Imaginary Cards

A gagarin deck with encryption protocol, oaktown grid, dedication ceremony, ronin, contract killer, and this card. Goooooooooo

Jankteki - Jinteki ID 45/10
3 cards of subtype trap doesn’t cost influence and doesn’t count for calculating number of agenda points in this deck.


Cleanup Crew
Weyland - Operation - Black Ops
Play only if you have inflicted meat damage this turn. Do 2 meat damage.
3 inf


Flavour text: “Ooooh, inflicted is such a meaty word.”


Asset Stripping
Weyland - Operation - Transaction
Take up to 3 bad publicity. For each bad publicity you have take 2 credits up to a maximum of 6 credits.
3 inf

Chaos Loop
Jinteki - Asset - Virtual
Whenever a peice of ice is installed during a run, you may have the runner approach that ice as if it were the next peice of ice. They may not jack out before passing it. When the runner passes that ice, they resume the run from where they were.
3 trash
Sufficiently dense code warps cyberspace around it.

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A bit of a silly crossover, but I had one. Way different than what I thought before for it.

The Kirijo Group
Jinteki - ID - Independent Contractor

The first time the runner draws a card (not through a card ability) each turn, the runner loses one credit.
Two in Harmony Surpasses one in Perfection

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Have you heard of the most wanted list? :stuck_out_tongue: 17 influence minimum, or I’m never fantasizing about this ID ever again.

Also, @anon34370798 you’re getting at a 52 card deck that can play museum of history and run 20 points of agendas, am I right? Marvelous

Trump Towers
ID - Weyland - Subsidiary
45 - 15
The first time you rez a barrier each turn, the cost is paid from the runner’s credit pool. If they do not have enough credits the ice cannot be rezzed.

“We’re gonna build a giant wall and make the runner pay for it!”


17 I thought might be a little over-powered because the ability but maybe 50 minimum is enough of a set-back.

@cmcadvanced There’s a typo on this card. I was thinking ambush, not trap.

I though to go 54 @ 20 agendas points but… I think it’s not very powerfull (in term of scoring agressivity). And with Mumbad I don’t really think putting ambushes under your deck can be usefull, especially of all of these are coming together at the end of the end.
If you go 53, you would be playing 22 points, and to benefit Mumbad’s inf reduction you would still need 54 @ 22 agendas points.

The idea is to play a normal glacier with free ambush slots, simple as that.
Because putting ambushes in a Jinteki deck has always been a problem of deck design / deck integration. Solving that problem would be the purpose of that ID. There’s a similar problems with traps too.

NEH have 17 influence but no influence gift. I could correct this like this, if you prefer :

Jankteki - Jinteki ID 45/10
3 cards of subtype ambush doesn’t count for calculating number of agenda points in this deck and cost 0 inf.
Each time the runner access a card of subtype ambush, draw a card.

NEH is better, sure, but whatever, I’m not competing with the broken cards. Note that you could go with 3x Archangels for 0 inf in what I was thinking of this card, so it’s not really terribad and not really better than PE.

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ooh, ambush is definitely better than trap. Drawing a card on ambush access is also pretty amazing, I would definitely play this jinteki. I think I’m going to make a trap deck, and watch in abject horror as they never trigger

Anarch - Icebreaker - Fracter - 1mu
Dynamo gains 2 strength until the end of the turn whenever you make a successful run.
1c: Break any number of identical barrier subroutines.
1 inf

Could well be more inf, but want an alternative to corrder for criminals.

Street Cred
Anarch - Resource - Reputation
Install street cred only if you made a successful run this turn.
2 'recccuring credits’
Use these credits only during your last click; either during a run and/or to play run events.
Trash Street Cred if you make an unsuccessful run.
3 inf


YES!!! One of the best weyland tagging idea save seen

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This is what IDs should be: game changing. Not sure if it’s too strong but I really like the idea.

Here’s a riff on Hard At Work.

Anarch - 2 influence
Resource - 5c
When your turn begins, you may lose up to four clicks. If you do, gain 2c for each click lost.

Depending on the situation, OAI + Curtain Wall might be better in Trump Towers than in Blue Sun. I love it.

Wait, based on the wording, it wouldn’t. Nevermind!

Executive Boot Camp would be brutal.

Also, things would get interesting playing against Nasir.

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I don’t like that it’s strictly better than Magnum Opus (no MU, crazy combo with Chronotype/GCS) and blows Tri-Maf out of the water. Also, Anarch doesn’t exactly need another econ resource. On the other hand, no one plays Tri-Maf and MO is too slow for the current meta. This might be better in Crim, they’re in need of a good resource.


Heap overflow
Weyland Barrier Sentry Codegate - str 4 - 2c - inf 3.
Heap overflow gain “sub: the runner trash an installed card” if there’s more cards in his heap than in his stack.

This is a neat idea, but i think is something that really only works on Jinteki. Otherwise there’s lots of finnicky counting of cards a bunch that would bog the game down. Also, the fact that it won’t do -anything- for the first half of the game is a bit of a downside - it’s priced and strengthed to be an early game punishing / binary ice, but doesn’t activate until the runner probably has hig rig set up - so something more taxing would be appropriate. Furthermore, “trashing an installed card” isn’t really something that is usually on barriers, let alone the sole defining aspect of the barrier - putting it on a sentry would be more mechanically appropriate, then would be more taxing by virtue of being a sentry.