Imaginary Cards

Deep Dream

ICE: Code Gate
str 3 - 2c - inf 1

For each AI installed, Deep Dream gains “-> End the run” after all of its other subroutines.

-> The corp gains 1c
-> The corp gains 1c


I would say Use this credit to pay for using killers.

Given the MWL and how cards on it decrease available influence, what would a card look like that increases available influence - even in faction - if it’s included in the deck?

For example, how would Lady compare to Battering Ram or Snowball if those cards increased available influence by 1, allowing other better out-of-faction cards to be included?

What would you design that increases available influence?

Neutral Resource

When Friendbook is installed or in your heap, you have -1 MU. You have an additional 2 influence for the purposes of deckbuilding.


Here is my Idea for a new cycle of Ice Breakers

Program: Icebreaker - Decoder - Countermeasure
Install: 4 • Memory: 1 • Strength: 1 • Influence: 2

1: Break code gate subroutine.
2: Break AP subroutine.
1: +1 strength.

Modern anti-personal ICE can actually trace its origins to pre-net mainframe games.

Iron Fist
Program: Icebreaker - Fracter - Countermeasure
Install: 5 • Memory: 1 • Strength: 2 • Influence: 2

1: Break barrier subroutine.
3: Break destroyer subroutine.
1: +1 strength.

You punch them, before they can punch you.

Program: Icebreaker - Killer - Countermeasure
Install: 3 • Memory: 1 • Strength: 1 • Influence: 2

1: Break sentry subroutine.
2: Break tracer subroutine.
1: +1 strength.

What happens when the uncatchable fox meets the hunter that can’t be bested?

I would probably not want to release these too close to Panchatantra, maybe 1 or 2 cycles before Panchatantra rotates.


These are interesting!

Iron Fist is a more expensive Corroder that empowers face-checking since you don’t have to worry about it getting blown up before you find a sentry breaker. That said, it’s so expensive that even if you use it to save your breaker I think the corp will be pretty happy with the trade. I guess one thing it could be used for is that it could replace Corroder and Mimic in a Faust deck. It’s a Fracter so you get around Wraparound and it can stop the Swordsman trashing for 3 credits… I think I’d still want Mimic.

Vixen is slightly less efficient than Mongoose, but doesn’t have the once-per-server restriction. I feel like the Tracer breaking is mostly irrelevant – the vast majority of Tracer ice already has Sentry. Notable exceptions: Resistor, Archangel, and Viper, but Vixen is so expensive (7 for Archangel and Viper) you might as well just fight the trace. This is a tricky breaker to balance since you need it to be expensive for Sentries but non-Sentry Tracers tend to be high strength Code Gates. I think it’s still reasonably competitive with Mongoose, but that’s just on the basis of how it deals with sentries.

I feel like Sweeper is the weakest. Shaper isn’t that scared of damage since they can recur so much stuff, and they can do face-checking with SMC. More importantly, if AP ice is that scary to you, Deus X exists. Sweeper is expensive to use in a pinch anyway (Komainu – oof), so I don’t think the AP breaking is a big enough upside over the strength loss compared to Gordian.

All good points, in general I wanted to make sure that this these weren’t strictly better than existing breakers.

I’d like to add in that these are still reasonably better main ice breakers out of their faction so they should certainly be interesting splashes. My main inspiration for these was to look forward for what might replace Deus X for shaper when it does rotate out.

But even looking at it through that scope i can feel that Vixen isn’t that compelling. I think it might be a good idea break the symmetry in the breakers and go with something like this:

Program: Icebreaker - Killer - Countermeasure
Install: 3 • Memory: 1 • Strength: 1 • Influence: 2

1: Break sentry subroutine.
1: +1 strength.
1: +3 stregnth. Use this ability only when the currently encountered ice is a tracer.

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You guys totally mean sentry,not killer.

fixed it

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Comparing size of heap/stack would work 80% of the time, and the ice is triple nature.

Designed to help Weyland end games :slight_smile:

I like this version. Though I would worry for Gingerbread. This is almost strictly better in a lot of cases (1 more to install and 1 less starting strength notwithstanding).

Perhaps if you switched the secondaries around a bit? Since crim doesn’t have recursion, move destroyer to Vixen, move AP to Anarch, and move Tracer to Shaper? Or…?

I DO play Tri-Maf.



Random thought on Crim AI breaker. Something that gives the corp money on failed runs based on money spent on trying to get through.

I think the secondaries are in the right factions right now. Fighting Tracer ice is definitely Criminal, Shaper has AP protection already (Net Shield, Deus Ex). I dunno how well Destroyer fits in Anarch, but if you don’t give it to them then it’s hard to decide how to complete the cycle. Maybe you shift the breaker types instead of the subtypes? It could be like the Dog breakers where it’s for an off-faction breaker type, which could make their inefficiencies a bit easier to tolerate. This also would let you split the Sentry and Tracer types.

Or just boost the scaling against the subtypes like arcv2 suggested in his second post.

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Trade secrets
Weyland agenda 5/1
Worth 2 more agenda points when in the corp’s score area.

Time travel
HB agenda 4/2
When the runner accesses this agenda, the corp has 1 extra click to spend on their next turn.

Respiratory suppressants
Jinteki agenda 0/1
The advancement requirement is increased by 1 for each card in the runners grip.

Analog security system
NBN agenda 5/2
Whenever the runner trashes a Corp card, they take 1 tag.


These are strong cards, very powerful ideas. I wonder if there’s room to design a variant of netrunner that has its own specific cards, like tiny leaders in mtg. I really like the idea of the jinteki one, though I think that could even be a 2 pointer.


At 2 points it would have to be limit 1 per deck. Don’t want the corp scoring 6 points from hand in one turn.

Here’s a neutral, not sure if it’s unfair

Advanced locksmithing
Neutral agenda 4/1
Can’t be stolen unless it has an advancement counter on it.


If the runner has 0 cards in hand, and the Corp has all three of this one agenda in hand, I would be offended if the Corp didn’t just win at that point.

The locksmith agenda is cool, I can’t see how it would be unfair, it’s still a 1 pointer. The agenda density would balance it, and it would be most useful in an all three point build, or mostly 2 point build. So you know, it’s either in a good deck or a bad one

Does agenda density matter when it can’t be stolen out of HQ or r&d ?

You’re forgetting film critic, but you have a point. Still, an agenda that can’t be stolen doesn’t seem too wild if it’s only worth 1 point. With multi access being a major thing, it’s not going to be this unstoppable wall on r&d,though it would make heritage commitee better, and the interaction between woman in the red Fisk would be supreme netrunner.