I should say for context that I’ve been playing this on and off locally for quite a while in casual games and a GNK event or two, with good results, and this is where @king_mob has picked it up from. Having said this, yes, the CR clearing grim and feeding archer is sometimes cumbersome, but with blacklist out (and dropping from 3 to 2 archers to find influence for it) this is less of an issue.
Regarding econ, yes, this deck is light. However, it’s a fairly slow, reactive deck, and this means that clicking for creds isn’t a big problem. All the money in the world is irrelevant if your corroder has been shutdowned and you’re locked out by bako (something that happens surprisingly regularly against crims).
Chronos Project is working just fine for me. If you have a Blacklist on the table, you just need to IA the Chronos, AA on the next turn, install over Blacklist on your last click, then score Chronos immediately. Since it’s your turn, there’s no paid ability window for the runner between the overwrite and the score. And with the heap empty, it doesn’t matter that you had to trash Blacklist.
Also consider that now that Blacklist is seeing play, runners that are hit by it particularly hard are prepared for the eventuality of having to get in and trash it. Nothing’s more hilarious than hitting them with a Chronos after they’ve spent time and effort to get Blacklist off the table
Influence is too tight, i dont think you would see enough grail with only 2x of each to make it worth the while, once you starting spending the inf on grail there is less for shutdown + blacklist, even with 2x jackson.
Yea I agree, I’m a stone face bluffer, but shutting down w/o jackson makes me very worried. I wonder if you skip on shutdown and just run full grail if that has any merit.
Shotdown PE was much better when Shutdown meant you were almost sure to get their barrier breaker. Now with Lady and more low-cost hardware, Shutdown isn’t as effective.
Just to be clear - i dont think any of us are under the illusion this is going to be a t1 deck. At best, its griefer fun, and will wreck some face down a casual night or GNK probably because of the level of play at those events and also because no one will be expecting old school shutdown PE. Blacklist makes it a right dickhead. Not a lot more. This is for in between practicing with RP against Kate over and over again when we feel like we want to have fun with netrunner for a bit.
I think universe of tomorrow will blur that line a bit, messing with the card draw may be quite powerful, especially at with a 0 cost 5 str ice, and a 1 rez 5 trash asset
Hi guys, I have been out of stimhack for a while.
PS Jinteki are still playble, it has decent matchup vs Kate, but you ussually cannot lock them down, so you have to race your scoring behind big senties. It works in like 50-70% of games.
Rest matchup also ok. But you have to pack swordsman and probablly crisium grids to deal with anarches.
But recently I build and play new super hot deck! It is another beast from PS build, but it also abuses fact that people want to install their rig on board as soon as possible vs Jinteki. More so after Cortex Lock was released.
So the build is synthesis of Cambridge build with mushins and thousand of net damage and my PSJ.
Here is deck list: Aggressive Lock
It features some odd cards like Fundraiser or WillOwisp, but you should give it a try, beacause it works. And by works I mean works very well!
Awesome i played a normal-ish cambridge style PE deck at our local game late last night and didnt drop a single game with it, iv started to think its definitely still got some utility and may be becoming better placed given the current anti glacier style of a lot of runners. I really like agg sec as an include. Will definitely give your list a try!
Whats your thoughts on invasion of privacy? I think its great in kill decks as it acts like damage you cant prevent, and also gets iv had worse out of the runners hand, and can really hurt ppvp kate, but the problem with it is that its a trace, so you need a little more econ than usual which iv found can sometimes be a problem with PE.
IoP is really not for this deck. I don’t have enough credits to win traces. And I don’t know which corp can consistently outpace runner economy now. May be try Neh mushin no shin with reversed accounts?
I was thinking more for kate where they end their turn fairly broke, then burst up next turn and make a huge mutli access run, or stomp through any remote you have set up.
MaxX i think would be very difficult to get the trace to stick for instance. Shame as IoP is a really good card in kill decks.
I think PE is a strange deck that will do really well against people who don’t slot the cards against it. Then it is awesome and then people put a single hate card and the deck is dead again. And then they remove that cards and then deck resurfaces again…
But the problem with it is that people can outplay the deck. Carefully running, focusing on RnD multiaccess (medium, only ever take a look at two new cards at a time) is usually good enough to win, even without any hate cards.
Im not so sure, i see PE as an attrition deck much like noise. Im not interested in killing you for half the game, im interested in you ignoring my remotes because they could be cerebrals while i score out 1 pointers. Im interested in hitting IHW to flood your hand, forcing you to discard and reduce your protection later in the game. I’m interested in needling the runners hand, getting a breaker in the bin then exile with chronos.
Even with feedback filter thats 3c per net, im happy with that credit swing if im honest, go down to low enough credits saving your bacon and you cant do psi and are left clicking through eli, or fearing that lone tsurugi enough not to run it.
Although flatline wins are most of the games, thats true, i think that if people think PE is all about flatline and chase that, they are playing it a little wrong. Its about manipulating hidden information more than killing.
I’m not saying PE is the greatest deck in the world, far from it, but i think its more disruptive than people give it credit for. I also think playing around it depends very much the person who is playing as PE.
Edit: Just to be balanced, i admit i do like underplayed ID’s cos im a hipster like that and my current pet ID in that vein in PE, and i am aware that my opinion of PE at this point could be a lot of confirmation bias. If i’m frank i don’t think its as strong as RP by any stretch, as there are more matchups that hurt my PE deck than would hurt an RP deck.