Professor: Running in Hard Mode

I have been feeling that the best way to succeed with him would be to attempt to turn his ID ability into an economic advantage.

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How so? Rebirth into Kate and play all the Netchip so as to pay for the excessive programs memory and not be bogged down by tempo loss seems to be the way for me. NBN doesn’t seem fast enough to be too scary for the old Prof

i would say that the economic advantage would come from using MWL cards that save money

you’re definitely going the right way with D4v1d, Clone Chips, Lady, et al.

i think with Faust, you’d need something like Patron + some other run support (Masanori, DaVinci, etc.)

but idk. every MWL pass that adds programs to it invariably increases the power of The Prof by lowering everyone else

I’m thinking:

Morning star

can’t give you a sentry breaker. switchblade would be hilarious but how to make that work…

yeah rebirth is a good thing

Femme and scavenge work well for me, you just can’t have a singular game plan with the prof. I’ve scavenged magnum opus into Ankusa once, and it was absolutely the right move by virtue of it setting the Corp back, and showing me where the agendas were. If you rez a card that you know is going to be bounced immediately, you probably don’t want to be giving ANY free accesses.

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well i agree with scavenge. It also works well with d4vid and imp. scavenging from a d4vid to a faust is fine as well.

I do however believe in an end-game rig for prof.

This is where i’m going to start. If it doesn’t work there are easy cards to swap out.

The Professor: Keeper of Knowledge (Creation and Control)

Event (14)
1x Rebirth (The Liberated Mind) •
3x Diesel (Core Set)
2x Modded (Core Set)
3x Sure Gamble (Core Set)
2x Quality Time (Humanity’s Shadow)
3x Scavenge (Creation and Control)

Hardware (7)
2x The Personal Touch (Core Set)
1x Dinosaurus (Cyber Exodus)
3x Cybsoft MacroDrive (All That Remains)
1x Net-Ready Eyes (Chrome City)

Resource (7)
1x Patron (Salsette Island)
3x Kati Jones (Humanity’s Shadow)
3x Professional Contacts (Creation and Control)

Icebreaker (6)
1x Mimic (Core Set)
1x Yog.0 (Core Set)
1x Femme Fatale (Core Set)
1x Morning Star (What Lies Ahead)
1x Faerie (Future Proof)
1x Faust (The Underway)

Program (11)
1x Datasucker (Core Set)
1x Djinn (Core Set)
1x Medium (Core Set)
1x Sneakdoor Beta (Core Set)
1x Imp (What Lies Ahead)
2x Sahasrara (Creation and Control)
2x Leprechaun (Upstalk)
1x D4v1d (The Spaces Between)
1x Multithreader (Data and Destiny)

1 influence spent (maximum 1)
45 cards (min 45)
Cards up to The Liberated Mind

But you don’t need one, if you can mess the Corp up enough. I’m thinking that imp and crecentus should be in my next proprofprenup. That’s my word for deck in professor

Dai V and Mirror make me believe we’ll see more stealth stuff

but also with that, Mirror could potentially make Cloaks + Ghost Writers + Switchblade pretty solid (i know you can’t recur GW credits, but it’s a good backup if out of Cloaks). lots of buildup though, so you might be better off going GW / Switchblade for the value you’ll get out of it and have some backup killers like Mongoose / Faerie / Femme / Shrike

I would not agree with crescentus. You cannot win the money war with professor. You have magnum at hand yes, but without a vamp to exploit that you just have money that doesn’t do anything.

It has to either be about cheap repetitive runs (medium, nerve agent, 1 interface, 1 turning wheel, sneakdoor) or choice runs on RnD (multiple interfaces, makers).

The other portion of his game can be remote lock, which is supported by cheap runs. That probably requires clot recursion out the ass though. That in turn means you need another way to refresh an imp to be able to combat remote spam (or paricia i guess).

draw is the thing I struggle with the most. quality time is so bad early game when using pro-con. Earthrise isn’t much better. Patron is nice but that’s all it can be without some way to exploit it. Sucker isn’t enough and davinci isn’t hot either because the programs (as a whole) aren’t that expensive. Hyperdriver is cool with pro-con but that’s an ‘A’ that needs a ‘B’. I just want draw to get into my pro-con. Maybe the diesels are enough and the QT’s can become more money or another program.

Need tutors, clone chips, and a little more economy imho

you cant have it all :slight_smile:

money is easy. just swap the recurring creds or the modded’s with the traditional stuff. I don’t like building things the same as all my other stuff for a first go. It’s important to try new things.