Order and Chaos (Now FFG Confirmed w Spoilers)

Orion looks like a really good fit for the blue sun / oversight AI deck. Unlike rainbow (which can be passed for 1 sucker with yog), at such a high strength I expect it won’t matter that it has all the ice types. It even doesn’t have destroyer. Rather than playing curtain wall, I would jam 2 orion and 2 hadrian’s wall in that deck.

Actually, would they? If the rez cost is changed by advancement, you’d have to de-advance them to get the full money back, wouldn’t you?

Similarly, Nasir wouldn’t make as much money off of them, then… though that seems like a pretty brutal counter. Running into Orion (or even Wormhole) with only 3-4 credits would suuuck.

The nice thing about Orion/Wormhole though is that if you can advance them, you’re paying a ton less to rez them. Tollbooth is way better at face value, but Wormhole gets cheap quick if you can advance.

That said I :heartpulse: Tollbooth ;).

Though, to be fair, without the Root or BWBI to help defray costs, it’s still a bit painful. That said, with the Root you can spend a turn to reduce the cost by 9. Pretty nice for a future scoring server (or protection for the Root itself, even if you won’t be able to use the recurring credits to rez that turn.

Well, the idea is that with The Root’s triple advancement, you won’t need to use credits to rez it, no?

On another topic, has anyone come up with the most brutal subroutines to Wormhole out yet? So far I’ve come up with (the obvious) Flare, as well as the ETR and 1 brain from Heimdall 2.0. Any other ideas?

Agree, though I actually rank it a little higher than you do. Maybe 4.5 or even 5. While expensive, it has the advantage over Legwork in that it hits all cards in hand. Discarding is often as good if not better than accessing and the effect is less reliant on hitting any specific card.

Let’s see… Taurus, if you’ve got the money to ensure you trash at least one piece of hardware. The Ichi traces, especially 2.0’s, though those take much more money. Susanoo-no-Mikoto if you’ve got a bunch of stuff in Archives to hit them with, I guess (3x Space Camp?). Not much else springs to mind off the top of my head.

RSVP, maybe? It’s not going to be that useful if you don’t have any other ice on the server, but…

hoooooly shit wait

RSVP in Gagarin is, like, seven different kinds of unfair! HOW HAS NO ONE MENTIONED THIS YET??


I’d’ve sworn someone had, but I guess not? Or at least, not here.

Paywall Implementation + Gagarin seems fun, too. “Want to go to a remote? Lemme just siphon one from you to me. You sure you want to come trash that PAD Campaign? No? I didn’t think so.”

I’m curious if Space Camp will actually be useful archives punishment. On the one hand, archives punishment is handy in many situations – Tennin and RP particularly. But Security Testing renders it somewhat null. Is it sufficiently better than Shock!? At the very least, seems more worthwhile to keep in HQ, because an advancement token with all the new advance ice that one might actually want to run is nice, but… better enough? (I think it might well be, but I’m not certain of my evaluation.)

Also, in other news, some idea of what the buildings on the Order & Chaos page are. Weyland’s areas of expertise are, after all, security contracts, finances, and space exploration. I’m guessing the shiny building with airships’ll relate to finances somehow, and likewise the grey and imposing one will be the security focused ID. No idea what that’ll mean, but some roots for speculation, at least. :stuck_out_tongue:

I will definitely be testing Paywall in Gagarin, that’s for sure. I’ll take a free Pop-Up Window over ALL my remotes any day, please.

But I feel that Weyland needs at least 1 in-faction econ asset before Gagarin can take off as an archetype (heh, ‘take off’, geddit?). Much like RP, who really doesn’t amount to much without its Mental Health Clinics and Sundews. So far we have the ubiquitous PAD, and technically The Root (which you won’t want to play more than 2-of, probably). Unless you want to play Private Contracts or splash for Marked Accounts, asset Weyland doesn’t really feel like a thing yet.

I’m not sold on Space Camp for precisely the reasons you mention, although I will admit the art is the most adorable I have seen on any card ever. I actually feel like 3 trash might be a little too high: 3 is just at that level where people start thinking a little harder about whether they really want to trash or not, unlike many 2 cost assets like Sundew or Encryption Protocol, both of which are ‘kill on sight if accessed from HQ’. But the thing is, you actually want them to trash it and tax themselves in the process, no?

Most of Showing Off (Anarch event) is spoiled in this image. Looks like (we’re still missing the last line) that you access cards from the bottom of R&D, probably working upwards.

I guess it lets you see more with a Medium. Maybe there will be more cards that let Corps put things on the bottom of R&D.

Otherwise, pretty edge case (like so many Anarch cards…).

Oh, wow, had a message I forgot to add.

[quote=“Jai, post:50, topic:1719”]
I will definitely be testing Paywall in Gagarin, that’s for sure. I’ll take a free Pop-Up Window over ALL my remotes any day, please.

But I feel that Weyland needs at least 1 in-faction econ asset before Gagarin can take off as an archetype (heh, ‘take off’, geddit?). Much like RP, who really doesn’t amount to much without its Mental Health Clinics and Sundews. So far we have the ubiquitous PAD, and technically The Root (which you won’t want to play more than 2-of, probably). Unless you want to play Private Contracts or splash for Marked Accounts, asset Weyland doesn’t really feel like a thing yet.
[/quote]Yeah, some more in-faction stuff will help. GRNDL Refinery + The Root just aren’t enough, though they’re not nothing.

EDIT: Well, at the very least we have Boot Camp now, too. That’s something.

Eh, you can always leave it in your hand and make Legworks a riskier proposition, too. The only time you want them paying to trash it particularly is to help Archives ir if it’s somewhere in play.

Uhhh… well, except that you could use it in one turn after hitting the top of R&D with Medium to double the cards you’re seeing w/o Demo Runs, and it allows you to see what cards they’re Hades Fragmenting away, which is something.

You mention those, but I think those’re some pretty decent non-edge case options right there, myself. It depends on the price, of course – if it costs more than Demo Run, no thanks. Equal or less? Well, might be an option.

Costs 2, the same as Demolition Run. Demolition Run is already played very rarely. It’s hard to imagine this will be played more.


To amplify Dragar: Demo Run is clearly better than Showing Off until there’s a good set of ways to manipulate the bottom of R&D, since with Demo Run you’re also denying the corporation resources and working on decking them. The only way this should see play except for funsies is as inferior copies #4-6 of Demo Run :D.


I forgot about seeing the price elsewhere. Yeah, 2 is… probably not a good sign, given how good Demo Run is. I was hoping for 1 or 0.

I just hope that inferior Demo Run #4-6 is something Anarchs are able and want to be playing!

EDIT: Oh, also, apparently a leak from Order and Chaos for Weyland.

Simultaneously amazing and suuuper risky. Midseasons/Psychographics Blue Sun is go? At least it murders agenda density pretty heavily, but I do wish it’d been a bit more like the old World Domination card in that it wouldn’t ALSO more or less win the game for the runner. Probably makes it unplayable just for the random access, but… damn.


That’s a straight ONR reprint. Nice to see those still coming after all this time!


My argument though would be that if you’re hitting the top of R&D hard and seeing nothing, then one of two things is going on:

1 - The Agendas are in HQ. The solution to that is obvious.
2 - The Agendas have settled to the bottom of the deck. It’s harder to get to them down there. Obviously, a loaded up Medium plus Showing Off will help immensely in that situation.

Score a Glenn Station, then hide this on it for the remainder of the game. Suddenly, 6 Agenda points just vanished into thin air…


I think showing off makes The Daily Business Show and Hades Fragment less brutally efficient at hiding stuff on the bottom until you need it. Also, you get to play a card called ‘Showing Off’. But yeah, doesn’t look super appetising.

  1. Use project atlas counter for shattered remains.
  2. IAA.
  3. AAA.
  4. AAA.

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