[Noise] Welcome (back) to the Church

I’ve found that in noise, I can cope. Something like L4J whizz, absolutely not. I’m on 2 chip in whizz, 1/0 chips in noise.

insta-speed installs how many times? How many clone chips are you really having in your noise deck now with the new influence adjustments?

If you’re set on having 3 clone chips and ditching aesop’s I think your sentiment holds true.

If you’re set on having 2 clone chips, 2 aesops, and 2 parasites (which is what will happen) then I think you have an argument.

If you’re talking about going down to 1 clone chip and maintaining the 3 aesops I think you’re incorrect.

I’d mulligan a hand with 4 viruses and a Clone Chip. I wouldn’t mulligan a hand with 4 viruses and an Aesop’s.

Hierarchy of needs for Noise: Wyldside > Aesop’s > Adjusted Chronotype > Parasite > Cache > Clone Chip

Especially with Faust, Clone Chip isn’t as needed in Noise anymore. Click-speed Parasites are usually good enough. (Komainu’s the only thing that’s actually a problem now.)


Is anyone using Clone Chip for Clot? or is Noise too cool for Clot now?

I still like the instant speed of Clone Chip, and the fact that I can recover it off of Street Peddler, who is my main reason to keep events (like Scavenge) in my deck to a minimum.

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Two Aesop’s can be super rough, and even with one or no Clone Chips, Parasite is still a terrific card. With the current cardpool, I don’t think I could cut any Aesop’s, Parasites, or Caches. The only thing I would even consider is possibly cutting a Parasite if Blue Sun were to somehow become as ubiquitous as Foodcoats

Sadly I think there is more value in saving the slot and feigning clot off peddler than actually having it. Bring out your po-po-poker face.

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The simplest change I’ve seen to Noise decks has been going from 1 Clot 3 Chip to 3 Clot 1 Chip.

Not saying it’s the best change, but that’s the simplest way of doing it. And just as with Imp, I’ll gladly pay 2 credits and a card to mill the Corp and get a free turn (they purge).

Anybody have thoughts on Turntable in this list over Grimoire? I know @kiv has been testing it out and currently I feel NEH is the most difficult matchup. Has anyone else tried it out?

Funnily I was about to ask @kiv 's thoughts on it too. I have tested it prior to and after world’s. It is quite amazing against any nbn/weyland, though the lack of the 6th MU could definitely be felt at times. That and also your parasites and medium don’t come out with a free token.

Have you all been playing 2 Medium 3 Lamprey? Even without Clot I have had little trouble beating some strong NEH players with that spread. 3 D4v1d is also incredible vs their new ICE spread.

It’s hardly the hardest match-up.


I couldn’t fit 3 d4v1d, seems really good though given all the archangels and booths and even engines…and the minor resurgence of weyland. I might be sold.

Yes, I’d say that most of the times you are fine without cloth as you can lamprey the fast advancing bastard poor or lock his r&d. Sometimes, however, their can simply be too fast.

While Grimoire is better in the Foodcoats matchup I think that post-MWL we’ll mostly be having to deal with yellow cards and Turntable is way better in those matchups.

A lot of the time Noise isn’t effectively able to contest early Astro rushes and Clot doesn’t really solve this problem because even if you Clot, you can’t get into the remote. Being able to focus on building up quickly and then using Turntable to swap out the Astro before they can use the token does a lot more than just getting an extra token on your Medium.

It’s also really good in the 24/7 Butcher or 24/7 Philotic matchups since you can swap away their key agendas.


This Turntable talk is intriguing. With less Clone Chips Grimoire is worse than ever (can’t do the clone chip a sucker with 1 counter play for example). I think I’ll try it.

It also helps against 2 counter Vitruvius :stuck_out_tongue:

I will miss the 2 MU. We’ll see how much that matters.

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Play this deck for a while,really like it.

Tech Noise (46 cards)

Noise: Hacker Extraordinaire

Event (6)
3 Deja Vu
2 I’ve Had Worse
1 Levy AR Lab Access

Hardware (2)
2 Turntable

Resource (14)
2 Adjusted Chronotype
3 Aesop’s Pawnshop
3 Street Peddler
3 Technical Writer
3 Wyldside

Icebreaker (3)
2 Faust
1 Mimic

Program (21)
3 Cache
1 Clot
2 D4v1d
3 Datasucker
3 Imp
3 Lamprey
2 Medium
3 Parasite
1 Scheherazade

I’ve always felt the real benefit of Grimoire is cheapish, in-faction memory, followed by a really neat virus trick. I still think the bonus Imp tokens, stronger parasites and beefy caches are fantastic and can’t see myself giving up on them. Grim often feels slow to install, so often you’re like, well I’ve got stuff to do and this console isn’t helping me, but it generally always does long term, more so than I think a turntable would. Just install it people XD


Yeah I personally run grimoire because it’s just better in most matchups than turntable. Even vs NBN turntable still only triggers when you steal an agenda, doing that during the small window while that astro has a token is too situational IMO.

Can someone comment on Levy AR lab access? I have just had just gotten into anarchs recently, and had great success with noise and others. One thing I noticed though is I did deck out once (as noise) for lack of a levy, and faust abuse. No competetive decks I looked at ran levy for noise, but I did feel like I could win that game easily if I had a levy by just keeping up the mill and occasional runs.

I see 3 possibilities:
A)I’m right and levy is a better include than clone chip, for example
B)I would do better with a clone chip, just accepting that decking out is a possibility
C)I am being too aggresive with faust, and you should never deck yourself as noise if you play right (switching to the virus-mill game if servers get too thick/running less regularly.

My list currently:
Event (10)
3 Dirty Laundry
3 Déjà Vu
3 I’ve Had Worse
1 Levy AR Lab Access•••
Hardware (2)
2 Grimoire
Program (22)
3 Cache•••
1 Corroder
2 D4v1d
3 Datasucker
2 Faust
3 Imp
3 Lamprey
1 Medium
1 Mimic
3 Parasite
Resource (11)
2 Adjusted Chronotype
3 Aesop’s Pawnshop••••••
3 Street Peddler
3 Wyldside

@TheRedArmy your input is valued ^^

Hahaha, I’m hardly the end-all, be-all for Noise. I have fun with him for time to time, and I think he’s good as a “fall back” deck when you’re not sure what to play. He’s not my favorite, but he’s typically fun except for exceptionally bad draws :slight_smile: .

Turntable is mostly there for two reasons - one, it makes FA a much better matchup than it otherwise would be; remember Noise takes a little while to set up. Second, the extra MU from Grimoire isn’t that big a deal. The bonus token is pretty good, and losing that hurts, but I think cards like Memstrips is generally a mistake in Anarch except in specific builds. I say “manage your rig.”

Levy is a mixed bag. You generally won’t want it in games against FA or similar, but it is pretty nice to have against Foodcoats or other Glaciers Noise might struggle with. I’m not experienced enough in the various matchups to know for sure whether it’s good or not.


Typical rig: Mimic, Faust, Datasucker, Imp or Medium and you still need room for parasites and caches and often both. I think the 6 mem is absolutely critical for a proper noise late game. This doesn’t even take into account the times you have to install your Corroder to get at wraparounds.


or D4v1d

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