It may be a little early to run a full-blown league, but who all would be up for a small tournament? It’d be nice to see more competitive players/decks on there(not that there’s not highly skilled players there now).
I can’t commit myself to an event without knowing the details of what I’d be committing to. I am certainly interested, but I’d like to know more first before I sign the proverbial dotted line. Scheduled match ups? Any theming (e.g. bonus points for using only core cards)?
Perhaps everyone can share what kind of tournament they’d be up for(Swiss, Swiss with Cut, Just Single Elim, Just Double Elim, etc) and what days/times work best.
[quote=“pizzarony, post:1, topic:4383”]
It’d be nice to see more competitive players/decks on there(not that there’s not highly skilled players there now).
Anyone up for it?[/quote]
Very interested. Competitive: trying to be. Highly skilled: not really
skype screen share would work only if the player who was playing was in the call with their volume off. I would play or commentate if it fits my schedule.
I personally prefer OCTGN to when it comes to competitive events because it glitches a lot less and also each player can edit the board state manually.