Official Tournament Winning Decklists Page

Some of the decklists themselves intrigue me, though I must admit I agree they don’t deserve a thread unless the deck creator does so in order to give detailed analysis and strategies.

Just my two cents though. I’m banned on BGG for a week, so it’s not like I have anything else to respond to. :stuck_out_tongue:

I am not opposed to changing how decklists get posted to the forums. The only thing is that sometimes they do generate a bit of discussion.

Could have a weekly decklist thread for all of the decklists released that week?

I totally get where Kingsley is saying. Perhaps you could post them on the main site and make one thread with links or indeed do a weekly recap: weird decks, interesting card choices and highlights (e.g. The rise of Gabe Knight and Weyland combo).

I’m happy to gelp with that.

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ive found the main decklist page the most interesting. its almost like the “what’s trending now” that twitter has for netrunner.

i dont know how feasible it would be to parse the lists and come up with the most played cards and how people are spending their influence but i think that would generate a lot of discussion.

I like the idea of a weekly decklists thread.

Sounds pretty unanimous then. We will now be doing a weekly recap with links to the decks and some commentary on interesting choices and highlights. Decklists will be posted as normal but with no corresponding forum thread except for the weekly recaps.

Maybe. I like this idea, but would have to think about how to automate that in a sane way.


Curio Cavern Store Championships, Champion Tom Haid with 6 breaker Gabe deck with intesting splashes (clone chip, deja vu and crescentus). And GRNDL FA deck with nine 1-point agenda’s and SanSanCity Grid and Corporate Troubleshooter.

Cloud Cap Games Store Championship was won with Andromeda and Weyland. Andromeda had 27 events and only 6 breakers including 2 Knights. 2 Deja Vu’s and Clone chip were there to compensate. The Weyland deck was special because it had no Accelarated Diagnostics :stuck_out_tongue: just straight up Scoreched Earth and Snare.

Also, Tim Bunn, most known from the Team Convenant store, won the Game Cafe Netrunner Store Championship and shared his decklists. He played Weyland without Scorched Earth and with Corporate Troubleshooter to create a corp window. His Gabe deck had both Maker’s Eye and RDI to hit for R&D.

This weekend also saw a new ground in Netrunner as we had a tournament in the Phillipines. No decklists yet available.

Something like this? :wink:

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La parada de los monstruos 2014 Store Championship
February 15th, 2014
Winner: Gabriel Duato Catalán (aka me :smile:)
Corp deck: NBN doing their thing
Runner deck: Gabe likes to hang out with the guys from HQ
Cards up to True colors

I’ll post the decks from the other store tournaments from the area if I get the decklists.


Two Store Championships in Colorado this weekend, got my hands on the first set of decklists… A couple of wacky gems, courtesy of Tobin Lopes:

The Haunted Game Cafe Store Championship
1st Place Corp: Weyland GRNDL
1st Place Runner: Noise

EDIT: Cards legal up to Fear and Loathing

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I’m confused. A 46 card Noise deck that uses 14 influence? That’s a head-scratcher.

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[Warsaw] FFG Store Championship 08.03.2014
Winner: Grzegorz “Wosho” Pijas

Corp deck: Jinteki RP

Runner deck: Exile

Cards up to Fear and loathing

Store Championships at Spielkultur in Münster, Germany, at 02. March 2014.
Both decks went 5-0. Fear and Loathing was not legal for this tournament.

Runner: Andromeda

Corp: NBN Making News

I moved a post to a new topic: Weekly Tournament Winning Decklists 3/10/14

I’ve played against mplain using those decks, they’re quite impressive, and I’m honored to have had that opportunity. Congratulations!

Two net-decks here, not that there’s anything wrong with that… Though it is a tad ironic that I did so poorly at a tournament in which the winner ran a net-deck of a variant of my deck. :wink: I blame Cerebral Imaging.

Atomic Goblin Games Store Championship (Longmont, CO)
1st Place Corp: NBN: The World is Yours*
1st Place Runner: Gabriel Santiago

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That was fast! I’m curious how much practice the winner had with Astrobiotics prior to this match. Any chance of a full write-up?

I don’t believe the winner had much (if any) prior practice with it, I played against him the day prior at the Haunted Game Cafe Store Championship (in which he ran a HB Engineering brain damage deck and Blackguard Gabe, and finished in the top four) and he said he’s in the middle of a move and has had no time to playtest or practice online lately. I’m sure that contributed to the decision to net-deck, and he clearly saw the potential of your deck. I’ll ping him and see if he’ll do a write-up. I’ll have more details to post later, regardless, though I unfortunately did not get to play against him this tournament.

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Winning Decks from Fat Ogre Games and Comics Store Championship (Houston, TX).

NBN: The World Is Yours* (Future Proof)

Total Cards: (44)
Agenda (10)
AstroScript Pilot Program (Core #81) x3
Breaking News (Core #82) x2
Project Beale (Future Proof #115) x3
Market Research (Fear and Loathing #95) x2

Asset (2)
Jackson Howard (Opening Moves #15) x2

ICE (15)
Paper Wall (Mala Tempora #59) x3
Enigma (Core #111) x2
Chimera (Cyber Exodus #60) x2
Rototurret (Core #64) x2 ■
Shadow (Core #104) x2 ■
Wraparound (Fear and Loathing #96) x3
RSVP (True Colors #77) x1

Operation (14)
Hedge Fund (Core #110) x3
Sweeps Week (True Colors #76) x3
Biotic Labor (Core #59) x2 ■■■■
Anonymous Tip (Core #83) x3
Shipment from SanSan (Second Thoughts #34) x3

Upgrade (3)
SanSan City Grid (Core #92) x3

Total Agenda Points: 18

Andromeda: Dispossessed Ristie (Humanity’s Shadow)

Total Cards: (45)
Event (22)
Special Order (Core #22) x3
Sure Gamble (Core #50) x3
Account Siphon (Core #18) x3
Dirty Laundry (Creation and Control #52) x3
Emergency Shutdown (Cyber Exodus #43) x3
Inside Job (Core #21) x2
Lawyer Up (True Colors #63) x3
Blackmail (Fear and Loathing #89) x2

Hardware (8)
Plascrete Carapace (What Lies Ahead #9) x2
Desperado (Core #24) x3
R&D Interface (Future Proof #107) x3 ■■

Program (10)
Corroder (Core #7) x2 ■■
Datasucker (Core #8) x3 ■
Mimic (Core #11) x1 ■
Yog.0 (Core #14) x1 ■
Faerie (Future Proof #104) x3

Resource (5)
Kati Jones (Humanity’s Shadow #91) x2
Daily Casts (Creation and Control #53) x3

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Oh boy. Looks like I have a lot of lists to add. Thanks everyone, will be getting to these later tonight.

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I feel like Astrobiotics (or biotic news, which is what we called our test builds of it before your netdecking :wink: ) is weak to really aggressive runners. I’d be curious to see some matches of it played vs. “common criminals”, e.g. good stuff gabe/andy, if anyone knows of any.