builds now. These decks tend (I find) to be so much richer in credits than anarchs, that this card makes you even better than the whizz when it comes to just crushing assets. imo the math is just really simple on this card (in this particular meta where it seems every archetype is pumping out assets as fast as they can): play it, use it (maybe more than once) then sell it - one click for 9 credits is really easy to achieve in a lot of games.
Trashing assets is important even if you’re not playing an asset-spam deck. Jackson alone makes Paricia worth it, and usually they got a couple more.
Not applicable to Paricia, but I made an anti-Dumblefork Sol deck that ran only Jackson, CVS and SanSan, and I still made a Reina player go back to Whizzard.
One Shahrazad seems better then one of the cache in Pitchfork. Even if you only host d4, cache, SMC, clot and chameleon it seems like it’s going to earn a lot more credits than a cache and is 0 mu. Are people just that worried about Batty and Keegan?
It could definitely do work, but it’s quite order-dependent and I wouldn’t want to burn a Fan Site or SMC to fetch it.
It already feels bad to install stuff without your Technical Writers online. I wouldn’t want to add more draw order dependent things into the mix.
Even without any fetching, you will on average draw it before half of your cards you’d be willing to instal on it. So if cache is making an average of 7 credits in a game, and you have 14+ installs that you’d be willing to host on a zad counting scavenges and clone chips.
I guess that’s not totally true since you are tutoring the other stuff. So let’s say it’s only worth playing if you are willing to instal lady, cyber cypher and chameleon on it, which does up the risk.
Do we think it would be crazy to slot a couple of Personal Workshops (EDIT: out of the Pitchfork shell)? I’m already down to two Daily Casts and could see those being replaced by PW.
My reasoning is that those early frantic ProCo turns can leave my hand full of stuff that I don’t necessarily want to take the tempo hit to install now (e.g. a turn two RDI, possibly Lady) but I also don’t particularly want to pitch. It also fuels more Shaper bullshit, gets added value from Stimhack, and lets you be even more flexible with Chameleon (e.g. stick it on PW if you’ve no better targets and let it stack up Tech Writers).
This is probably a response to my poor play decisions causing me to click compress myself by holding too much Good Stuff in hand, but has anyone else tried it?
Testing personal workshop sounds interesting, but I’d be reluctant to cut daily casts. With aesops out daily casts is just so good- you net 6 credits, equivalent to lucky find, in 3 turns. Personal workshop doesn’t provide the same economic boost. Maybe test cutting a technical writer and something else for 2 PW’s?