While I prefer octgn, and have 0 love lost with it except for the buggy crashes it’s been doing lately. I haven’t played a game on jinteki.net yet, but I’d be open to learning it for some sort of mini tourny with commentary and casting. Like a between nationals and regionals casual tourney with serious players.
Definitely interested - Jinteki.net has gotten super solid lately, it’s main problem being the lack of integration on some tricky cards that would actually see a lot of play (eg. street peddler). Not sure if something should be done about that beforehand or not, though.
Def a problem, if only it could be adjusted manually by dragging cards from the top of the deck or something
Would this be a single day tournament where you play all the rounds one after another, or one round per week event where you find time that fits both you and opponent?
Sounds good. Weekends work best for me.
I’d be in depending on the time. Far prefer Jinteki.net to OCTGN.
Id be in for this too, definitely.
I keep meaning to say actually, a MASSIVE thank you to @mtgred for providing this to the community, its awesome!
I’ll try to add that this week.
I’ll try to implement Street Peddler this week too.
I feel like this would be a cool tournament that seems great, however, I would not like to say I’m in until I know for sure. This could be something like a regular GNK tournament OR we could do something like we are doing for Baltic ANR Meta Showdown (read as: Battle of the Nations) where teams of each country compete vs eachother.
I’d be in on this too.
Depending on my free time I’d be up for this.
If I’m unable to compete then a future league would be something I’d jump at.
Oh, @mtgred, I had no idea you were developing Jinteki.net! That’s really awesome of you to develop an alternative platform to OCTGN like that. As a proponent of competition and a free market, I definitely approve!
Thank you for your time and effort in helping the community in this way.
[quote=“mtgred, post:28, topic:4383”]I’ll try to add that this week.
Awesome! Looking forward to it!
Walking on thin ICE there, comrade!
I know @BazooKaJoe could commentate as well.
Count me in as well!
I might be interested =)
I’m interested. Mac user here so Jinteki.net is my main way to play online.
I’d join