Cool, this is what I thought. Not super practical, but that means Running Interference in a deck using Muertos for early Derez can reduce the risk later on… and we’re discussing rules not strategy
I feel like the answer is obvious, but thought I’d check anyways. Can Will-O fire if the breaker that was used gets trashed and then clone chipped back in before accessing?
Afraid not. The game doesn’t ‘remember’ which physical card it was.
That’s what I assumed but I never ran into it and figured I’d ought to be certain before telling the corp they’re wrong.
Not a question (unless it’s incorrect), but I just realized Jak Sinclair turns off RP’s auto-Sundew. You see so many RP players rez it for “free”, it’s gonna feel good to force them to actually pay for it first turn.
Had to reread it. Seems legit! Thought it made you click for a run.
Wuh? Sundew demands the very first click to be running it, or it gives 2 credits to the corporation. Jak Sinclair allows the first click spent to be running Sundew.
Fixed. Yeah I misread the card. My fault.
On another note, I am fine as RP letting you blind run my centrals. This would only really help on turn 1. RP ices archives early (or should)
Is this really correct? Refilling recurring credits happens at step 1.2, same step as when turn begins… effects. Both seems to be triggered effects. It feels like one could use ebc to rez something with the old credits before refilling credits.
I make An Offer You Can’t Refuse to the runner who accepts it. I then rez Ryon Knight. Can I trash him? Does the runner have “no unspent clicks” on the corp’s turn?
The FAQ clarifies that recurring credits refill at the beginning of step 1.2 before any triggered abilities trigger.
Spoiler tags because the question involves D&D cards.
if I have fall guy in play and my opponent plays All-Seeing I, can I trash fall guy to save one particular resource?
Yes, you can.
I can intuit that if you prevent the Expose on Drive By, the trash effect cannot be carried out (even if the card is an asset/upgrade). Have there been twitter rulings, or can anyone think of a past ruling that sets the precedent of gamestate being checking during an events resolution?
Kinda reminds me of the Sacrificial Clone ruling that says you can’t trash it to remove tags if you aren’t also taking damage.
Presumably someone tried to use Zaibatsu Loyalty to prevent the Drive-By?
No, a friend and I discuss things and we both agreed this is what makes the most sense but couldn’t justify it with any particular lines from the rulebook or FAQ
Asked Lukas since i have no idea either.
Does Always Be Running preclude you from using Always Be Running to break a sub during a Jak Sinclair run?
ABR’s not a program, so no?
The problem is not that Jak is stopping you from using ABR, but ABR itself. It says your first click MUST be spent making a run. If you used click 1 and 2 to break a sub, you’d be NOT using it to make a run.