Official Dumblefork Thread

I have a hard time seeing how you have enough credits to rez enough things when they’re getting cutleried. EtF generally isn’t a very hard matchup for Dumblefork, IMO. Clicking bioroids with knifed/forked is so strong.

Then again, TS does help bring those back up, so if you do have money I can definitely see this deck being problematic.

I’m so sad that I once thought Pol Op would help the return of Criminal and I’m very glad to bring my Leela deck back,now I realized you guys automatically install Crisium Grid in HQ against Criminal and guess which faction got the most free influence to slot this card :frowning:


Most of the ICE in the deck is pretty cheap.

hey @TheBigBoy have you been testing the waters versus Gagarin Spam yet? I’ve heard people claim that it has a good match-up versus our tried and true whizzcakes, but I want to know whether this is true when the whizzard player plays well before I think about making any changes. one thing I’m considering if the match-up truly is poor is a singleton Gravedigger, but I suspect it’s a very winnable match-up with a lot of practice and proper play, without changes. so far my approach has been to give them infinite money, keep dbs/museum/corp town off board, and control the tour guides with parasite recursion. it’s been working well so far but i also never feel in control, even though i end up winning in the end

Swept an SC with a version of this deck yesterday. Beat Foodcoats, IG with Museum, NEHFA, and Haarp PsychoBeale three times (once in swiss, twice in cut). I will upload the list soon.


I think that’s about it – I don’t see how it’s a good match up for Gagarin if you’re clearing DBS/Jackson/Museum as they pop up and you reserve enough Parasites for the Tour Guides. You might have to be a little more conservative with cash due to the Gagarin access tax, but it seems like they’ll have an awfully rough time scoring anything but naked Atlases without Tour Guides to protect the bigger agendas.


Having just played said Gagarin deck at a SC yesterday, my Whizzard match up did not go favorably (nor my 2 Noise games either, TBH). Controlling DBS, Museum, and Jackson leaves Gagarin hard pressed.

Honestly, shuffling Gagarin that many times in real life was too much of a pain with Museum. I got sloppy shuffling and stuff stayed together too much and then Tour Guides were dead and then the game ended.

I just destroy them with medium. Their deck gets super agenda-dense, they can’t keep you out, and they are slow to get 7 points.


So I’ve been running an employee strike for the blue sun and ci7 matchups, and while it isn’t quite a free win it does swing the matchup in your favor or at least even in two previously bad matchups.

-1 career fair
-1 turntable
+1 dirty laundry
+1 strike

Down to a singleton Turntable? Don’t quite understand that; games already become very shaky against NBNFA when you can’t find an early Turntable. Not sure it’s worth a Dirty Laundry include. In other match ups not having a Turntable by mid-game can make for sub-optimal MU arrangements, too. Just my experience; I’ve never wished I had a DL in the deck. Blue Sun is totally winnable; would consider it a fair match-up.

Blue sun is only sightly unfavorable if you face a @bblum level of player, and super easy if they make any mistakes at all.

I wouldn’t worry about it for SC season.


Went 7-1 in SC with Dumblefork variation.


Are people who have been playing this deck for a while seeing much response to it? I played it for a bit but stopped when I won a store champ to experiment/practice with other runners and try to not be too reliant on a very popular deck (I don’t consider myself very good at running). I’m curious if anyone has seen much of a meta response.

The highest level of play has adapted, but you can still crush anything local with this thing.

Even when everyone is teched for Dumble, it is still a (if not THE) top deck.

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how? can u please share some insight?

Going fast, feeding Fumbledork cheap shit ICE you don’t care about to protect larger ICE, packing more ICE, packing more recursion, draining cred woth Psi/Ash/NAPD, packing ICE Faust/D4v1d hate to break, or CVS 2x to clear Medium.

Basic stuff, but generally picking two or three of the above works well enough to win games. As @bigboy said, though, it is still good even vs maximum hate. Deck is bonkers. This is the Anarch version of Andysucker or PPVPKate.

Protips: :stuck_out_tongue:

Play 3 Assassin
Play Ichi Batty
Play Mills/Corp town
Play CI Shutdown
Don’t play Asset economy
Play lots of CVS (and CVS recursion)

…Lose anyway (except CI, that one wins)


Yeah, “lose anyway” part seems about right. I somewhat agree about CI. Never played Dumblefork vs CI matchup, but it seems we have a weaker “power turn” potential here. That said getting accesses early and then building for double Medium dig for 7+ cards might get you some games.

Assassin is just a liability once you pack E3.

CI is actually really really good vs Whizz because it consistently win around turn 6-8 with the possibility of winning on blowout at turn 3-4 on god draw. the moment whizz run, he lose the game (basically).

Well, that’s why you don’t run when in danger of getting comboed. Hopefully you steal one agenda through early accesses, then relax until R&D dig kit is assembled. If you manage to do it while there are still around 10 cards in corp’s deck you have “some” chances.


Isn’t that true for any runner facing CI? If the combo is ready and you run - you lose, Whizz or not. What makes Whizz worse here is his ability to find all the points at once later on - if the agendas are already in HQ it’s over. No hyperdriver same old legworks available here.