Official Tournament Winning Decklists Page

I don’t think this is true, you can Testrun or SMC Magnum Opus in your first turn and click it still (or Scavenge it, if you like). That is if you didn’t draw it in your starting hand. The same is not true for 3x Au Revoir.

The problem to me is that you cannot make the pieces fall together quite so quickly/cheaply, and it sacrifices your NEH matchup.I did a Control + F on the tournament report and saw no mention of facing any NEH so I guess it makes sense.

It might be actually good if everything was slow glacier but I doubt that will ever be the full meta.

Still off-topic: I personally saw zero NEH at Card Kingdom. (I did, however, face a Making News with Manhunt, Data Raven, Information Overload, etc etc). Also seen in the wild here, though not at a SC: Data Folding Kate with 3x DF, 3x Underworld Contacts, Aesops Pawnshop, The Toolbox, Dyson Mem Chip, the sort of stuff that folks are discussing over yonder at Recurring Credits and Clickless Runner Econ.

Well, that’s the sort of stuff I bring to SCs :).

I would attribute that to the fact that bootcamp glacier is one of the obvious counters to a Au Revior econ plan.

Overall, I think people are overstating the jank level of the Seattle meta. Not a month ago at the Raygun SC it seemed everyone and their clone had shone up with a MaxX Eater-Keyhole deck. Currently about a third of the corps, maybe even half, are Blue Sun.

That doesn’t sound like a very good argument. Neither of those decks are top 3 for their respective sides…


i still think NEH and RP are way better than blue sun and the more i see maxx and anarch decks in general they are still anarch decks that can suffer from inconsistency and poor econ.

Remember, the MaxX train was when a lot of people were hyped about it just after O&C hit. It turned out to not be quite to that level, but you could feel Sly Squid’s influence in the room.

RP suffers from a moderate stealth Andy presence. NEH is a bit of a mystery, but my theory is that Seattle players seem really adverse to bad matchups. Wanton certainly adds a bit more worry to Astrobotics, and there’s a lot more medium running around (not just in anarch decks), as well as a few assholes like me playing Edward Kim.

Hence the cautious, quite even keeled Blue Sun. That’s not identical decks of course - some vegan, some standard, a variant on bblum’s deck, 6 agendas+murder. It’s hardly like we’re swimming in Stronger Together decks, or something that ludicrous.

(Also, RP in Seattle seems to have cut ELP for some bizarre reason(maybe the MaxX craze), which might explain something - however, that’s just from the two RPs that I’ve played in the last two tournaments)

I’ve won the Store Championship in Augsburg, germany at 21.2.2015 - 12 Players - Store: Create and Play

Corp: hyper-fast-advance

1x Near-Earth Hub

3x AstroScript Pilot Program
3x NAPD Contract
3x Project Beale
2x Breaking News

2x Architect
2x Bastion
2x Quandary
1x Eli 1.0 )
1x Enigma
1x Tollbooth
2x Wraparound
2x Pop-up Window
1x Guard

3x Jackson Howard
2x Marked Accounts
3x PAD Campaign
2x Daily Business Show

3x SanSan City Grid

3x Biotic Labor
3x Sweeps Week
3x Hedge Fund
2x Fast Track

Runner: criminal anarchy

1x Whizzard

3x Datasucker
2x Mimic
3x Parasite
2x Keyhole
3x Knight
2x Yog.0
2x Corroder

2x Desperado
1x Dyson Mem Chip
2x Plascrete Carapace

2x Liberated Account
3x Armitage Codebusting
3x Same Old Thing
3x Earthrise Hotel
1x Hades Shard

3x Déjà Vu
2x Account Siphon
2x Dirty Laundry
3x Sure Gamble
2x Vamp

Just copying this from a Whizzard thread, @Elthane’s winning Whizzard from SLC Store Champs.

Players: 35, 5 rounds Swiss, cut to top 8
His other deck was an NBN Making News build. Great player and great guy. Maybe he’ll add his corp build to this thread too…

Whizzard: Master Gamer

Event (27)
2x Account Siphon ••••• •••
2x Amped Up
3x Day Job
3x Déjà Vu
2x Forked
3x I’ve Had Worse
2x Inject
1x Knifed
2x Modded ••••
2x Spooned
3x Sure Gamble
2x Wanton Destruction

Hardware (1)
1x Box-E •

Resource (8)
2x Data Leak Reversal
1x Hades Shard •
3x Joshua B.
2x Liberated Account

Icebreaker (5)
1x Corroder
2x Eater
1x Mimic
1x Yog.0

Program (4)
2x D4v1d
2x Keyhole

14 influence spent (max 15)
45 cards (min 45)

“I will be doing a write up soon, been busy with the new job. Hopefully I will get a chance on Sunday. I have been playing variations of this for months and I think O&C finally gave it what it needs to succeed. Many of my ideas for this deck and its previous iterations have come from reading and asking questions of Jaoa Almeida’s posts especially his BGG “Sic Itur Ad Astra” series.” - Elthane


I was the pilot of the Au Revoir Chaos Theory deck, and I’ve been working on it for quite some time now. A lot of the criticisms being levied at it are pretty reasonable. But it gets set up a lot faster than you might expect, and has the flexibility to hold off on setting up its enginen in order to put some early pressure on NEH, or similar FA decks.

I won’t say that it’s top tier, but it’s very consistent. Over the course of a game, the amount of money I make through Au Revoir generally outpaces Opus pretty quickly. Turns are often spent making a run (usually R&D) and 9 credits. ELP hurts quite a bit, but even then, this package still has more econ potential than opus. Between the current incarnation, a version with a +1 Stimhack +1 Utopia Fragment -1 Vamp -1 Plascrete, and an earlier Doppelganger variant, Au Revoir in CT has won 12 out of 17 games in three tournaments (5 of 7 in the last tournament)


It looks functional. It’s got money and breakers and everything. I just think it’d be better off without the consoles and au reviors with Katis and Lucky Finds and a single opus or something.

Fair enough, though it would be a completely different deck at that point. More burst potential, but less staying power.

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Alright, you got me. Here’s the Corp deck:

NBN: Making News

Agenda (11)
3x AstroScript Pilot Program
2x Breaking News
3x NAPD Contract
3x Project Beale

Asset (4)
3x Jackson Howard
1x Project Junebug •

Upgrade (5)
2x Ash 2X3ZB9CY ••••
3x SanSan City Grid

Operation (13)
2x Blue Level Clearance ••••
2x Closed Accounts
3x Hedge Fund
2x Restructure
3x Sweeps Week
1x Targeted Marketing

Barrier (4)
2x Markus 1.0 ••
1x TMI
1x Wraparound

Code Gate (8)
2x Pop-up Window
3x Tollbooth
3x Viper •••

Sentry (4)
1x Data Raven
1x Rototurret •
2x Troll

15 influence spent (max 15)
20 agenda points (between 20 and 21)
49 cards (min 45)

Older players will recognize the influence on this deck from last years NBN, specifically the “Yellow Jackets” deck that was floating around which was created by Sam Suied. My only real innovation on this deck involves using Viper, Markus, and Troll together to tax clicks as well as credits. I would say that this strategy is what directly won me the SC.


But no Shinobi :open_mouth:

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if the meta is going to give you setup time which apparently seattle is then the viable runner choices opens up a lot.

i’ve played a few games against the au revoir deck as nick has been testing it and the amount of money is more deceptive than just what you get from the engine. you never hit a piece of taxing or destroying or grail without the right tool which is money and time you don’t spend recovering. honestly i think supplier andy is probably better because overmind is a sick tool for freezing early rush plays and the au revoir deck is less equipped to freeze the remote.

The first point is certainly true - it’s part of what made the Tenin deck scary.

In addition to the Snitch information, the econ is so damn robust. A deck with Kati Jones and event econ is naturally a bit swingy. It has a good average, but it can just brick out, leaving a potential scoring window.

When Au CT gets set up, and unless you can engineer a turn off (which is difficult) then they have mountains of money, all the time.

Shinobi has been in and out of my deck, and to be honest there is a very limited window of the game where Shinobi will get you a kill because you have more money than the runner and you wouldn’t rather use that money to score agendas.

I feel that 1x Junebug is better in this regard and allows a better IAA game out of this deck by its very inclusion–not to mention the synergy with an already scored Astro.
In fact, I scored a 5 point Beale this way in the SC because my opponent had seen the Junebug in a previous attack on R&D, to which my opponent exclaimed, "you are insanely good at this game!"
Whether or not that is true is suspect, but it was a pretty cool move. The more defining reason that the play worked was because before seeing the Junebug he pitched Deus Ex, had used 1 of his clone chips already, and had just sunk all of his money on a ProCo. Had all of these things not lined up there is no way I would have been able to lay down a Beale and advance it over 4 turns.

I was talking this a bit the other day, oddly enough: Shinobi was absolutely amazing in Yellow Jackets when Yellow Jackets won, but the meta has changed a lot.

For the same reason Grim is worse, Shinobi is worse - Switchblade, Eater, D4V1D, etc all laugh at Shinobi. It’s an easy cut, as an ICE you only rez if you kill them anyway. I loved playing the card, but its time was short.

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card pool: Through Order & Chaos
event: Store Championship
players: 28
location/store: Draon’s Lair
city: Stockholm
country: Sweden
date: March 01, 2015
winner: Oscar Wadin

Corp: NEH NEARPAD-ish:

Runner: Stealth Andy