Official Dumblefork Thread

Is clot worth a slot over a x1 datasucker maybe?

It is kinda nice to have in the fast advance match up. When played from hand it will basically just cost the corp their entire next turn.

And in games where it doesn’t matter, it is faust food.

No. Turn table is enough to stop fa. They can’t ice rnd enough to keep out medium digs, you can easily trash sansan, and they can’t keep you out and have the money to fast advance.

The 3rd sucker is totally a flex slot. You can run a clot if you want, but IDK how much it’s really going to do.

With the amount of Swordsman around I’m thinking of just going to 3 Faust for that slot. Then I hopefully wont have to waste a Clone Chip on him if he gets sliced :cry:

I personally am tied to the 3rd sucker. I think an early Sucker is the most sure fire start for this deck, and the only way I ever beat this deck is denying early Sucker pressure. Just my 1 cent


I can’t tell if you’re trolling… Surely ‘dumble’ relates to whizzard!


I think we have to delete ‘and it can be food for faust’ from card evaluation entirely… I mean, run a one - of pawn if you really want a card to be reserved for a deal with the devil…

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I think the assertion that decks that use Faust have more room for silver bullets is valid.


Previously it was Aesop’s, unless it was an event. The base value of every card is 3cr if you have aesops!


It’s amazing how much deckspace there is when your draw engine, your economy engine and your breaker suite are all the same two or three cards.


Faust + Aesop + 3 Levy is best for this, you can have any jank you want in your deck and pawn it or use it for breaking not once, but four times.

Last tournament I got away with playing Dorm Computer. It even turned out to be good meta call as one game I played against Argus where its ability was great. It was also good Power Shutdown protection when I played against Chronos Protocol. The other games it was great source of money or Faust food.

I agree that FFF (Food For Faust) shouldn’t be considered part of the evaluation of that specific card - “Chrome Parlor? Great card! It gives Faust +2 strength!”.

But attempting to evaluate Faust on some sort of “cards are worth 2 credits each, so Faust is 2 credits for +2 strength or 2 credits for break one sub” basis misses an important strength: he basically eliminates all dead draws. A Shaper drawing their second copy of Mopus, or a Criminal drawing their second Desperado, or anyone drawing Plascrete against Foodcoats, has just wasted a draw. Except Faust.


Is Faust finally bringing “hate bear” decks to Netrunner?

That’s a fair point and I may have come across as slightly facetious upthread. Faust eliminates dead draws, which is amazing for consistency. But I think people are loathe to throw away cards that ** could ** do something even if they’re not going to do something, and prefer to have a clear-cut choice of getting rid of some deadwood.

In this case, I’m not sure about clot. If fastro is what’s beating you, then maybe it’s ok. But is fastro really your worst matchup?


I don’t know what a hate bear deck is.

But I have made a PE deck that seems to be okay against normal opponents, but notably good against Faust (at least in early testing). I am thinking of bringing it to some SCs, since my last SC I faced 3/4 Faust runners.

So if the question is ‘are players making corp decks solely to counter Faust?’ then the answer is ‘yes, but good players are focusing on strong existing archetypes that can succeed against Faust with a few modification.’


It was moreso a first blush idea to shore up the FA match up, which initially was giving me some small trouble when I was playing the deck due to slow(er) economic starts.

Also since you are already running clone chips, it seems like a pretty decent idea already.

But you are already running turn table, so its probably fine.

I was only half joking. I think the community’s shorthand for deck names is both cool amd funny. But, yeah, Dumble is in reference to Dumbledore, who is a wizard.

Also, been thinking: Paywall Sol is a great counter to this deck. My version runs a lot of things, including Will-o-the-Wisp, that can hate Dumblefork right out of the game. In addition, it has all the strengths of FA and 4-to-win agenda suite.

“hate bear” decks used a variety of 2/2 creatures that countered a variety of different decks. Then they made sure the deck synergized well with 2/2 creatures so it was strong in a general sense. You had the ability to choose the 2/2 creatures that were strong against whatever you happened to be fighting against and do well for that matchup.

Building deck crammed full of things that counter only faust is not like that. The comparison you’re looking for is “hate fog”, the deck that was good right before affinity was banned from standard, where a deck that spent lots of mana killing tons of its opponent’s and own cards had like a 60/40 matchup against affinity and a 20/80 matchup against a normal deck (it used a card similar to apocalypse with a lot less benefit on your side of the symmetry, so it took nothing special to make the strategy feel weak), but affinity was so excessively popular that that was a good trade.

For now I think you’re going to run into so many decks that aren’t Faust Whizzard in the Swiss that you are better of playing a normal deck rather than any sort of “hate fog”, but given more time, or at a regional tournament, I think it would be a good call given the power level of this whizzard strategy.


I lost every single game with Bootcamp Glacier against Dumblefork. I demand a decklist so I can exact revenge tomorrow!


For the sale of simplicity in the near future we should just refer to Anti Dumbefork decks as just metagame decks.


In the future decks of 3 architect 3 archived memory 3 jackson 3 anonymous tip 3 biotic labor and 9 op econ will be “corporation decks” and decks with trashable assets and trashable ICE will be “teaching decks”.