Hayley Kaplan: Click Decompression

Just watch out for Mrs Mills. She’s been on a rampage against wyldside and a personal workshop or two might get crushed accidentally.

Elizabeth Mills isn’t much of a worry because you can pull stuff off after they rez and before they use the click ability.

With thanks to spags for inspiring me to cut the Diesels, and bahram for the being the insightful Chameleon trendsetter, here’s my latest iteration of Hayley: Hayley's Pawn Stars · NetrunnerDB

It did really well in the last SHL, and has been consistently good in SC season. Wanted to wait until it actually won something to post it.


What are people thinking regarding including Political Operative and Councilman in Hayley? Are they worth it to combat any Caprice/Batty/Ash/etc. still around? I would think at least a 1 of Political Operative that can be fetched with Artist Colony (just run HQ first if you are going after an upgraded remote), but slots and influence are tight.

You cannot fight Batty with Pol Op if I am not mistaken. The corp rezzes Batty and uses him with no window for the runner in between.


Are you sure that is how it works? Since it is the runners turn they would have priority in the action window after Batty is rezzed.

The corp has the window when you rez it though, they get all their abilities until they’re done. So rez and fire are both corp actions. They resolve, then the runner is handed abilities.


Good point. I stand corrected.

I’ve had some difficulties with the pitchfork build running repeatedly through big sentries with multiple subroutines (typically assassin and vikram, but archer has also come up). They’re too taxing on the single david and atman is typically set at 4 to answer other ice. Any advice? Maybe a 2nd atman?

I had the exact same impression when I started with the deck, and almost made that change. However, I held out for a few more games and found that, while it feels like you’re being taxed out, being judicious with your runs against HB usually gets the job done. A combination of clicks, traces, and silly recursion tricks with D4v1d seem to get the job done.

Remember, you’re a control deck. Just because you run RDIs doesn’t mean that you want to run every turn.

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Sam Burdock thinks Gingerbread is better than D4v1d in Pitchfork. I’m not sure I agree, but Sam wins more than I do.

FWIW if you have a temporary rig and ProCo then Hyperdriver is dumb. I don’t understand why it isn’t in all these decks. It massively accelerates the somewhat ponderous early game. I never found the MU cost prohibitive.

I decided it was better than 1 of the fan sites and 1 of the artist colonies in Spags’ list. It isn’t better than the third R&DI but my card was hiding so I played the third Hyperdriver in that slot.


I’m on two Hyperdrivers just now too (but also two Personal Workshops and two Stimhacks, too, so moving slightly away from the core build now).

So far I’ve been slightly underwhelmed, but I’ve not done much testing yet and each time have had relatively awkward draws (e.g. no ProCo, no Aesop in the first half of my deck), which is definitely colouring my opinion somewhat. The potential for early game acceleration with ProCo out is, as you say, huge, so I’m going to stick with it for a while.

I think it’s good enough that it’s potentially worth burning the first SMC for, if you’ve already got ProCo out. Especially in my case, where the hyperturn gives me a load of stuff to stick on PW to later Stemherk out.

I know there was some talk earlier about faerie rush, has anyone done any work on in after SC season started? I’m looking for a faster deck to go against the hordes of NEH FA I’m seeing.

Since we’ve had about a month since the initial pitchfork list was posted by spags, and democracy and dogma/salsette is out, I’m wondering where everyone has shifted their Haley builds to. Here is my current list.


Hayley Kaplan: Universal Scholar (Breaker Bay)

Event (3)

Hardware (10)

Resource (20)

Icebreaker (5)

Program (7)

11 influence spent (max 15-4☆=11)
45 cards (min 45)
Cards up to Democracy and Dogma

Deck built on NetrunnerDB.

Current thoughts on cards.

Hunting Grounds:

Great when you need it, but I’ve gone about 2 tournaments without installing it. I haven’t faced a lot of tollbooth/data raven/komaniu, and at 2 to install its hard to install for kicks. I’ve only used its trash ability when desperately poor. Considering dropping for 3rd cache.


Might be wrong. The click inefficacy of installing chameleon over and over can hurt some games, but there aren’t a terribly large amount of sentries at 3 or less right now. The flexibility to get past Wall of Static/Enigma is helpful as well. Pairs well with Net-Ready eyes, allows for atman 5 against vikram/assasin, and can hit cortex lock/news hound.

Net-Ready Eyes:

Cheap to install, can bring in clone chip, and damage isn’t a huge deal with the silver bullets. A fun play is to install with plascrete to sell next turn to Aesop, prevent the damage, and pump your technical writers. Mostly for Mimic/ataman modification, but can help with lady/cycy efficiency as well.

Political Operative:

A+ would install again. Nothing feels better than installing off of artist colony to kill caprice. Can trash econ assets behind ice, or troublesome assets that might kill you. Considering a 2x over hunting grounds. Always good to install, a real winner with the rest of the resources in this deck.

Sacrifical Construct:

I haven’t had enough trouble against FA with this deck to need it. Most NEH has gone to temple, which seems weaker against clot play without Shipment from San San. Seems like a meta call, but hard to justify over councilman. With CI feeling the hate from 3x Employee Strikes, maybe not good anymore.


Makes them pop Howard early or lose, does cool stuff, hates out SanSanCity Grid and forces the corp to play inefficiently. Not as good in the control runner over the aggro runners like apoc kate/maxx or criminal, but worth testing. Have people been having success with it in Haley?

Net Shield:

Ugh, superfriends. Maybe a better strategy than Mobying, but Haley can have a slow start. Slows the lock signifcantly in time to get RDI and Flim Critic installed. Needs more testing before including. I’m hoping that Salsette Slums hates IG out of the meta, but that feels…doubtful. Silver bullets rarely force powerful decks out of the meta.


Might be worth including over a Scavenge. Can reset Lady/CyCy/D4v1d, gets out of sticky spots, but is 2 MU and unfortunately can’t bounce Cache. I’ll be testing with it the next few weeks but might not be worth it. 2nd Atman might be better, still have to play it out.

What have you been testing? What lists have you been running? Haley still seems to be doing well in tournaments, I’d be interested in seeing where everyone has taken her.

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Hey I have a very similiar list but i don’t use the hunting grounds I prefer the third cache as you said. I want to try brahman over scavenge but the 2 MU hits hard… I would test it
I want to play this deck or bigunit pawns stars in my regional

I’ve been tooling around with various Hayleys, both with and without the AC/FS package. Without it, you can triple up on Aesop and SMC, while adding Paricia, Net Shield, whatever. I’ve even tried Blade over the CyCys, to save some slots. Guess it’s just a matter of meta and preference.

@MasterAir I do love Driver, and think it fits perfectly into Hayley. However, I think it’s a different build. I would go the route I saw @charles87 go, and just run for 3 Driver/3 Noto.


and play 3 Astrolabe instead of 2 ofc. Also, at this point, the deck becomes better in Kate imo because you’re cutting down on resources. The idea is really solid though.

To include Brahman and make the usage of SMCs easier it would be possible to exchange scavange & Astrolabe against NetChips. I’m playing around with it, to include 3 NetChips & 1 Astrolabe or only 4 NetChips. This would release one Slot, but Recursion would be no issue when Brahman is out.

I took Hayley to Melbourne Regionals this weekend and went undefeated with her. Unfortunately I am a huge idiot and took NEXT Design as my corp. Hayley single-handedly dragged me into the top six.

Feywild (6-0 at Melbourne Regionals 2016)

Hayley Kaplan: Universal Scholar

Event (2)
1x Indexing
1x Levy AR Lab Access

Hardware (8)
2x Astrolabe
3x Clone Chip ☆☆☆
1x Plascrete Carapace
2x R&D Interface

Resource (21)
2x Aesop’s Pawnshop
2x Artist Colony
3x Daily Casts
3x Fan Site
1x Film Critic
3x Professional Contacts
3x Sacrificial Construct
1x Same Old Thing
3x Technical Writer

Icebreaker (5)
1x Atman
1x Chameleon
1x Cyber-Cypher
1x Faerie •••
1x Inti

Program (10)
3x Cache •••
1x Clot ••
1x D4v1d ••••
2x Paricia
3x Self-modifying Code

12 influence spent (max 15-3☆=12)
46 cards (min 45)
Cards up to Kala Ghoda

Deck built on https://netrunnerdb.com.

Wins were against NEXT, Core Set Weyland, 2xNEH and 2xCI.

Sacrificial Construct was absolutely brutal against both NEH and CI. Double Paricia is correct as long as Gagarin and IG are in the meta (although I didn’t face either on the day).


How do you feel about Gordian blade instead of cy-cy? Your list is great! I’m trying out All-nighter instead of Casts and 1 Maya for the endgame. Thoughts?