[Industrial Genomics] The Genomic Industrial Complex

I play 0 Ice in IG for a very specific reason, in an IG deck ICE will never win you the game (becuase you aren’t scoring adgendas behind ICE), it will only make it harder for the runner to win. I’ve always for in Netrunner cards that just make it harder for your opponent are bad. I replaced all my ICE with card draw and I haven’t looked back, makes the deck better and went from averaging 14 corp turns per game to 8 corp turns per game (this may also be because runners are more aggressive when you have no ICE).

Does PGO do work for you? With Feedback, they likely have Astrolabe, and with AI they likely have Turntable or Grimoire.

If “kill” is your goal, and you need money for your assets, etc., is winning a trace with your 1-of PGO worth the slot, and will you see it in time in a 54-card deck, for it to really decide the matchup?

I play alot of card draw so I see it pretty frequently. Since adding it 10 games ago I’ve blown up 2 astrolabes, 1 feedback filter, and 1 desperado, all for very few creds as the runner was trying to trash things. Also what in IG (other than hostile infrastructure) costs more than 2 to rez? Nothin thats what, so money is silly if you have alot of it, might as well be for something effective

Snares cost 4 and Ronins take time and money. Psi games cost money. Most IG only run 3 Gambles or DPs for Burst, and drip Econ is trashable and Imp-able. Hostiles cost 5, and they’re one of the most important cards to have, particularly in multiples…

Sure, you can Rez Assets with Mumba, but you still need time and money. PGO is an OK card, but I don’t know if it’s the answer to the IG-hate cards. I think it just becomes a combination of “play better than the runner” or “go faster” and force them to go faster and die. If everyone techs against IG, the answer becomes “play fastro BS.” :wink:

If you are IG and you dont play any ice, you lose pretty much instantly to a whole host commonly played cards - apocolypse, keyhole, indexing etc. Not to mention its incredibly easy for them to blank your ID, or just take a chance on your snares/fetals with medium and rdi.


I’ve started slotting Archives Interface for museum games, so an ICE-less IG will quickly see their Snares, Shocks, Bio-ethics, and anything else good sent out of the game as quickly as I can find them.

Killing the recursion was the original plan, but proved to be very difficult. Removing most of the targets for recursion? that was somehow easier.

I never got rid of 100% of the bad stuff, but once the fear of 2x Snare in R&D or any Shock in archives is gone, IG becomes considerably weaker.

I think this deck still needs ICE.


You might get away with that in some metas, and there’s definitely a case to be made for iceless decks, but IG isn’t one of them for the slew of reasons posted here. Though, if you have crisium, and you some how have a lot of money, you could lean on caprice over archives, but that’s sort of untenable, so you could add Hostile Infrastructure and Mumbad Virtual Tours to make it impossible to trash your stuff or access archives. I think we want to see a list. :smiley:

3 Fetal AI
3 Global Food Initiative ●​●​●​
3 The Future Perfect
Asset (31)
3 Bio-Ethics Association
3 Hostile Infrastructure
3 Jackson Howard ●​●​●​
3 Mumba Temple ●​●​●​●​●​●​
2 Mumbad City Hall ●​●​
2 Museum of History ●​●​●​●​
3 Pālanā Agroplex
2 Reversed Accounts ●​●​
1 Ronin
3 Shock!
2 Snare!
1 Tech Startup
3 Turtlebacks
ICE (11)
2 Ashigaru
2 Crick
1 Excalibur
2 Komainu
1 Lotus Field
1 Swordsman
2 Tsurugi
Operation (3)
2 Enhanced Login Protocol ●​●​●​●​
1 Heritage Committee
Upgrade (5)
3 Caprice Nisei
1 Crisium Grid ●​
1 Mumbad Virtual Tour ●​●​

ELP is for all you scumbags slotting in Employee Strike. Filthy dogs. :stuck_out_tongue:

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there is a distinct possibility that I’m wrong and bad at Netrunner, we’ll find out this weekend at NorCal Regionals. If I have any level of success I’ll post the list, if I’m wrong… well then I’ll admit to being wrong. All I know now is that I keep finding ways to win for my last 11 games so I’m just not going to question it until I have better data


As long as you have a plan for things showing up, I think you have a shot. Even if you’re wrong, I want to see that list. It might just be that an excalibur or mother goddess or two could make it just that much better. I like the confidence you have though, for sure.

How are people on the BioLock deck contending with Whizzard? The advantage Whizzard has, as I’ve seen, is the ability to both keep down the remotes while still developing his own board. Most other runners are left either bouncing between the two tasks or going all-in attacking the central before the lock gets set up. Should the priority be getting cards in archives so they have to spend money to trash Temples, Museums, and MCH? Getting MCH out and like a big priority because not only does it tutor and install some of your best cards, but it does so without lowering the cards in hand.

Yes, quick MCH is important, to get more assets on the table than they can trash during single turn. Recently I played IG against a Whizzard who was very teched against it (first turn installed Scrubber, later also Hacktivist Meeting, Archives Interface and even Gravedigger) and it was very hard, but somehow I managed to install more assets than his 5 recurring credits could trash, got a few of them to stick, iced archives with Lotus/Crick/Hive, R&D with something so he could not go crazy with Medium and ran out his credit pool as he tried to kill my assets. I had lots of agendas in the bin but he could not run there a lot, I got two Bio-Ethics and two Hostile Infrastructure on the table with some Mumbas/PADs so he had to try something, he managed to trash Bio-Ethics and get my 2nd Shock out of the game, but this left him on 0 cards and I had 2 EMPs in 13-card R&D, luckily I found one of the to kill him. But the game definitely was hard.

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I feel like this is the strongest deck at the moment cause there’s so much bullshit being played on the runner side of the game, that forcing the runner to not be able to sit back and wait for them to win is strong, and being able to punish the strongest runner tool for getting into a server is also strong. I literally don’t want to play any other deck than my IG deck if I feel like doing something other than losing. If people tech against this build, that’s great, as that means I might be able to play a deck that tries to do something other than FA, Murder or Lose.

We did it y’all!!! Made top 8 with No ICE IG at NorCal Regionals today despite to worst hangover of my life (thank god for first round byes). List will be posted after I sleep and eat and stuff


Write up → Hungover Kung-Fu Rush (NO ICE - Top 8 NorCal Regoinals) · NetrunnerDB

Agenda (8)
1x Fetal AI
3x Global Food Initiative •••
1x Philotic Entanglement
3x The Future Perfect

Asset (35)
3x Bio-Ethics Association
2x Chairman Hiro
1x Contract Killer ••••
2x Hostile Infrastructure
3x Jackson Howard •••
2x Melange Mining Corp.
2x Museum of History ••••
2x Project Junebug
2x Psychic Field
3x Ronin
2x Sensie Actors Union ••••
2x Shi.Kyū
3x Shock!
3x Snare!
3x Turtlebacks

Operation (11)
1x Cerebral Static
1x Diversified Portfolio
2x Hedge Fund
3x Mushin No Shin
3x Neural EMP
1x Power Grid Overload •


What did you play against? How were the matchups? How many players? :slight_smile:

also congratulations :slight_smile:

As noted in my write up I was feeling rather unwonderful (my fault) so I didn’t take notes as I normally do. I believe I beat 2 wizz lost to 2 wizz and then beat some other stuff I don’t remember (a maxx and a shaper I think) and the two losses were very close and may have been salvageable if I had been playing to the best of my ability. Alot of killer players were in attendance with pretty much the whole SF crew there, the Berkeley Meta, and some awesome so cal folks made it up too like Timmy Wong and Jon Delesandry (so sorry for butchering spelling of your name there Jon) I’m new to stimhack so I’m not sure what everyone’s usernames are just yet. 54 players total at the start of the day and I believe only 1 drop


Dude, if you’re hungover as fuck go get a burger or something. Junk food actually helps in that case. You might have done even better!

Seriously though congrats, great moves, proud of you, etc.

I was at the same regionals as @LazerDoofus and I played the Bioethics Lock IG with a more boring list (it had ICE, and Mumbad City Hall) and I gotta say I found it a soul-crushing experience. I won’t be playing this deck again. Even when it wins you feel bad. It’s one thing to be competitive and play strong decks trying to take down a tournament, it’s another when your opponents are visibly distraught after the game because of your deck. I’m here to play Netrunner and have fun foremost, not annoy people.

I’ve been playing IG throughout store champs, on the near-ICE-less Ronin+Hiro kill combo version, and it was so much more fun. Games were close, there were decisions to be made on both sides, I didn’t spend half the match shuffling my deck, and my opponents generally seemed happy or at least surprised by the end of the game. With Bioethics Lock, your opponent sees their demise coming a dozen turns in advance and just cannot derail the train.

All that said, my biggest deckbuilding lesson was to run 3x Hostile Infrastructure y’all. It solves almost all IG problems (Employee Strike, ICE destruction, dodging Siphon etc.) and lists that run Mumba Temple have no trouble rezzing it.


My man! Contract Killer is my jam. So glad to see it catching on so much in these IG builds. Congrats. I keep seeing these decks with so much ICE, and I’m like “what are you doing?”

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Willingdone has called Bio-ethics Genomics a Prison deck, and I can’t say I disagree.