[Official] Streaming Announcement Thread

Sure, I was giivng myself some extra time for work but I could start at 1930 or so (in 1h).

EST clock I just looked up gave the time now as 17.30 EST, so maybe I’m a bit off. But yes, 1 hr start would be fine.

oh that’s probably because we’re on EDT now not EST.

Alright everyone, Twitch starting in an hour (1930 EDT). Anyone feel free to join in for playing or for skype commentary/heckling.

I’ll be there!


It was a bloodbath. :dizzy_face:

Edit: Just highlighted the vids in case anyone wants to see after the fact


Blood everywhere

I moved 3 posts to an existing topic: Clot (now 2 inf)

I’m going to be testing some NBN scorch and Reina decks this morning. Not really given any attention, have no idea if they’re good, so you might be watching me lose a bit.

Down, hope malefact taught you something (I certainly didn’t :X)

I got my on board video set up to not be a pile of garbage (rip video card, i will never forget you)… so i’m gonna try

read: t r y

to stream later some SHL3 today.

decks in mind: HB Hybrid, RP, my usual dumb Kate, Quetzal Anatomy

If i get things going, it’ll be up at like 5:30? maybe 6? maybe earlier? I’m gonna try to get things set up and quality controlled before then and we’ll see how it goes.

i’ll post here that its online if i get the stream to a quality i think is acceptable.

(side note if anyone has image packs, i would love you, with my hands. or at least 1 hand. vigorously.)

Hi there,

check out this link: http://www.reddit.com/r/Netrunner/comments/1zbq14/octgn_uncersored_card_images/

Thank you thank you :smiley:

settings look good and stream should be up at about 530 pm eastern

i managed to make it widescreen and cut the chat from the screen, so the gameplay should be nice n big for everybody to love

stop in if you like, or play a game with me on stream (aka beat me on stream)

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after bahram heads out i’m gonna fire up my stream, testing Tennin Grail NA and Andy Headlock. will be running within the hour <3

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im off, will tune in for a lil bit :wink:

streaming now

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any other twitchers receive the email regarding security breach? anyone worried?


Looks like every account got sent that email.


it wasn’t clear from that whether they expired everyone’s or just those possibly affected. i guess everyone was possibly affected, if everyone’s was expired just in case that makes me feel a bit better.

planning on streaming tonight, with a new emphasis going forward on competitive decks and taking my play a bit more seriously. i am going to be toning down the experimentation; for now I will be playing Leela exclusively (or, almost exclusively) on Runner side, with some more variation on Corp side. I want to continue testing Argus Submodernism, although I do not think it will ultimately pan out, in which case I will likely swap to either RP or ETF.


stream cancelled tonight, going to hang with my brother since I am moving away in a week. tentative rescheduling to Friday night, with a potential special guest visit by a new sparring partner!

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