It's not that hard, and she's pretty hardcore - Leela Patel

I’ve played with 3, then 2 and now only 1 Shutdown in Leela and honestly am considering dropping it altogether. Shutdown and bouncing ice against a glacier corp is usually just a minor setback. They’ll have money pouring out of every campaign available anyway and I cannot afford to trash those AND make threatening runs. So all that happens after shutdown/bounce (which in itself is situational) is that they take another click and re-install the ice, even having the option to install it in a different server where it benefits them more. That is why I was wondering about ice destruction, because that would hurt a lot more. Parasite/Datasucker really hurts influence wise though.

Against non-glacier decks like NEH, Shutdown is usually less necessary, although a well timed Shutdown on Eli, Architect or Lotus Field can really mess up their credit math and scoring plan. Bottomline is, while I won’t deny it can be (very) useful, I often feel I simply don’t need it against either archetype.

I’m interested in Korrigan’s SC report.

Shutdown is too awesome against OAI CW and still good against a lot of other things. Also shutdown+bounce is very useful against space ICE.

I dropped mine too, welcome to the dark side.

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I haven’t seen either in past four tournaments, so this could be a difference in local meta and the reason my Shutdowns seem less mandatory.

TDP takes down another SC. Leela-on-Leela finals, with Grailz (RP & NEH) accompanying. We realized Grail can be a pretty rough Leela matchup.

I hope people keep sleeping on the best Crim going into the Regional season.


I agree with this. She doesn’t have Andy’s speed boost getting her rig up so you can find yourself either risking your breakers or taking a step back, which is often all NEH in particular needs.

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Took Leela to 4th in the 11 person Norwich SC today (Blue Sun corp). My first cut at a Netrunner tournament, very happy with it and with her. Haven’t played her in ages, but decided to switch from janky-ass MaxX last night and had great fun with Leela all day. She only lost one game, in the first round of double elim against the eventual winner, getting Midseasonsed early by Blue Sun and then triple Scorched just as I was starting to RnD lock. Was unlucky there as I missed Scorches with my Utopia Shard. Her ability was really useful, allowing me to dominate two games after good early starts (vs Tennin and NEH), and to claw my way back into another very close one from 5 points down (vs Titan). The list is pretty standard criminal, no special features. You could play it out of Andy literally unchanged, but Leela’s much more fun to play with. She’s quite the curveball too, significantly changing the game for the corp.

Norwich SC Leela

Leela Patel: Trained Pragmatist

Event (15)
3x Account Siphon
2x Emergency Shutdown
2x Inside Job
2x Legwork
3x Special Order
3x Sure Gamble

Hardware (7)
3x Desperado
2x Plascrete Carapace
2x R&D Interface ••••

Resource (13)
1x Armitage Codebusting
1x Bank Job
3x Daily Casts
3x Earthrise Hotel
2x Kati Jones
2x Security Testing
1x Utopia Shard •

Icebreaker (8)
2x Corroder ••••
2x Faerie
1x Femme Fatale
1x Gordian Blade •••
1x Mimic •
1x Passport

Program (2)
2x Datasucker ••

15 influence spent (max 15)
45 cards (min 45)
Cards up to The Source

Deck built on

Questions, advice etc welcomed :slight_smile:

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Finally had the balls to play Leela without Garrote in today’s Store Championship. Didn’t miss it once, really good decision by @aandries and @spags.
Won the 22 person SC.


Nice! I played against the 6 agenda Blue Sun deck twice in a SC yesterday, having no Plas. Just learned to build money, and bob and weave. Was thrilling, and wasn’t a problem.

It can be invigorating to run without the safety net.

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I just cut the Utopia for another Stimhack and still zero Plas. Going totally balls to the wall. Call me a scrub for cutting Utopia but glacier decks with Crisium on HQ seems to totally shut me out of my gameplan. Having a Stimhack to make an expensive run on HQ to trash a Crisium and turn on all your HQ events + Stimhack with multiple RD Interfaces on an expensive RD server seems really good to me. My runner deck building philosophy is that I never want to lose an econ battle with a taxing glacier deck. Gonna test this list: RD Lock Leela · NetrunnerDB


So I did well (1st in swiss, 2nd in elims - got kicked out of winners bracket by the worst possible combination of good luck vs bad luck I have seen im my netrunner life), but I didn’t take notes… they wouldn’t be of much use anyway because my RP used up most of the game time in many of the swiss rounds and then leela just snowballed the corps in the remaining time (plenty of lucky RD/HQ involved).

I can say this though: I was actually running no remote decoder (passport only). I used my influence on 3 suckers and 2 parasites. This is only ever a real problem when there’s remotes with code gate you can’t facecheck (I’m look at you Merlin; Wormhole?). Leela feels more at home in the centrals anyway :stuck_out_tongue:

1 lonely influence was spent on Utopia shard, but I can see the appeal of Stimhack and might try it instead.


Could you talk me through this? Against decks like Argus with loads of agendas I can totally see how you can money up with Security Testing and Kati, dodge their traps and not die even without plascrete. But I don’t really see it against the low agenda Blue sun builds where even with only making multi access runs you are going to miss a lot. They don’t have easy Security Testing targets and clicking Kati only gets you so far especially when you can’t realisitically stop an early OAI (lucky shutdown draws aside).

There weren’t any Blue Suns around, and he lost the finals because he wasn’t packing a carapace and got scorched by RP.

Make your own conclusions :stuck_out_tongue:


Might have been able to outmoney him though if I had trashed the sundew I saw in R&D. Was the last one which he then installed on the remote.
Plus he knows my deck pretty well from Salzburg SC and private testing. So he knew the weaknesses (Scorch, remote Code Gate) and jackson’ed heavily to draw the right cards (all 3 Jacksons gone).

Adding a single plascrete wouldn’t magically fix the problem because there is no Mr. Li.

P.S.: There weren’t any Steath Andys / Switchblades around to stop a Scorch RP (most of the tax coming from sentries). Make your own conclusions :wink:


Plus, even if you do run Plascrete, are you really installing it blind against RP? Seems unlikely.


RP + SEA/Scorch seems like a pretty legit surprise, especially if they never access those cards.


Well he did tell me he was bringing scorch… but yeah the surprise factor definitly helps in swiss (didn’t meet him until the cut)

He never pushed an Agenda. I played him twice, and he was at zero points for a lot of the game. I would dink and dunk, scoring an Agenda rarely, but always building cash in the interim.

Trust me, the accesses are rough. However, when it gets late game, and I have 4 RDI, Legwork, Utopia, etc., the Howards are dead, I’m going to find agendas. First game, score was 6-0, me, and he advanced a card to 6. Of COURSE I’m not running it. I was actually hoping for a Takeover. Turned out to be an Overwriter. 2nd game, was 6-3, and he did the same thing. This time, I just ran everywhere for the win.

I’m not a huge fan of the 6 agenda deck. It’s fun, but to me, it isn’t terribly scary. Guess it’s good v. worse players. IDK.

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First game of the tournament, me playing vs. that RP:

He double installs + takes a credit.
I play a Sure Gamble, Daily Casts, make a run on HQ, bid for a Future Perfect (and fail), and then play Liberated Account.
He starts his second turn, I say in jest “And now, SEA/Scorch!” and he’s like “yep” and plays it out. I’m like “…wat”

Hilarious moment, haven’t been so surprised in years :smiley:


@Cerberus, you’re way too good of a player to need a crutch card like Garrote in that build. You’ve got so many tools to deal with sentries in there. Nice work on taking down another SC with Leela, her legend grows.