Initial Card Ratings for 33 spoiled C&C cards

Second, things like EtF will get even stronger as we get more cards that let us install on both the runner’s turn and the corps, getting more bonus money.

But EtF does have a definite limit in that it can only work in both players’ turns, so $1/turn is a fixed cap irrespective of what happens in the card pool for the rest of eternity. But the card pool can grow indefinitely and Custom Biotics will always be able to cherry-pick the best of those cards. It is designed for combos of powerful cards, which currently don’t exist so it’s difficult to put a finger on.

If you don’t think scorched earth is a powerful card, I think you will be waiting a long time.

Well yes, Scorched Earth obviously falls into that category. But frankly using Custom Biotics to play a tag and burn strategy seems a bit redundant since A) it’s easier to play it out of NBN or Weyland and B) everyone will see it coming a mile off. But yes, that’s the power level we’re talking about - abusing multiple copies of 4 and 5 influence out-of-faction cards, which no other ID will be able to do.

Midseason Psycho :smile:

Well, I can always dream…

install - psycho mandatory upgrades - install - psycho 2nd mandatory upgrades - biotic labor - install - psycho priority req

I was thinking install, psycho efficiency committee, click back up to 4 clicks. install, psycho vitruvius to 4. vitruvius back psycho, install, psycho priority req :smile:

I think Alex also mentioned the one where you score efficiency committee on a previous turn. click up to 6. Install beta test, install beta test, shipment from kaguya, shipment, archived memories, shipment. Thenn… beta test twice, lol.