What’s the verdict on playing the same person multiple times? I’ve see some people have played like one person in 4 matches and wonder if there’s a limit on it. If not, what’s not to stop someone coming in with a friend and throwing them all the way to victory


Best watch out for those criminal players so

That won’t work. You will get less points for every game, since your friend’s rating will drop.

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In a good rating system like glicko that would be true… with ELO the minimum change will probably end up around 4 points per game, at least until you hit the (ridiculously poorly-calibrated) k-factor step at 1960ish.


I am sure there is an explanation that I am overlooking, but can someone explain how Corps can win with 10 points? Outside of Psychographics/Beale

True, but we can not change that for now. If you play like that in a leafue, wow, you really need help… I feel sad for those guys…

@moistloaf 10 points was used in early tournaments set up. A win was 10, so people still use that


I would be very surprised if anyone in our community did that. Even adding credits before playing psi games is less sleazy.


If they want to do that they can just make ghost accounts and skip even playing. But honestly it’s not going to happen. And if someone was sad enough to do it, l the only loser is going to be them when they get suitably humiliated in the finals.


and also the person whose spot they took in the finals


Finally joined Stimhack just to participate in the tourney. Looking forward to playing with everyone.


Got into an insane board state tonight against a NEXT grail rush deck. What would you do in this situation?

You know the top 2 of rnd are ice, the corp’s HQ is 3 ice and 1 unknown card, and they installed an unknown asset or agenda last turn. Clicks taken this turn were install clone chip, install SMC (trashing cyber-cypher pointed at HQ), run archives for a sucker, stimhack on remote.

(edit to add: I highlighted the game on stream too - Twitch)

Is this a stimhack run? So you have 17 creds?

If so, clone chip the cyber-cypher overwrite the datasucker (2) break merlin (3) break next silvers (8) break next bronze (1) be sad if it’s NAPD? It doesn’t look like it is from the agendas in play.

If there’s a parasite in the stack, SMC for parasite on Next Silver, then install cybercypher (trashing nothing cos you have memory now) then do the same except burn down one of the NEXT Silvers. SMC for parasite(4), install CC(2), merlin(3), Silver(3), Bronze(1) totals 13 and if it’s SanSan City Grid you’re a bit miffed but you haven’t lost, if it’s NAPD or another agenda you win. If it’s a shock!, you lose. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m wrong, you still have to trash your opus - The SMC is on the leprechaun. Sadness. Do that.

I just noticed @Calimsha is on a sick 13 game winning streak.


Killin’ it with Kate and NEH.

Great calls.

Reaping the benefits of inventing a sick new deck


Hey ! I’ve also won a couple of games with Tennin ! And Almost certain i’ve also won with Andy at least once.


There is a parasite in the deck, which is why I installed SMC, hoping to eat a next silver. But if it wasn’t an agenda, I couldn’t cripple my rig because I needed to keep rnd locked down.

The corp only had $1, but after the game told me their last card I didn’t know about was SFSS, so to jack out planning to come back later would have lost. (Even not knowing about SFSS, if it was melange, I wanted to kill it.)

My play was to lose the SMC, clone chip cy-cy onto leprechaun, and break x12. It ended up being the winning agenda, but in case it wasn’t, I think the optimal play was slightly different – break merlin with atman, use the last sucker token to parasite the first NEXT (trashing sucker), then break and clone cy-cy after. Costs 1 less to get in and leaves the corp with 1 fewer NEXT.

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Ho well, someone broke my winning streak. I’ve to win 3 games just to recoup the ELO loss.

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