Link's Adventure - The Sunny Lebeau Thread

Not bad as a first effort. Personally, I would take an extra Career Fair in place of a Modded - it’s less influence and you have more targets for it.

Sunny’s console is probably the best thing about her. Being able to femme anything you want for 2+however much the corp wants to vamp itself for, is amazing.

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@fluffdasheep: Continuing this line of thought, Sunny and Vamp seem like a hell of a power couple. Sunny is going to jam her deck with enough drip economy to ensure that she has more money than the corp in the long game, and her console makes Vamp really easy to pull off (or lets the corp Vamp themselves).

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In defense of her console, it’s worth noting that the “failure” scenario can also be beneficial. If you hit dangerous ice, and the corp boosts the trace significantly to catch you, you can simply not pay and bounce with one tag, before the subs fire.

It’s protection against any and all forms of dangerous ice.


Or if she decides to install that card that makes trashing resources cost 2 more and decides to be a jerk with dlr

Any deck with a minimum deck size of 50 i am utterly convinced needs street peddler and possibly inject, although for sunny that also means importing recursion. EHR and peddler will probably cover it, also i think the @mendax favorite draw engine of john masanori would be a good shout, and go hand in hand with sec testing/desperado.

anyone consider a stimshop build to help Sunny put some early pressure and install her expensive pieces (momhackz on drugs)? 3 PW, 3 Stimhack, and Street Peddler eat 18 influence up quick though…

So mommy has to infiltrate the corporate secrets of haas-bioroid, If you see a nice lady with eyes the color of dreams and disasters, just know that it’s a temporary fix and mommy doesn’t do drugs this much normally. I just really need to get past the two elis blocking their headquarters


Disrupted Rabbit
Let’s trigger traces, will we ?

[URL=]Sunny Lebeau: Security Specialist[/URL] (Data and Destiny)

Event (2)
2x [URL=]Quality Time[/URL] (Humanity’s Shadow) • •

Hardware (11)
2x [URL=]HQ Interface[/URL] (Humanity’s Shadow) •• ••
3x [URL=]Security Chip[/URL] (Data and Destiny)
3x [URL=]Security Nexus[/URL] (Data and Destiny)
3x [URL=]Rabbit Hole[/URL] (Core Set) • • •

Icebreaker (9)
3x [URL=]GS Stirker M1[/URL] (Data and Destiny)
3x [URL=]GS Stirker M2[/URL] (Data and Destiny)
3x [URL=]GS Stirker M3[/URL] (Data and Destiny)

Program (8)
3x [URL=]Disrupter[/URL] (A Study in Static) • • •
1x [URL=]Rook[/URL] (Opening Moves) ••
3x [URL=]Crescentus[/URL] (A Study in Static) • • •
1x [URL=]Collective Consciousness[/URL] (The Source) ••

Resource (20)
3x [URL=]Compromised Employee[/URL] (Trace Amount) • • •
3x [URL=]Power Tap[/URL] (Upstalk) • • •
2x [URL=]Globalsec Security Clearance[/URL] (Data and Destiny)
3x [URL=]Access to Globalsec[/URL] (Core Set)
3x [URL=]Underworld Contact[/URL] (A Study in Static)
3x [URL=]Kati Jones[/URL] (Humanity’s Shadow)
2x [URL=]Earthrise Hotel[/URL] (The Source)
1x [URL=]Symmetrical Visage[/URL] (The Valley)

Total Cards: 50
Total Influence: 25
[URL=]Acoo: Android Netrunner Deck Builder[/URL]

I’m working on her right now during a car ride and for Pete’s sake this influence gets chewed up fast.

Basic frame to tweak from:

10 "breakers"
15 money
8 draw
4 dig cards (might be going down to 3)
3 link cards not including console

Her cards are too important to toss away, therefore I think building around the console and jak is critical. I think 2 scrubbers are locked in as they save money and operate off-turn, even against one ICE servers if its deemed important enough to blow the console power early.

Street peddler is too good and influence cheap to pass on I agree.

Supplier seems to be too hard to get away from. Working with earthrise is the biggest synergy.

RnD interface seems the best dig card. Influence cheap and can function on the free click.

I’m leaning parasite and sucker over security testing. Keeps ICE down, suckers good for breakers, and deja vu synergizes with security chip or some event (if I can fit the damn thing in).

Even though it seems a waste of influence I’m leaning rabbit hole to empower console early and thin the deck up a touch.

I’ll post first draft Sunday when I return so it can get picked clean :smile:

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Is it worth splashing Adjusted Chronotype to negate the click loss from GSC?

Not sure. By itself? Probably not. Spending a click every other turn basically lets you establish a soft R&D lock without making runs. That alone seems pretty good.

I’ve been working on a brew… I really do not like her codegate breaker, and influence is kinda tight. Though we could drop a Vamp for another Zuu… Not sure if Earthrise + Peddler + Masanori is overkill for draw, Kati + UC and Daily Casts for economy seems pretty lean too… But in faction econ packages are few and far between…
She cant go very fast though, which is a problem…

Event (5)
1x Stimhack (Core Set) •
1x Vamp (Trace Amount) ••
3x Sure Gamble (Core Set)

Hardware (10)
2x HQ Interface (Humanity’s Shadow) •• ••
3x Security Chip (Data and Destiny)
2x Security Nexus (Data and Destiny)
1x Plascrete Carapace (What Lies Ahead)
2x Net-Ready Eyes (Chrome City) •• ••

Icebreaker (9)
1x GS Stirker M1 (Data and Destiny)
3x GS Stirker M2 (Data and Destiny)
3x GS Stirker M3 (Data and Destiny)
1x Overmind (Honor and Profit)
1x ZU.13 Key Master (What Lies Ahead) ••

Program (5)
3x Datasucker (Core Set) • • •
2x Medium (Core Set) ••• •••

Resource (21)
3x Street Peddler (The Underway) • • •
1x Globalsec Security Clearance (Data and Destiny)
3x Jak Sinclair (Data and Destiny)
3x Underworld Contact (A Study in Static)
2x Kati Jones (Humanity’s Shadow)
3x Daily Casts (Creation and Control)
3x John Masanori (Opening Moves)
3x Earthrise Hotel (The Source)

I think Sunny is in things for the long haul, for better or worse. My current thought on her console is that in time it can be a tax on the Corp without causing too many problems for her. The tag is huge, but end the run means she can go wherever and force the Corp to pay something with enough link, even deadly sentry ice. This would need quite a few cards to work consistently though, and she’d have to find draws outside of John Masanori.

My first solution to her poor Decoder was Study Guide, but 4inf might be too intense. It is there for the long game, and she can use multithreader on Corp turn to boost them. The problem is getting to that single copy and losing 4inf where she needs it for draw and economy.

Only if she doesn’t use it on her turn - recurring credits only refresh at the beginning of the owning player’s turn, not at the beginning of both players’ turns.


Well good thing that got nipped in the bud.

I remember how sad I was when I learned that it worked that way.

The Root. :frowning:


Well here are two ideas that, while outlandish, are at least not illegal so it is a step in the right direction.

Since a whole lot of connections are already being thought of for Sunny, maybe Off-campus Apartment could be an influence cheap answer to her drawing woes. Her high link also makes it harder for Corp to trash it. Besides, she will need a place to house all her new shady friends where they will not be a poor influence on her kid.

If we are looking to use her console as a tax on the Corp, Qianju PT is one way to eliminate the tag drawback. Like Globalsec the click loss is optional. It may even be worth it to run Chronotype then, since if you have a run target somewhere else r&d isn’t super important and if you finally see an agenda you’ve been saving up so much for your glory run that you won’t worry about console trace failing.


I’d keep this simple as the deck I provided.
High link so you don’t expect to be traced EVER, a use of Rabbit holes to remove some cards from her deck, and cards that have a strong synergy with Compromised (crescentus).

One trace each turn, at Sunny’s will, is a good opportunity to play with Power Tap and things like her breakers will be a lot easier to use if the corp have to think twice “rez and bypass or no rez”.

I would put peddlers where I put Quality times and remove 1 disruptor (which are my sunny bypassing syphons in the build I provided). I could have put Au Revoirs x3 if I ever had the inf.

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I very much like your take on Sunny Syntax and it is likely what I plan to test first. I wonder if RDI is better than HQI because seeing two cards means you get a free turn of not triggering Globalsec. HQI is her only real way of striking at fast advance though, I grant. I also worry about having very little early on to deal with FA or rush decks before her unstoppable rig is online. Crescentus can swing the tempo back in your favor but you need to reach that stage first.

I’m more trying to build variants in her apart from what you have to give it something to test alongside. My two best ideas so far I believe are an Off-campus powered deck and one that foregoes her console for Deep Red and Knight to break smaller ice and code gates.