[Jinteki RP] Perfecting Perfection: The Best Deck Ever

Yep. But NAPD is so boring! :wink:


I want to see that card played too; Iā€™m not convinced its amazing, but its certainly good; I agree that if thereā€™s a place for it, itā€™s going to be Rush; but rush benifits just as much from taxing the runner too much too fast as it does from having an easier to score agenda. Until that last agenda theyā€™re still sitting on the table. Weā€™re not talking RP FA hereā€¦ I hope.

Itā€™s also one of the easiest agenda to score early on when the runner is still setting up.
Iā€™ve scored many NAPD behind popup or pup and it always been a blast.

Oh, I mixed it up with veterans program. It sucks, move on.

I agree, NAPD is so generically strong that it probably shouldā€™ve cost 1 influence. I think games are way more hype when scored agendas do a cool thing instead of nothing.

Anyone remember when NBN used to have to play Character Assassination or even Private Security Force?

Iā€™m hoping Film Critic will help introduce some more diversity in agenda selection, but until then itā€™s NAPD autoinclude in every deck.


Well, he SHOULD have.


Severe design mistake. Should have been 1 INF, or Weyland, offering a counter to BP builds. Jack Weyland wouldā€™ve approved.




People thought Val would make NAPD more risky. Iā€™m not sure itā€™s possible to avoid it being everywhere. Film Critic is pretty exciting but Iā€™m not sure itā€™ll make the cut.

Maybe the numbers are just wrong. 3c is way less than 4c.

Thing is, the corps were crawling out of a hole when Double Time was released.

Film critic is kinda shit vs NAPD. Might as well just pay the $4 and not install critic at all unless your opponent is on Punitive, Midseasons or TFP. Even if you have it installed because of TFP I think you might be better off not criticing the NAPD a lot of the time.

Sorry, a bit off topic, but the critique of Critic got me thinking that grabbing an agenda via Film Critic (and paying the clicks to move to score area) would fail to wipe a corp current, correct? Wiping a current used to be a pretty important consideration when playing against RP.


Prob doesnā€™t work; currents are trashed when a runner STEALS an agenda. ā€œMoving to score areaā€ is almost certainly not the same, in the same way playing Shipment From SanSan isnā€™t the same as advancing an agenda.

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Does not work. The beauty of avoiding the ā€˜when scored/accessedā€™ BS also doesnā€™t count it as a score.

On the plus side, F Punitive.

Most Val decks seem to using the bad pub as a econ engine/blackmail enabler, and less as a stacking threat.

NAPD as a 5/2 is still decent. Itā€™s at 6/2 that it gets terrible.

Itā€™s really only against NBN that itā€™s a big deal at all. Other decks can score NAPD as a 5/2 if they really need to but donā€™t often have to anyway.

I think it would be crazy in Leela otherwise, since you could effectively bank a bounce to use it at the most opportune moment.

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On the other hand, the entire game would have been different. That last one could have been scored from hand for example. The second one could have been never advanced. So we canā€™t know if it would have worked or not.

With that said, napd was the reason me and my wife bought a second copy of double time. One of very few packs we own a duplicate of.

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Has anyone tested shell corp in RP? Around here people seems really thrash-happy nowadays, which makes MHC less appealing. Shell corp could live in the scoring remote, and you can empty it at the same time as you IA nisei/NAPD. If they run just to thrash it, it could quickly become very expensive for the runner.

MHC is supposed to get trashed. The whole point of it is to burn the Runnerā€™s time and money while you make money with Sundew or Gift.

Install Shell Corp, load it to $6, then unload and now youā€™re at +$4 for 4 actions. Iā€™ll just click for credits, thanks.


Took @spagsā€™ list for a spin last night. In news that will surprise absolutely no one, that shit is 100% for real. Very nice build.