This has largely been my experience. I’ve gone bankrupt nearly every game, I think the sansan is a mistake, even though it alone lets me get to 6 points normally
I think ST has a bunch of problems.
- Money is rough
- Atman doesn’t care about your ID
- Ice Carver neutralizes this ID with wooley whizz around
- It needs either city grid or caprice.
- There aren’t enough defining ST cards for it to stand out, making ETF better.
My last point is perhaps the nail in the coffin. If you build it full bioroids, it’s not that good because there needs to be cheaper costing bioroids. Arguably, Viktor 1 and eli are the best ice in the deck. We need weaker, smaller bioroids that aren’t Zed, or you end up playing a hybrid deck that ETF does far better.
I always thought of bioroids as Netrunners version of tribal. Unfortunately, there aren’t enough to make a tribe without breaking the bank.
As a fellow ST enthusiast I’m just benching it for a bit. Right now is a weak time to build it. It’s still lacking a lot of the support it needs to properly function.
For, me, the biggest problem is that early game you just die to siphon if you go all in on bioroids. You can’t stop them and multi access can end you just as easily. Giving the runner permission to never install breakers is a losing strategy, and building to force a multitude of breakers ultimatley weakens the ST plan enough that you should just be ETF or something else.
yeah any server isn’t safe unless you have it double iced and that tempo is hard to overcome. Having to lay 2 pieces of ice to gear check isn’t fun
Sounds like RP. Maybe look to take a page out of the RP playbook.
if your meta is full of anarch targeted marketing seems like a good one to go with.
Dumb idea for Mumbad cycle: Surat City Grid + Brain Taping Warehouse. Rez Surat and Brain Taping at the beginning of the runner’s turn before they take any clicks for a -6 rez cost on a chain of bioroid ICE + one bioroid outside the server.
Bad, or super-bad?
(Surat can trigger over and over if you keep rezzing in the same server, right?)
Yes it can, but every upgrade you include to pull this off and save money makes your R&D more porous and you’ve built a deck where people can click through most of the stuff you’re installing.
This is an amazing idea, I love it!
it works with ICE (the language in the spoiler is “in or protecting”) so this combo would only require the Surat grids and the BT warehouses to rez a mountain of ice for -6 creds each.
Probably jank city, honestly, but it could be super fun.
Oh it sounds like a blast, maybe you could use Surat like an econ card in this way, and have Heinlein grid and good forbid shipment from mirrormorph to install things super quick, with dedicated technicians installing your ice for you.
Super bad, or super duper bad?
While we mostly appear to be talking about making Stronger Together work right now (and I have tried many times, believe me), I don’t think the advent of Global Food Initiative (or BBG/Turing) provides enough support to justify the loss of the ETF credit. Particularly in the early game, where those few extra credits are so pivotal in staying afloat.
Personally, I feel that Ravana 1.0 will be a strong support card for the ID though, and look forward to tinkering with ST more seriously when it arrives.
Here’s something I’ve been playing for a while.
Big Damn Robots 2
Haas-Bioroid: Stronger Together
Agenda (9)
3x Accelerated Beta Test
3x Global Food Initiative •••
3x Project Vitruvius
Asset (8)
3x Adonis Campaign
3x Eve Campaign
2x Jackson Howard ••
Upgrade (10)
3x Ash 2X3ZB9CY
3x Breaker Bay Grid
2x Caprice Nisei ••••• •••
2x Crisium Grid ••
Operation (5)
3x Hedge Fund
2x Lag Time
Barrier (3)
3x Eli 1.0
Code Gate (6)
3x Turing
3x Viktor 1.0
Sentry (8)
3x Architect
1x Assassin
3x Ichi 1.0
1x Ichi 2.0
15 influence spent (max 15)
21 agenda points (between 20 and 21)
49 cards (min 45)
Cards up to Data and Destiny
Deck built on
Lag Time is pretty unimpressive, but it’s a decent counter to say Employee Strike. I’d probably drop one for a CVS. ST is one of my favorite IDs though. The presence of GFI and the Foodcoats shell has really pushed it into the playable realm.
Sometimes I feel like the id really helps with some matchups, having a five strength ichi naturally just makes the difference at times. The problem with ST is that it’s not great against tier 1 hyper efficient decks, cause those are the decks that will exploit bioroid weaknesses the most. Asset based decks will lose to most anarchs, siphon definitely hurts ST, and ppvp is just too fast for most of these decks. I would like to see an ambush that lets you force an encounter with a bioroid ice, kind of like archangel, just so you can punish clicking through a little harder
You can always swap lag time for ELP since that has natural synergy with bioroids.
Thinking about it, lag time only helps with certain ice as more than just a straight up tax. Architect is probably the main thing you want at 4 strength, but I think patch is worth looking at in this particular build, since a 4 are turing on centrals presents additional difficulties for the runner.
I think ST wants non bioroid ice of some kind, just to throw the runner off. I ran into a wall of static first click and felt like I was wasting time and playing into the corporate scheme. ST can be reasonably strong once, and that’s it, but it’s time will come I bet.
The real issue is that the cards that punish using clicks to break bioroids take up the slots you need for additional money since you dont have ETF credit
Oh yeah, that’s a good point. I was so focused on making them stronger!
I was thinking about lagtime too (x3) + a full 20 bioroid suit these times.
It’s my feeling that Stronger Together probably wants to include Markus 1.0 and Viktor 1.0, and probably does not want to include Ichi 2.0, Assassin, or Turing. It probably also wants to include Caprice, but maybe not Ash (Strongbox is a possible substitute). Architect, I think is too good not to include, especially when Ichi 1 at 5 punishes Mimic rigs so effectively.
In general, the ice situation is pretty good, so your influence can go into … econ to replace EtF. Sweeps or something.
Your ice is maybe a little more annoying to face check, and Brain Taping Warehouse is pretty good once you’ve made space for Markus and Viktor.