[Jinteki RP] Perfecting Perfection: The Best Deck Ever

On the subject of break to rez ratio, why does lotus field remain in RP decks? 5 credits for 2 cards with faust seems the wrong way around, particularly for remote ice. I get that is cant be parasited (but can be spooned) but for 1 credit i can play snowflake (they are more likely going to break it than play the psi game if on a remote), or For 3 credits play wall of static, also 2 cards.


It is because most RP lists are behind the times. Lotus Field is a relic of the days of Andysucker when the primary code gate breaker in the most dominant deck was Yog supported by Datasuckers. With the advent of ppvp Kate, net ready eyes, and now Faust Anarchs, it doesnt pull its weight anymore.

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It’s also an old anti-Noise card. I’m not sure it’s even relevant for that matchup with Faust though.

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The fact that it’s ALWAYS two cards with Faust helps against Noise though. One game I actually ran Noise out of cards entirely with Lotus on R&D and the scoring remote. I agree that it isn’t what it was though.

What do you think would be a better replacement? Ashigaru and Tsurugi are ok but both have the Parasite problem.

I think Lotus is still useful for what it does. You could go Bastion or Wall of static for a 2 card faust that costs less, but I think since sucker is also well used, strength protection has it’s uses.

You’re all insane.

Put Lotus Field on R&D, and count how many cards it eats. If you suspect cutlery, put a Crick in front of it. A 2-card Faust tax that can’t be parasited and forces a Crick fire if Spooned is good.

Apocalypse MaxX literally has no answer to rezzed Lotus + Crisium HQ.

Y’all crazy.


Faust, Knight, Femme Fatale.

I have played at least two of those in my Apocalypse MaxX deck.

Lotus field is good against both Kate and Noise. I promise I thought about it before I put it in. I wasn’t yet playing ANR when andysucker was good.


The voice of reason, thanks!

60 users (and counting) clicked on the Jeeves Card to see what it does.

One of them must practice his aim since he also clicked on the Mental Health clinic below :stuck_out_tongue:


I wasn’t sure if it was the one that granted + 1 hand size or the one you had to click to put credits on it okay? Sorrrrryyy


Lotus Field earns its spot just because Noise can never get rid of it. Also I will never get tired of the chills I get when a criminal realizes that they have to deal with Lotus Field with Zu.13.

My ApocMaxX deck’s breaker suite: 2x Faust, 1x Knight, 2x Femme :slight_smile:

Paying for a femme’s to get around a lotus field without retrieval running (crick guardian likely) is tax enough I think …

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I think the rez:break ratio for a central server using any of those solutions makes Lotus Field look pretty good.

I guess Knight isn’t bad cost-wise, but I imagine you had something more fearsome than a 4-str single-sub code gate in mind when you slotted it into your deck.

@wiley: Crick is a good Ice. But against Apoc it’s pretty awful.

If they’re running crisium it’s basically the second best ice in the game vs apoc


Unless they happen to run archives after the other two centrals… And who would ever do something like that?

Then you install crisium on archives and rez it and stop the apoc.

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That saves you from the Apoc this turn – and depending on the circumstances it might be a pretty good play (if you’re on game point, for example, it’s an excellent play). But it also means that:
a) Your Crisium is not on R&D, and
b) Your Crisium is on Archives and is already active, which
c) Is not a great board state against decks which lean heavily on Keyhole and Eater.