Pyrrhic Argus - Undefeated through two store championships

You can take more than one card with Invasion of Privacy.

Yikes, I had forgot about that. Im still not sure if i see a win on that turn though.

Hard to say without knowing what you had installed, what runner you were against, what the score was, etc.

Testing against this last night as Nasir Solidarity and Qimpossible.

Nasir had a rough time early on, but once I found my plascretes I was A-ok. Data raven was still a problem for him, and I had to rely heavily on parasites to get rid of them or femmes to bypass. overall I went up 2-1 in this matchup, but they were very close and some luck was invloved.

Qimpossible is a crazy rich deck, and even though it was maddening to play quetzl against only 3 low strength barriers, this matchup was a breeze. once i had overmind/e3 rolling he couldn’t score anything, and I just sat on a huge stack of cash to beat out any possible traces. 2 or 3 times I stole an agenda and intentionally took the meat damage so it would trigger the IHWs in hand. Again I went up 2-1, but the wins were runaways and the 1 loss was to turn 1 ridiculousness (I peeled a 3 pointer off unprotected RnD, spent 3 clicks digging for IHW, then got double punitived on corps turn 2) Basically being crazy rich and able to threaten any remote on click one is the recipe to destroy this deck. and I do mean rich - any time I even approached the corps credit level I was in trouble.

A few notes on strategy:

The biggest thing to remember when deciding to mulligan (besides the normal agenda flood/no ice issues) is that you really don’t want your Snare! in your opening hand. That guy should live in R&D for as much of the game as possible.

If you can score False Lead, it doesn’t matter how rich the runner gets! Two Data Ravens, or Data Raven into Snare! and it’s game over. If you can keep roughly even or slightly ahead in credits, Data Raven into an agenda is probably going to guarantee you a Punitive kill. Essentially, scoring False Lead means the runner has to slow down and play flawlessly, because one mistake usually means a flatline. This should give you time to set up a Data Raven for the Catch-22.

Don’t be afraid to overdraw early and chuck agendas in archives. I usually try to sit on 3 points in archives until the corp scores 4, and save my Jacksons for recycling Snare! or Parasited/Femme’d Ravens. Most runners are too scared to run an Argus archives with half a dozen face down cards.

The other advantage of Argus is that you don’t have to fear multi-access. If they Maker’s Eye and hit a pair of agendas, or better yet an agenda and a Snare!, they’re probably dead. Especially if they had to run through a Data Raven, Archer, or Checkpoint to get there.

Don’t be afraid to burn Punitives to tax the runner, especially once they hit 4-5 points. Even if you don’t get the flatline, they’re often willing to throw another 5 credits to keep their hand after what should have been a taxing run to steal an agenda. This can give you a window to throw out a GRNDL or a second False Lead, which guarantees you a 3-pointer, which should give you the economy you need.

If you’re not facing I’ve Had Worse, use your Invasions whenever you get an opening. I’ve even crippled some criminals and PrePaid Kates with a Hedge Fund/Invasion opening turn. Andy especially is vulnerable to this play.

Shadow on R&D early is boss. Don’t be scared to pump it to 4 or 5 strength if your Data Ravens are spread too thin or hiding.

Just remember that, at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter how rich the runner is when you pop False Lead after they run a server with two Data Ravens.

I will try to get a video of a game or two next Monday, but I won’t be able to get a real game in until then. If anyone wants to hold my hand through learning OCTGN, I’d gladly play this against them some evening.


I’m looking to try a Kate PPVP deck that finds room for an Imp. It makes me happy to know it has multiple answer to this type of deck (Deus, Plascrete, Imp, no resources, tons of money) while also being super competitive against glacier and fast advance. My favorite runner archetype by far. K, back to Argus.

How often do you get someone to run a server with two data ravens, considering you only run two data ravens? Most things you’re describing sound outlandishly lucky.


FYI - If you publish this deck instead of copying and pasting then you can get Internet Points if people (like myself) just copy this deck and start using it. Especially if they start winning and publish it later.



I used to run three Ravens, but it’s so rare I ever even need two that I cut one when I switched from Snoop to Invasion of Privacy. Usually one Raven and a Checkpoint or Archer is enough for a single remote to win the game for me. The double Data Raven scenario is mostly just if I need to close a game out against an unnaturally rich runner.

Excuse my ignorance, but I’m new around here. Would that be under the “Tournament Winning Decklists” link in the top menu?

Only if you won the tournament. If so, then yes, and the link itself is right here. If not, maybe just publish the list on Nertunnerdb where you wrote it, so people can see and comment and all that garbage. Also, I kinda think that @JohnnyCreations might be poking fun at people who take credit for lists that they found and slightly modified, and then call their own (or get attributed to them) when they do well with them =P

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How much work is that Posted Bounty really doing? With the change to High-Risk Investments, a Gila Hands might make sense for additional economy.

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[quote=“MondoPeregrino, post:50, topic:3409, full:true”]
Excuse my ignorance, but I’m new around here. Would that be under the “Tournament Winning Decklists” link in the top menu?
[/quote] No, I’m talking about publishing the decklist on

Hey, that wasn’t so hard once I noticed the tiny little Publish button down there. Thanks for the tip!

Posted Bounty is in there for emergencies, but it’s a solid choice to IAA behind a Raven. Even if they have expose, they have no choice but to run, take the 2 meat damage, and then pay to lose the Data Raven tag.

I don’t think a single Gila Hands really adds that much to the economy, and to be honest, I rarely feel like I need more money. I also think that High-Risk Investment might actually make MORE money for this deck than Government Contracts.

Posted Bounty does huge work against big run Incubator decks. Punishes nits and its a great card in Argus.

A scored False Lead almost shuts down big dig Incubator decks by itself, because they usually need at least two clicks to set up before running.

False Lead also shuts down all expose except Raymond Flint, because spending your first click on anything but a run will get you in huge trouble.

False Lead means that any time you IAA, you force the runner to either run your remote on click 1 or let you score a High-Risk Investment.

Everything you post here assumes you have some money advantage over the runner that is essentially not possible with this deck. I played a few games with this deck, in one of them I scored TWO false leads and still couldn’t manage to win. The runner had 20+ more credits than I did, I have no way to make them spend a large portion of it, and it took awhile but I bled to death. Punitive and Invasion were pipe dreams, and the one time I was able to scorch, it wasn’t enough to kill. False Lead is pretty easy to play around using doubles (Lucky Find) or Same Old Thing, and with only 2 Data Ravens (the best ICE in the deck) they died pretty quickly. I even shuffled them in and found one with an Atlas counter.

In short, I don’t know what the meta up there looks like, but this deck can easily be mauled by most standard crim or PPVP Kate decks.


I played a deck not a million miles from this at a Store Champ recently and it bombed big time. Admittedly I didn’t have the Invasion secret tech, but I didn’t find IHW was the problem since I didn’t land a single tag that lasted the turn all tournament (and I had three Data Ravens and two Snares). Good runners know how to play around False Lead as soon as they see it and Weyland in general is fairly predictable.

I was finding that I didn’t have the money I needed to ever threaten the flatline. Again, I wasn’t playing GC or HRI (I had Cleaners) but I never scored a 5/3 anyway so it’s academic. Similarly I didn’t have the refinery, but my remotes were run 100% of the time whenever I made an IA or IAA play so again it wouldn’t have been helpful other than to induce a run. The ICE wasn’t efficient at keeping the runner out. I almost feel like I’d have been better having more advanceable traps since they seemed to be a guaranteed hit.

Is anyone actually playing either of these in any T1 deck?
I can see how Rainbow protects your deep ICE against a niche card, but now you’re turning what should be a cheap bouncer into a positional combo ICE for a very low percentage of games against ICE assassination. I’d say the negatives of Rainbow far outweigh this useful fringe case. If scoring an early False Leads is so important then you need ICE that can gear-check effectively. Rainbow doesn’t do that because it gives the Runner so many more options to break it; chances are they have a breaker in hand from the start anyway which means they’re good to go, but if not they probably grab Corroder vs. Weyland if put to a guess to tutor for a breaker and now your Ice Walls are useless too.

Why would that be the case? The Runner has nothing to fear from Weyland in Archives except for Space Camp, but that card has very little synergy with the rest of the deck so I don’t think the Runner is at all concerned with what might be hidden there. I would run Archives as a matter of principle as soon as J-How turns up in order to make you pop him if you have over-drawn agendas. I’m not going to let a combo deck keep their draw engine on the table.

A lot of the other scenarios you describe seem pretty low percentage.

There are a lot of “ifs” and “maybes” in this paragraph. It’s also quite contradictory: if it “doesn’t matter how rich the runner gets” then why do you need to “keep roughly even or slightly ahead in credits”? Why is Data Raven into an agenda relevant if you’re trying to set up a Punitive kill? The tag is only important if you’re scorching. You’re also asking to see two of your three DR/Snares and be holding at least one Punitive in hand, while the runner doesn’t have Plascrete in play or IHW in hand. If the latter you also need your Invasion and a healthy credit lead. You’re also asking for the runner to have run on specifically their second click in order for False Lead to be relevant (or their last click to achieve the same result without a scored False Lead). This seems to need a lot of the right cards at the right time, as well as some sub-optimal play from the Runner. I just don’t see it being reliable at the higher levels of the game.


If you scored two False Leads, how could you NOT score a 5/3 for econ? OR at least a 4-advanced GRNDL?

If they play a double or Same Old Thing with False Lead out, they can’t run through a Data Raven that turn without taking a tag. I used to have all three Data Ravens but cut one because I always ended up tossing one anyway.