Store Championship Winners Battle Royale

There is one on March 28th near me that I’m going to, so there should be a lot in the pipe.

Came SO CLOSE today. 22 person tournament, 1st seed, but took second after elims. I might have one more chance :slight_smile:


I played 3 SCs last year, and won 2 of them. With a combined entry of 15. The third had 20+ (and I came 3rd)

Yeah there is one on March 28th here in Portland as well.

I believe you can run SC’s until the end of April

We’ve got a 3/7 and a 3/28 and maybe a 3/15 available.

SC season is January through March. Over here, we have one on March 7th, one on March 8th, and one on March 15th :smiley:

we have SCs here on March 7, 14, 15, and 21. wish the stores would’ve spread these out across january/february!

We ended up all bunched together simply because the distributor didn’t send us the stuff until mid-February. Sometimes, the store gets very little say in the matter :stuck_out_tongue:

Everyone get 1 round of bye for each SC they’ve won…maybe there is a point in me travelling for a second win then :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m in though, would be cool !

I might actually have to figure out how to OCTGN for this.


I have the hope that despite not everyone being an OCTGN fan, we can bring out some of the non-regulars for this! It’s going to be an awesome event, the likes of which haven’t been seen for online netrunner.


hotkey list for octgn

everything else you need you can do by right clicks relevant areas and navigating menus, or asking your opponent if its really something wild.

hope this helps you in your decision :smiley:


If you fill out the form and press submit, it may not look like it worked. But if you provide an email you’ll get a confirmation email. My email can within a minute.

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Too bad that our scene is not officially supported by FFG. I would love to participate @SC Battle Royale :smile:

won a sc mostly for this ^^


Woop woop!

Won one today.

See you all on the 12th. :wink:

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Can there be an exception for people who get 4 Second places. I’m running out of chances. Congrats to all who are in though, it’s surprisingly tough out there!

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You didn’t get a bye (by losing to someone that has already won) in all those 2nd places finishes? I got 2 second place finishes before I won one, but I got my bye in the 2nd SC. Just wanted to make sure you didn’t miss that you qualify if you get a bye.

Nope, these were all throughout the state, lots of room for other good players. Shit happens I guess.

I’ve got one more shot AFAIK, gotta make it count.